PHP邮件表单 - 在浏览器中单击后退按钮时阻止重新提交

时间:2013-08-22 23:43:39

标签: php forms submit clear






  • PHP脚本和HTML表单的代码位于名为contact-form-template.php的文件中。
  • 表格包含在几页中;所以在我想要联系表单的页面上,我使用的是include('contact-form-template.php')。


仅供参考 - 我尝试在每个回复的各行上包含一个标题(位置:等)重定向:


警告:无法修改标头信息 - 已在/ home / user / public_html / test / contact-form-template中发送的标头(在/home/user/public_html/test/contact-us.php:152处开始输出)第260行的.php


所以我的实际联系页面是contact-us.php - 除了这一行之外的所有HTML:

<?php include('contact-form-template.php') ; ?>


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { 

$sender_name        = $_POST['input_name'] ;
$sender_company     = $_POST['input_company'] ;
$sender_email       = $_POST['input_email'] ;
$sender_telephone   = $_POST['input_telephone'] ;
$sender_message     = $_POST['input_message'] ;
$human_response     = $_POST['input_human'] ;
$callback_date      = $_POST['input_date'] ;
$callback_time      = $_POST['input_time'] ;

// Error Messages
$errorMsg_prefix                = "<li>" ;
$errorMsg_suffix                = "</li>" ;
// Name
$errorMsg_Name_Empty            = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter your name (cannot be empty)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_Name_Invalid          = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please your name using valid characters only." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Email
$errorMsg_Email_Invalid         = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a valid e-mail address." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_Email_Empty           = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter your e-mail address (cannot be empty)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Telephone
$errorMsg_Telephone_Invalid     = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a valid telephone number." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_Telephone_Empty       = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter your telephone number (cannot be empty)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Message
$errorMsg_Message               = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a message. Your message should be at least 30 and no more than 3000 characters in length." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Human
$errorMsg_Human_Incorrect       = $errorMsg_prefix . "You have not answered the simple maths question correctly!" . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Callback Date
$errorMsg_callbackDate          = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a valid date for us to call you back on, formatted as dd/mm/yyyy (for example: 31/01/2013)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_callbackDate_ifTime   = $errorMsg_prefix . "You have selected a date for us to call you back, but not a time." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Callback Time
$errorMsg_callbackTime_ifDate   = $errorMsg_prefix . "You have selected a time for us to call you back, but not a date." . $errorMsg_suffix ;

// Server Side Validation
// Input: Name
if ( $sender_name != "") {
    $sender_name = substr(filter_var( $sender_name, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 0,49) ;  
    if ( $sender_name == "" ) {  
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Name_Invalid ;
} else {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Name_Empty ;

// Input: Company
if ( $sender_company != "") { 
    $sender_company = substr(filter_var( $sender_company, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING),0,49);

// Input: Email
if ( $sender_email != "") {  
    $email_temp = filter_var( $sender_email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); 
    if (!filter_var( $email_temp, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {  
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Email_Invalid ;
} else {  
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Email_Empty ;

// Input: Telephone
if ( $sender_telephone != "") {
    $sender_telephone = filter_var($sender_telephone, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
    if ( strlen ( $sender_telephone ) < 11 || strlen ( $sender_telephone ) > 12 ) {
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Telephone_Invalid ;
} else {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Telephone_Empty ;

// Input: Message
if ( $sender_message != "") {  
   $sender_message = filter_var($sender_message, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);  
    if ($sender_message == "") {  
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Message ;
    } elseif ( strlen ($sender_message) < 30 || strlen ($sender_message) > 3000 ) {
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Message ;
} else {  
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Message ;

// Input: Human
if ( $human_response != "12" ) {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Human_Incorrect ;

// Input: Callback date
$callback_date = filter_var($callback_date, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    if ( $callback_date != "" ) {
        list ($day,$month,$year) = explode ("/" ,$callback_date );
        if ( (is_numeric($day)) || (is_numeric($month)) || (is_numeric($year)) and strlen($year) == 4 ) {
            if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) 
                $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackDate ;
            } else {
                $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackDate ;
    if ( $callback_date != "" && $callback_time == "") {
        $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackDate_ifTime ;

// Input: Callback Time
if ( $callback_time != "" && $callback_date == "" ) {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackTime_ifDate ;

// If there are no errors - send the form.
if (!$errors) {

    $sender_ipAddress   = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $sender_browser     = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

