
时间:2013-08-25 19:48:41

标签: ios objective-c json nsdictionary afnetworking

我正在使用AFNetworking使用HTTP POST将一些JSON数据发送到服务器。 AFNetworking使用setParameterEncoding:AFJSONParameterEncoding配置。 所以我构建了我的请求参数:

NSMutableDictionary* params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableArray* users = [NSMutableArray array];

        for (NSDictionary *localEntity in SOMECOREDATAENTITIES)
            // create a new dict. "user"
            NSMutableDictionary* user = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
            // add basic parameters for our user
            [user setValue:[localEntity valueForKey:@"firstname"] forKey:@"first_name"];
            [user setValue:[localEntity valueForKey:@"lastname"] forKey:@"last_name"];

            //one level down: create a new dict. and give it some key-value pairs
            NSMutableDictionary* device = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
            [device setValue:localEntity[@"imei"] forKey:@"device_imei"];
            // add the new dict. to the user
            [user setValue:device forKey:@"device"];

            //two levels down:  create a new array and add multiple dict. to it
            NSMutableDictionary* oEntitys = localEntity[@"orders"];
            NSMutableArray* orders = [NSMutableArray array];
            for (NSDictionary *orderEntity in oEntitys)
                NSMutableDictionary* order = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
                [order setValue:[orderEntity valueForKey:@"orderID"] forKey:@"order_id"];
                [orders addObject:order];
            // add the array containing multiple NSDictionarys to the user dict.
            [user setValue:orders forKey:@"orders"];

            // finally add our user to the users dict.
            [users addObject:user];

        // we add our users dict to the AFNetworking parameters
        [params setValue:users forKey:@"users"];
        // we add some more settings to the AFNetworking parameters
        [params setValue:@"SOMEVALUE" forKey:@"SOMEKEY"];

如你所见,我们在这里得到了几乎所有东西:带有一些键值对的NSDictionary,还有嵌套的NSDictionary对象和嵌套在NSDictrionaries中的NSArrays。 在查看网络流量发送时,我看到发送的JSON对象如下所示: NSDictionary is not resolved correctly to JSON format


然而,AFNetworking设置似乎很好(我能够深入挖掘“用户” - 对象) - 这只是NSDictionary的问题 - 我想 - 如果我使用这样的东西进行测试:

params = @{@"users":
                   firstname: @"SOMENAMEVALUE",
                   lastname: @"SOMENAMEVALUE"
           @"SOMEKEY": @"SOMEVALUE"]

Resolved correctly


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