
时间:2013-08-25 20:05:08

标签: php apache sockets ubuntu websocket



$socket = @socket_create_listen("12345");

while (true) {  
    $client = socket_accept($socket);
    socket_write($client, 'hello');
    while (true) {
        //Code to exit this loop when client looses connection
        socket_write($client, '');
        echo socket_last_error($socket);




$r = array($socket);
$w = NULL;
$e = NULL;
if (false === socket_select($r, $w, $e, 0)) {
    echo "socket_select() failed, reason: " .
        socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "\n";



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


此代码的发起人被声明为 Andrew Gillard 没有其他许可证信息可用...


$host = '';
$port = 7010;


function socketError($errorFunction, $die=false)
    $errMsg = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
    echo $errorFunction.' '.$errMsg."\n";
    if ($die) die("Program Ended\n");

//Attempt to create our socket. The "@" hides PHP's standard error reporting,
if (!($server = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP))) socketError('socket_create', true);
//socket_set_option($server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
if (!@socket_bind($server, $host, $port)) socketError('socket_bind', true);
if (!@socket_listen($server)) socketError('socket_listen', true);
 //Create an array to store our sockets in. We use this so that we can
// determine which socket has new incoming data with the "socket_select()"
// function, and to properly close each socket when the script finishes
$allSockets = array($server);

while (true) {
    //We have to echo something to the browser or PHP won't know if the Stop button has been pressed
    //echo ' ';
    //if ( connection_aborted() ) {
        //The Stop button has been pressed, so close all our sockets and exit
        //foreach ($allSockets as $socket) socket_close($socket);

    //socket_select() is slightly strange. You have to make a copy of the array
    // of sockets you pass to it, because it changes that array when it returns
    // and the resulting array will only contain sockets with waiting data on
    // them. $write and $except are set to NULL because we aren't interested in
    // them. The last parameter indicates that socket_select will return after
    // that many seconds if no data is receiveed in that time; this prevents the
    // script hanging forever at this point (remember, we might want to accept a
    // new connection or even exit entirely) and also pauses the script briefly
    // to prevent this tight while() loop using a lot of processor time
    $changedSockets = $allSockets;
    @socket_select($changedSockets, $write = NULL, $except = NULL, 10);

    //Now we loop over each of the sockets that socket_select() says have new
    // data on them
    foreach($changedSockets as $socket) {
        if ($socket == $server) {
            //socket_select() will include our server socket in the
            // $changedSockets array if there is an incoming connection attempt
            // on it. This will only accept one incoming connection per while()
            // loop iteration, but that shouldn't be a problem given the
            // frequency that we're iterating
            if (!($client = @socket_accept($server))) {
                socketError('socket_accept', false);
            } else {
                //Accepted incoming connection, add new client socket to our array of sockets
                $allSockets[] = $client;
            echo "Accepted: allSockets count = ".count($allSockets)." memory: ".memory_get_usage()."\n";
        } else {
            //Attempt to read data from this socket
            echo "socket read start\n"; //DEBUG
            $data = @socket_read($socket, 1024);
            echo "socket read end\n"; //DEBUG
            if ($data === false || $data === '') {
                //socket_read() returned FALSE, meaning that the client has
                // closed the connection. Therefore we need to remove this
                // socket from our client sockets array and close the socket
                //A potential bug in PHP means that socket_read() will return
                // an empty string instead of FALSE when the connection has
                // been closed, contrary to what the documentation states. As
                // such, we look for FALSE or an empty string (an empty string
                // for the current, buggy, behaviour, and FALSE in case it ends
                // up getting fixed at some point)
                unset($allSockets[array_search($socket, $allSockets)]);
                echo "$socket closed, number left = ".count($allSockets)."\n";
            } else {
                //We got useful data from socket_read()
                echo "$socket [".count($allSockets)." - ".memory_get_usage(). "] wrote: $data\n";

                // ADD YOUR DATA HANDLER HERE
} // end while


答案 1 :(得分:0)


$result = socket_read($socket,2000);

if ($result === "") {
      // it goes in here when the socket (host) has disconnected
else {
     // it goes in here when the buffer is empty or the buffer has data in it