    // E-mail headers
    $recipient_email    = "" ;
    $headers            = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
    $headers            .= "Content-type:text/html; charset: utf8" . "\r\n";
    $headers            .= "From: Website\r\n"; 
    $headers            .= 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" ;

    // Setting the e-mail subject
    $subject            = "Message from the website." ;

    // For database scripting - replace new-line html with carriage return character - Array
    // Placeholders for array
    $sender_message_placeholders = array("\n") ;
    //Replace Values for array
    $sender_message_replaceValues = array("¶") ;
    // $sender_message stripped of new-lines, and replaced with nc-characters.
    $sender_message_stripped = str_replace($sender_message_placeholders, $sender_message_replaceValues, $sender_message) ;

    // Writing the e-mail body.

    //Head - Commmon
    $emailBody  = "
    <style type \"text/css\">
    body                                { font-family: Helvetica, Arial ; font-size: 16px ; line-height: 20px ; color: #5e5e5e }
    h1                                  { font-size: 42px ; line-height: 42px ; color: #c1c1c1 }
    div.section                         { padding: 12px ; margin-bottom: 8px ; background-color: #f7f7f7 ; border: 1px solid #c8c8c8 }
    div.section#callback-details        { background-color: #f8e0e0 }
    div.section#callback-details label  { color: #df5c5c }
    div.part                            { margin-bottom: 8px }
    div.part:last-child                 { margin-bottom: 0 }

    label                               { margin: 0 ; font-size: 13px ; line-height: 20px ; font-weight: bold ; color: #80a553  }
    p                                   { margin: 0  }
    p.input-field#sender-message        { white-space: pre-line }

    div#dbImport                        { color: #a1a1a1!important  }
    div#dbImport p                      { font-size: 12px!important ; line-height: 19px ; white-space: normal!important }



    <p class=\"input-field\" style=\"margin-bottom:12px\">A message has been sent.</p>
    " ;

    // If Callback Date/Time are provided
    if ( $callback_date != "" ) {
    $emailBody .= "
    <div class=\"section\" id=\"callback-details\">     
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Callback Date:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\">$callback_date</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Callback Time:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\">$callback_time</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->
    " ;

    // Body - Common
    $emailBody .= "
    <div class=\"section\">     
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_name</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_company</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_email</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">        
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_telephone</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->

    <div class=\"section\">     
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\" id=\"sender-message\">$sender_message</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->

    <div class=\"section\" id=\"visitor-info\">
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Sender IP Address:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\"><a href=\"$sender_ipAddress\">$sender_ipAddress</a></p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Sender Web Browser:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_browser</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->

    <div id=\"dbImport\">
        <p style=\"font-weight:bold\">IMPORTDB DATA</p>

    </html>" ;

    /* Send the message using mail() function */
    //mail($recipient_email, $subject, $emailBody, $headers) ;

    // The message to display in the contact form success div
    $success_message = "
    <div id=\"successContainer\">
        <h4>Your message has been sent.  Thank you.</h4>
        <p>Someone will get back to you very shortly.  We aim to respond to all messages within 24 hours.  If your enquiry is super-duper-urgent, why not give us a ring?</p>
    " ;

    // Reset the form if successful.        
    $sender_name = "" ;
    $sender_company = "" ;
    $sender_email = "" ;
    $sender_telephone = "" ;
    $sender_message = "" ;
    $human_response = "" ;
    $callback_date = "" ;
    $callback_time = "" ;

    // end 'if there are no errors'

} else {  // if there are errors with the users inputs
    $error_message = "
    <div class=\"errorContainer\" style=\"display: block\">
        <b style=\"display:block\">Oops... it looks like there is a problem with the data you have entered into the form.  Please correct the following errors:</b>
    </div>" ;
    //echo $error_message ;


