我想创建一个继承自List类的链表类ListList。 ListList使用List中的函数,但具有自己的函数。它有自己的开始指针,指向列表的开头,以及它自己的Node结构,它包含不同数量的元素。
但是,看起来,当从ListList调用List的一个函数时,List使用它自己的开始指针和Node。但是我想要使用ListList的开始指针和Node。 有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗? 我可以发布一些代码,但我不知道哪些部分是相关的......
class LinkList
LinkList(); //constructor that sets the start pointer to NULL, to show that the list is empty
~LinkList(); //destructor that deletes each node in the linked list
LinkList(const LinkList &original); //copy constructor
void addToken(string token); //creates a node with the given token and places it at the beginning of the linked list
string showList(); //returns a string of tokens, separated by commas and spaces
bool findToken(string token); //searches linked list for the given token, returns true if the token is in the list
string getToken(string word); //searches linked list for a token that begins with the given word.
//Returns the full token if there's a token that begins with the given word, else returns an empty string
void deleteList();
struct Node //each node of the linked list, held together by the next pointer
string token;
bool second_word; //tells whether or not there is a space within the token (a two-word keyword)
//This could be easily changed to an int that tells how many words are within the keyword (for multi-word keywords)
Node *next; //pointer to the next node of the linked list. NULL if there is no next node
Node *start; //pointer to the beginning of the linked list, and the last added node
bool twoWordToken(string token); //returns true if there is a space located within a token, meaning the token consists of two words.
class LinkListList: public LinkList
LinkListList(); //modified contructor initiates the pointers start and ptrNode
~LinkListList(); //modified destructor deletes all nodes and secondaryList nodes
LinkListList(const LinkListList &original); //copy constructor
bool addSubList(LinkList subList, string commandWord); //calls setPtrNode, then adds the given subList to that node
bool findSubToken(string commandWord, string token); //calls setPtrNode, then calls on that node's secondaryList's findToken function
//returns true if the findToken function returns true, else returns false
string showSubList(string commandWord); //returns a string of tokens, separated by commas and spaces, representing the subList of the given token
string getSubToken(string word, string commandWord); //searches commandWord's subList for a token that begins with the given word.
//Returns the full token if there's a token that begins with the given word, else returns an empty string
struct Node //each node of the linked list, held together by the next pointer
string token;
bool second_word; //tells whether or not there is a space within the token (a two-word keyword)
LinkList secondaryList; //keeps a list of all related words
Node *next;
Node *start; //pointer to the beginning of the linked list
Node *ptrNode; //this pointer is used for the functions
void setPtrNode(string token); //sets ptrNode to point to the node containing the specified token. ptrNode is NULL if the token could not be found
答案 0 :(得分:3)
理想情况下,您只有一个链接列表实现可以包含任何类型的值,包括 - 这里是踢球者 - 一个复合数据结构,其链接列表作为其中一个字段。在你现在的代码中,实际上,继承实际上是不必要的,你通常会复制创建链表的所有艰苦工作,并且你将链表数据结构与你的更高级别混合在一起表示各种单词列表的对象。
template <typename T>
class LinkedList { ... };
class TokenList {
struct Token {
string word;
LinkedList<string> related;
LinkedList<Token> list;
// Methods to add/search/remove tokens from the lists and sublists
答案 1 :(得分:2)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
如果您控制基类List类(而不是提供的框架类),您可以重构它以在关键位置使用虚函数,以便派生的ListList类可以将它们重定向到它自己的逻辑,同时仍然可以访问代码它作为一个列表 - 例如,您可以创建一个ListList并将其传递给期望List的东西。