这主要是this问题的延续,代码是相同的。我现在有可点击的标记叠加,但它们都链接到与当前活动标记相关联的帖子,而不是与所单击标记相对应的帖子。 (我相信link to the site会很健康 - 对不起,所有这些都是俄语的。)
我无法弄清楚,是否是PHP / WordPress问题(应该是某种东西而不是'the_permalink'?)或jQuery / Gmap3问题,所以我列出了所有标签。
function et_add_marker( marker_order, marker_lat, marker_lng, marker_description ){
var marker_id = 'et_marker_' + marker_order;
marker : {
id : marker_id,
latLng : [marker_lat, marker_lng],
options: {
icon : "<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/blue-marker.png"
events : {
click: function( marker ){
if ( et_active_marker ){
et_active_marker.setAnimation( null );
et_active_marker.setIcon( '<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/blue-marker.png' );
et_active_marker = marker;
<!--marker.setAnimation( google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE);-->
marker.setIcon( '<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/red-marker.png' );
$(this).gmap3("get").panTo( marker.position );
$.fn.et_simple_slider.external_move_to( marker_order );
mouseover: function( marker ){
$( '#' + marker_id ).css( { 'display' : 'block', 'opacity' : 0 } ).stop(true,true).animate( { bottom : '15px', opacity : 1 }, 500 );
mouseout: function( marker ){
$( '#' + marker_id ).stop(true,true).animate( { bottom : '50px', opacity : 0 }, 500, function() {
$(this).css( { 'display' : 'none' } );
} );
overlay : {
latLng : [marker_lat, marker_lng],
options : {
content : marker_description,
offset : {
/*Below is the added code, that should make overlay link to a corresponding WP post. This way it links to the post, associated with the active marker, not the clicked marker. */
events : {
click: function (marker) {
location.href = "<?php the_permalink(); ?>";
/*End of the added code*/
$i = 0;
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
$et_location_lat = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_et_listing_lat', true );
$et_location_lng = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_et_listing_lng', true );
$et_location_rating = '<div class="location-rating"></div>';
if ( ( $et_rating = et_get_rating() ) && 0 != $et_rating )
$et_location_rating = '<div class="location-rating"><span class="et-rating"><span style="' . sprintf( 'width: %dpx;', esc_attr( $et_rating * 17 ) ) . '"></span></span></div>';
if ( '' != $et_location_lat && '' != $et_location_lng ) {
et_add_marker( <?php printf( '%1$d, %2$s, %3$s, \'<div id="et_marker_%1$d" class="et_marker_info"><div class="location-description"> <div class="location-title"> <h2>%4$s</h2> <div class="listing-info"><p>%5$s</p></div> </div> ' . $et_location_rating . ' </div> <!-- .location-description --> </div> <!-- .et_marker_info -->\'',
esc_html( $et_location_lat ),
esc_html( $et_location_lng ),
wp_strip_all_tags( addslashes( get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'listing_type', '', '' ) ) )
); ?> );
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我对wordpress不熟悉,所以我不能告诉你如何完全按照它来做,但是在函数内部不要使用<?php the_permalink(); ?>