
时间:2013-08-25 14:36:08

标签: backbone.js

我正在使用require js和Backbone为android开发应用程序。我必须通过touchend事件将一个从集合中获取的模型传递给路由器。我该怎么办?

define(["jquery", "underscore","backbone","handlebars", "views/CinemaView", "models/CineDati",  "text!templates/listacinema.html"],

function($,_,Backbone,Handlebars,CinemaView, CineDati, template){   
  var ListaCinemaView = Backbone.View.extend({
    template: Handlebars.compile(template),
    events: {
        "touchend" : "Details"
    initialize : function (){
        var self = this;
            url: '',
            type: 'GET',
            data: {key: 'BwKR7b2D'},
            dataType: 'jsonp', // Setting this data type will add the callback parameter for you
            success: function (response, status) {
                // Check for errors from the server
                if (response.errors) {
                    $.each(response.errors, function() {
                        alert('An error occurred. Please Try Again');
                } else {

                    $.each(response.cinemas, function() {
                        var cinema = new CineDati();
                        cinema.set({ id :, name : , cinema_url : this.cinema_url, address: this.address, postcode : this.postcode , telephone : this.telephone });



    events : {
        "#touchend" : Dettagli

    render : function(){

            _.each(this.model.models, function (cinema) {
              $("#lista").append(new CinemaView({
                          model: cinema
               }).render().el); }, this));

          return this;

     Dettagli : function(){ 

        Backbone.history.navigate( this.model , {trigger: "true"});

    return ListaCinemaView;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routeParams: {},
    routes: {
        "home": "onHomeRoute"
     *Override navigate function
     *@param {String} route The route hash
     *@param {PlainObject} options The Options for navigate functions.
     *              You can send a extra property "params" to pass your parameter as following:
     *              {
     *               params: 'data'
     *              }
    navigate: function(route, options) {
        var routeOption = {
                trigger: true
            params = (options && options.params) ? options.params : null;
        $.extend(routeOption, options);
        delete routeOption.params;

        //set the params for the route
        this.param(route, params);
        Backbone.Router.prototype.navigate(route, routeOption);

     *Get or set parameters for a route fragment
     *@param {String} fragment Exact route hash. for example:
     *                   If you have route for 'profile/:id', then to get set param
     *                   you need to send the fragment 'profile/1' or 'profile/2'
     *@param {Any Type} params The parameter you to set for the route
     *@return param value for that parameter.
    param: function(fragment, params) {
        var matchedRoute;
        _.any(Backbone.history.handlers, function(handler) {
            if (handler.route.test(fragment)) {
                matchedRoute = handler.route;
        if (params !== undefined) {
            this.routeParams[fragment] = params;

        return this.routeParams[fragment];

     * Called when hash changes to home route
    onHomeRoute: function() {
        console.log("param =", this.param("home"));


这里我写了一个自定义函数" param"用于执行要发送的get / set参数。


var router = new Router();
router.navigate("home", {
    params: 'Your data'


this.param("home"); //this will return the parameter you set while calling navigate function or else will return null

答案 1 :(得分:6)



  • 使用Router.navigate()更改网址。
  • 使用Backbone.Events聚合器触发(或发布)您的活动和数据。


var vent = _.extend( {}, Backbone.Events ); // Create your app specific event aggregator

var ListaCinemaView = Backbone.View.extend({


    Dettagli : function(){
        vent.trigger('movie:show:request', this.model);

        Backbone.history.navigate( this.model.get('id') );


vent.on('movie:show:request', showMovieDetails);

var showMovieDetails = function(model) { ... }

最后,请查看MarrionetteJS。它使用发布/订阅模式来处理应用程序各部分之间的通信。它是一个非常好的框架,因为您基本上选择了要使用的部件。它得到了很好的记录和支持。此外,它的创建者Derick Bailey在Stackoverflow上非常活跃,因此您可以快速获得帮助。