<!-- The HTML Form -->

<form id="contact-form" method="post" action="" class="contact-form clearfix">
<div id="contact_form"></div>
<h2>Contact Form</h2>
<?php if(isset($error_message)) { echo $error_message ; }  ;?>
<?php if(isset($success_message)) { echo $success_message ; }  ;?>
<div id="errorContainer" class="errorContainer">
    <b>Oops... it looks like there is a problem with the data you have entered into the form.  Please correct the following errors:</b>
    <ul />
</div><!--  !#errorContainer-callback  -->
<div id="input-fields">
    <div id="name-company">
            <input name="input_name" tabindex="1" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_name); ?>">
            <input name="input_company" tabindex="2" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_company); ?>">
    </div><!--  ! #name-company -->
    <div id="email-telephone">
            <input name="input_email" tabindex="3" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_email); ?>">
            <input name="input_telephone" tabindex="4" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_telephone); ?>">
    </div><!--  ! #email-telephone  -->
</div><!--  ! #input-fields  -->
<div id="message">
    <label>Tell us a little about what you'd like talk about when we call you back.</label>
    <textarea name="input_message" id="input_message" tabindex="5"><?php if (isset($sender_message)) { echo htmlspecialchars($sender_message) ; } ?></textarea>
</div><!--  ! #message  -->
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<!-- BEGIN Bottom of Form (Date/Time/Human/Button)  -->
<div id="end">
    <!-- BEGIN DATE  -->
    <div id="cell1" class="cell">
        <label>When would you like us to get back to you?</label>
            <input placeholder="Date" name="input_date" type="date" id="callback-date" tabindex="6" value="<?php echo $callback_date ; ?>">
        </div><!--  ! date input container  -->
        <!-- BEGIN CELL-TIME  -->
            <select id="callback-time" name="input_time" tabindex="7">
                <?php if($_POST['submit'] == true) { ?>
                    <option value="<?php echo $callback_time ; ?>" selected="selected">
                    <?php echo $callback_time ; ?>
                <?php } else { ?>
                    <option value=""></option>
                <?php } ?>                  
                <option value=""></option>
                <option value="0900-1100">09:00-11:00</option>
                <option value="1100-1300">11:00-13:00</option>
                <option value="1300-1500">13:00-15:00</option>
                <option value="1500-1700">15:00-17:00</option>
        </div><!--  ! subcell -->

    </div><!-- ! #cell1 -->
    <div id="cell2" class="cell human-check">
        <label><b> What is 3 + 9</b></label>
        <input id="human-result-callback" class="human" name="input_human" type="number" maxlength="2" tabindex="8"/>
    </div><!-- ! #cell2 .cell -->
    <!-- BEGIN CELL-BUTTON  -->
    <div id="cell3" class="cell">
        <input class="button" id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Send Your Message">
    </div><!-- ! #cell3 .cell -->
</div><!--  ! #end  --> 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




您可以在header('Location: page.php');功能下使用此代替mail()

这是基于JS的echo("<script>window.location = 'your_page.php';</script>");



echo "<a href=\"your_page.php\" target=\"_top\">Click here to return to our website</a>";



在您的下方:mail($recipient_email, $subject, $emailBody, $headers) ;



我使用您的代码在我的测试表单中使用action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>"作为操作。


$headers .= "From: Website\r\n";

$headers .= "From:" . $sender_email . "\r\n";


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { 

$sender_name        = $_POST['input_name'] ;
$sender_company     = $_POST['input_company'] ;
$sender_email       = $_POST['input_email'] ;
$sender_telephone   = $_POST['input_telephone'] ;
$sender_message     = $_POST['input_message'] ;
$human_response     = $_POST['input_human'] ;
$callback_date      = $_POST['input_date'] ;
$callback_time      = $_POST['input_time'] ;

// Error Messages
$errorMsg_prefix                = "<li>" ;
$errorMsg_suffix                = "</li>" ;
// Name
$errorMsg_Name_Empty            = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter your name (cannot be empty)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_Name_Invalid          = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please your name using valid characters only." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Email
$errorMsg_Email_Invalid         = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a valid e-mail address." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_Email_Empty           = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter your e-mail address (cannot be empty)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Telephone
$errorMsg_Telephone_Invalid     = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a valid telephone number." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_Telephone_Empty       = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter your telephone number (cannot be empty)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Message
$errorMsg_Message               = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a message. Your message should be at least 30 and no more than 3000 characters in length." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Human
$errorMsg_Human_Incorrect       = $errorMsg_prefix . "You have not answered the simple maths question correctly!" . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Callback Date
$errorMsg_callbackDate          = $errorMsg_prefix . "Please enter a valid date for us to call you back on, formatted as dd/mm/yyyy (for example: 31/01/2013)." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
$errorMsg_callbackDate_ifTime   = $errorMsg_prefix . "You have selected a date for us to call you back, but not a time." . $errorMsg_suffix ;
// Callback Time
$errorMsg_callbackTime_ifDate   = $errorMsg_prefix . "You have selected a time for us to call you back, but not a date." . $errorMsg_suffix ;

