
时间:2013-08-22 17:10:06

标签: android android-intent camera save directory

我首先创建了用户可以创建并命名文件夹的主要内容,按下按钮移动到相机的下一个。 创建文件夹后,图像无法将它们保存在dall'intent的路径中。 我完全糊涂了 我为我的英语道歉

        final String direct = this.getIntent().getStringExtra("key");
public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE = 1;

/** Create a file Uri for saving an image or video */

Uri uriSavedImage=Uri.fromFile(new File( direct   + "photo.jpg"));

final Uri getOutputMediaFileUri(int type){
      return Uri.fromFile(getOutputMediaFile(type));

/** Create a File for saving an image or video */
final  File getOutputMediaFile(int type){
    // To be safe, you should check that the SDCard is mounted
    // using Environment.getExternalStorageState() before doing this.

    File mediaStorageDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
              Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES ), "direct" );
    // This location works best if you want the created images to be shared
    // between applications and persist after your app has been uninstalled.

    // Create the storage directory if it does not exist
    if (! mediaStorageDir.exists()){
        if (! mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()){
            Log.d("MyCameraApp", "failed to create directory");
            return null;

    // Create a media file name
    String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date());
    File mediaFile;

    if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE){
        mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator +
        "IMG_"+ timeStamp + ".jpg");
    }  else {
        return null;

    return mediaFile;



公共类MainActivity扩展了Activity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Button b = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1);
    b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        EditText text = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText1); 
        EditText text2 = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText2);
        EditText text3 = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText3);


        public void onClick(View v) {

            final String name = text.getText().toString();
            final String placeName = text2.getText().toString(); 
            final String dettaglio =text3.getText().toString();

            String place = placeName.substring(0,3);
            String direct = name + place + dettaglio ;

            File folder = new File("/sdcard/CameraTest/" + direct + "/");

            Intent myIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, CameraView.class);
            myIntent.putExtra("key", "/sdcard/CameraTest/" + direct + "/");




1 个答案:

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    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

      Button b = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1);
      b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        EditText text = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText1);
        EditText text2 = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText2);
        EditText text3 = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText3);


        public void onClick(View v) {

            final String name = text.getText().toString();
            final String placeName = text2.getText().toString();
            final String dettaglio = text3.getText().toString();

            String place = placeName.substring(0, 3);
            String direct = name + place + dettaglio;

            Intent myIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, CameraView.class);
            myIntent.putExtra("key", "/CameraTest/" direct + "/");




final String direct = this.getIntent().getStringExtra("key");

Uri uriSavedImage = getOutputMediaFileUri();

final Uri getOutputMediaFileUri(){
    return Uri.fromFile(getOutputMediaFile());

final  File getOutputMediaFile(){
    // To be safe, you should check that the SDCard is mounted
    // using Environment.getExternalStorageState() before doing this.

    File mediaStorageDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath().toString(), direct );
    // This location works best if you want the created images to be shared
    // between applications and persist after your app has been uninstalled.

    // Create the storage directory if it does not exist
    if (! mediaStorageDir.exists()){
        if (! mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()){
            Log.d("MyCameraApp", "failed to create directory");
            return null;

    File mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + "photo.jpg");

    return mediaFile;


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
