
时间:2013-08-23 12:49:50

标签: java autoboxing

我的问题涉及包装类。我知道当我们使用包装类存储基本类型文字时,我们将它存储为该包装类的对象,因此对象的标识符将是一个引用变量(在某种程度上类似于c ++中的指针)。例如,在Integer wi = new Integer("56")中,wi是参考变量。但如果这是真的:

  1. 为什么我可以wi++wi +=2?为什么编译器会处理那些像普通原始变量这样的引用变量?参考变量不存储对象的引用吗?

  2. 鉴于Integer wi = new Integer("56")int pi = 56,为什么(wi == pi)会返回true。是不是应该存储引用(地址)?

  3. 另一个问题:当一个引用变量作为参数传递给方法时,它计为通过引用传递,因此发生的修改 该参考变量应该影响它的值,但它不会:

    public class Main {
      void show(Integer x){
        x *=100 ;
      void goo(int x){
        x *=100 ;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Main mn = new Main() ;
        Integer wi = new Integer("86");
        int pi = 86 ;
        System.out.println(pi); //output = 86
        System.out.println(wi); //output = 86, shouldn't it be 8600?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  1. 为什么我能这样做? wi ++或wi + = 2 .i意味着为什么编译器会处理像普通原始变量这样的引用变量?(不是引用变量存储对象的引用?)



2.或如果我们有==>“整数wi =新整数(”56“)”和“int pi = 56”。为什么(wi == pi)返回true。不应该存储引用(地址)



class PassPrimitiveToMethod
    public static void main(String [] args)
        int a = 5;
        System.out.println("Before Passing value to modify() a = " + a);
        PassPrimitiveToMethod p = new PassPrimitiveToMethod();
        System.out.println("After passing value to modify() a = " + a);
        // the output is still the same because the copy of the value is passed to the method and not the copy of the bits like in refrence variables
        // hence unlike the reference variables the value remains unchanged after coming back to the main method


    void modify(int b)
        b = b + 1;
        System.out.println("Modified number  b = " + b);
        // here the value passed is the copy of variable a
        // and only the copy is modified here not the variable 



Before Passing value to modify() a = 5
Modified number  b = 6
After passing value to modify() a = 5


class PassReferenceToMethod
    public static void main(String [] args)
        Dimension d = new Dimension(5,10);
        PassReferenceToMethod p = new PassReferenceToMethod();
        System.out.println("Before passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        p.modify(d);            // pass the d reference variable
        System.out.println("After passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        // the value changes because we are passing the refrence only which points to the single and same object
        // hence the values of the object are modified 

    void modify(Dimension dim)
        dim.height = dim.height + 1;



class PassReferenceToMethod
    public static void main(String [] args)
        Dimension d = new Dimension(5,10);
        PassReferenceToMethod p = new PassReferenceToMethod();
        System.out.println("Before passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        p.modify(d);            // pass the d reference variable
        System.out.println("After passing the reference d.height = " + d.height);
        // the value changes because we are passing the refrence only which points to the single and same object
        // hence the values of the object are modified 

    void modify(Dimension dim)
        dim.height = dim.height + 1;



Before passing the reference d.height = 10
After passing the reference d.height = 11

答案 1 :(得分:1)


void show(Integer x){
  x *=100 ;


void show(Integer x) {
  int unboxed = x.intValue();
  unboxed *= 100;

如您所见,行x *= 100并未真正更改您传入的Integer对象,它只会更改从int对象中提取的Integer值。

以类似的方式,问题中的代码wi == pi实际上意味着wi.intValue() == pi,这可以解释您的观察结果。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Java使用“按值调用”概念,如详细描述here 所以在你的情况下x * = 100;在方法show中只更新局部变量

答案 3 :(得分:0)