// Server Side Validation
// Input: Name
if ( $sender_name != "") {
    $sender_name = substr(filter_var( $sender_name, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 0,49) ;  
    if ( $sender_name == "" ) {  
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Name_Invalid ;
} else {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Name_Empty ;

// Input: Company
if ( $sender_company != "") { 
    $sender_company = substr(filter_var( $sender_company, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING),0,49);

// Input: Email
if ( $sender_email != "") {  
    $email_temp = filter_var( $sender_email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); 
    if (!filter_var( $email_temp, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {  
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Email_Invalid ;
} else {  
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Email_Empty ;

// Input: Telephone
if ( $sender_telephone != "") {
    $sender_telephone = filter_var($sender_telephone, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
    if ( strlen ( $sender_telephone ) < 11 || strlen ( $sender_telephone ) > 12 ) {
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Telephone_Invalid ;
} else {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Telephone_Empty ;

// Input: Message
if ( $sender_message != "") {  
   $sender_message = filter_var($sender_message, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);  
    if ($sender_message == "") {  
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Message ;
    } elseif ( strlen ($sender_message) < 30 || strlen ($sender_message) > 3000 ) {
        $errors .= $errorMsg_Message ;
} else {  
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Message ;

// Input: Human
if ( $human_response != "12" ) {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_Human_Incorrect ;

// Input: Callback date
$callback_date = filter_var($callback_date, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    if ( $callback_date != "" ) {
        list ($day,$month,$year) = explode ("/" ,$callback_date );
        if ( (is_numeric($day)) || (is_numeric($month)) || (is_numeric($year)) and strlen($year) == 4 ) {
            if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) 
                $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackDate ;
            } else {
                $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackDate ;
    if ( $callback_date != "" && $callback_time == "") {
        $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackDate_ifTime ;

// Input: Callback Time
if ( $callback_time != "" && $callback_date == "" ) {
    $errors .= $errorMsg_callbackTime_ifDate ;

// If there are no errors - send the form.
if (!$errors) {

    $sender_ipAddress   = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $sender_browser     = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

    // E-mail headers
    $recipient_email    = "" ;
    $headers            = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
    $headers            .= "Content-type:text/html; charset: utf8" . "\r\n";
    $headers            .= "From:" . $sender_email . "\r\n";
    $headers            .= 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" ;

    // Setting the e-mail subject
    $subject            = "Message from the website." ;

    // For database scripting - replace new-line html with carriage return character - Array
    // Placeholders for array
    $sender_message_placeholders = array("\n") ;
    //Replace Values for array
    $sender_message_replaceValues = array("¶") ;
    // $sender_message stripped of new-lines, and replaced with nc-characters.
    $sender_message_stripped = str_replace($sender_message_placeholders, $sender_message_replaceValues, $sender_message) ;

    // Writing the e-mail body.

    //Head - Commmon
    $emailBody  = "
    <style type \"text/css\">
    body                                { font-family: Helvetica, Arial ; font-size: 16px ; line-height: 20px ; color: #5e5e5e }
    h1                                  { font-size: 42px ; line-height: 42px ; color: #c1c1c1 }
    div.section                         { padding: 12px ; margin-bottom: 8px ; background-color: #f7f7f7 ; border: 1px solid #c8c8c8 }
    div.section#callback-details        { background-color: #f8e0e0 }
    div.section#callback-details label  { color: #df5c5c }
    div.part                            { margin-bottom: 8px }
    div.part:last-child                 { margin-bottom: 0 }

    label                               { margin: 0 ; font-size: 13px ; line-height: 20px ; font-weight: bold ; color: #80a553  }
    p                                   { margin: 0  }
    p.input-field#sender-message        { white-space: pre-line }

    div#dbImport                        { color: #a1a1a1!important  }
    div#dbImport p                      { font-size: 12px!important ; line-height: 19px ; white-space: normal!important }



    <p class=\"input-field\" style=\"margin-bottom:12px\">A message has been sent.</p>
    " ;

    // If Callback Date/Time are provided
    if ( $callback_date != "" ) {
    $emailBody .= "
    <div class=\"section\" id=\"callback-details\">     
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Callback Date:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\">$callback_date</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Callback Time:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\">$callback_time</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->
    " ;

    // Body - Common
    $emailBody .= "
    <div class=\"section\">     
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_name</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_company</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_email</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">        
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_telephone</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->

    <div class=\"section\">     
        <div class=\"part\">
            <p class=\"input-field\" id=\"sender-message\">$sender_message</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->

