我正在加载包含骨干视图的requireJS模块。在该视图中,在"初始化期间"还会加载包含在单独模块中的子视图。完成此操作后,我想在新加载的子视图中添加一个监听器。但是,此操作失败,因为应该加载的子模块由于某种原因尚未注册。在下面的代码中,当我记录" that.childModule,"它返回一个未定义的值,如果模块正确加载则不应该是这种情况。可能是什么问题
//Sample of a requireJS module that contains a backbone view, which in turn loads other subviews
define(function (require) {
//Narrate dependencies
'use strict';
var $ = require('jquery');
var _ = require('underscore');
var Backbone = require('backbone');
//Create the parentView
var ParentView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
//Make the subViews
var that = this;
], function(ChildModel, ChildView){
that.ChildModule = new ChildView({
el: $(".theDiv", that.el),
model: new ChildModel()
this.listenTo(this.ChildModule.model, 'change:focus', this.blur);
render: function() {
$(this.el).append('<div class="theDiv"></div>');;
return this;
return ParentView;