    <div class=\"section\" id=\"visitor-info\">
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Sender IP Address:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\"><a href=\"$sender_ipAddress\">$sender_ipAddress</a></p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
        <div class=\"part\">
            <label>Sender Web Browser:</label>
            <p class=\"input-field\">$sender_browser</p>
        </div><!-- !.part -->
    </div><!-- !.section -->

    <div id=\"dbImport\">
        <p style=\"font-weight:bold\">IMPORTDB DATA</p>

    </html>" ;

    /* Send the message using mail() function */
    mail($recipient_email, $subject, $emailBody, $headers) ;


    // The message to display in the contact form success div
    $success_message = "
    <div id=\"successContainer\">
        <h4>Your message has been sent.  Thank you.</h4>
        <p>Someone will get back to you very shortly.  We aim to respond to all messages within 24 hours.  If your enquiry is super-duper-urgent, why not give us a ring?</p>
    " ;

    // Reset the form if successful.        
    $sender_name = "" ;
    $sender_company = "" ;
    $sender_email = "" ;
    $sender_telephone = "" ;
    $sender_message = "" ;
    $human_response = "" ;
    $callback_date = "" ;
    $callback_time = "" ;

    // end 'if there are no errors'

} else {  // if there are errors with the users inputs
    $error_message = "
    <div class=\"errorContainer\" style=\"display: block\">
        <b style=\"display:block\">Oops... it looks like there is a problem with the data you have entered into the form.  Please correct the following errors:</b>
    </div>" ;
    //echo $error_message ;


<form id="contact-form" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" class="contact-form clearfix">
<div id="contact_form"></div>
<h2>Contact Form</h2>
<?php if(isset($error_message)) { echo $error_message ; }  ;?>
<?php if(isset($success_message)) { echo $success_message ; }  ;?>
<div id="errorContainer" class="errorContainer">
    <b>Oops... it looks like there is a problem with the data you have entered into the form.  Please correct the following errors:</b>
    <ul />
</div><!--  !#errorContainer-callback  -->
<div id="input-fields">
    <div id="name-company">
            <input name="input_name" tabindex="1" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_name); ?>">
            <input name="input_company" tabindex="2" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_company); ?>">
    </div><!--  ! #name-company -->
    <div id="email-telephone">
            <input name="input_email" tabindex="3" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_email); ?>">
            <input name="input_telephone" tabindex="4" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sender_telephone); ?>">
    </div><!--  ! #email-telephone  -->
</div><!--  ! #input-fields  -->
<div id="message">
    <label>Tell us a little about what you'd like talk about when we call you back.</label>
    <textarea name="input_message" id="input_message" tabindex="5"><?php if (isset($sender_message)) { echo htmlspecialchars($sender_message) ; } ?></textarea>
</div><!--  ! #message  -->
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<!-- BEGIN Bottom of Form (Date/Time/Human/Button)  -->
<div id="end">
    <!-- BEGIN DATE  -->
    <div id="cell1" class="cell">
        <label>When would you like us to get back to you?</label>
            <input placeholder="Date" name="input_date" type="date" id="callback-date" tabindex="6" value="<?php echo $callback_date ; ?>">
        </div><!--  ! date input container  -->
        <!-- BEGIN CELL-TIME  -->
            <select id="callback-time" name="input_time" tabindex="7">
                <?php if($_POST['submit'] == true) { ?>
                    <option value="<?php echo $callback_time ; ?>" selected="selected">
                    <?php echo $callback_time ; ?>
                <?php } else { ?>
                    <option value=""></option>
                <?php } ?>                  
                <option value=""></option>
                <option value="0900-1100">09:00-11:00</option>
                <option value="1100-1300">11:00-13:00</option>
                <option value="1300-1500">13:00-15:00</option>
                <option value="1500-1700">15:00-17:00</option>
        </div><!--  ! subcell -->

    </div><!-- ! #cell1 -->
    <div id="cell2" class="cell human-check">
        <label><b> What is 3 + 9</b></label>
        <input id="human-result-callback" class="human" name="input_human" type="number" maxlength="2" tabindex="8"/>
    </div><!-- ! #cell2 .cell -->
    <!-- BEGIN CELL-BUTTON  -->
    <div id="cell3" class="cell">
        <input class="button" id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Send Your Message">
    </div><!-- ! #cell3 .cell -->
</div><!--  ! #end  --> 