
时间:2013-08-20 05:00:54

标签: c# fingerprint

我正在使用vs2008和SourceAFIS 1.1 我无法访问任何方法可能有人帮助我开始 他们(SourceAFIS)给了我们以下样本作为Program.cs 我想开发一个应用程序,首先注册用户,然后识别他们是否注册用户。

namespace Sample
     public class Program
        // Inherit from Fingerprint in order to add Filename field
        class MyFingerprint : Fingerprint
            public string Filename;

        // Inherit from Person in order to add Name field
        class MyPerson : Person
            public string Name;

        // Initialize path to images
        static readonly string ImagePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine("..", ".."), "images");

        // Shared AfisEngine instance (cannot be shared between different threads though)
        static AfisEngine Afis;

        // Take fingerprint image file and create Person object from the image
        static MyPerson Enroll(string filename, string name)
            Console.WriteLine("Enrolling {0}...", name);

            // Initialize empty fingerprint object and set properties
            MyFingerprint fp = new MyFingerprint();
            fp.Filename = filename;
            // Load image from the file, fp.BitmapImage makes a copy of the image, so that we can dispose it afterwards
            Console.WriteLine(" Loading image from {0}...", filename);
            using (Image fromFile = Bitmap.FromFile(filename))
                using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(fromFile))
                    fp.BitmapImage = bitmap;
            // Above update of fp.BitmapImage initialized also raw image in fp.Image
            // Check raw image dimensions, Y axis is first, X axis is second
            Console.WriteLine(" Image size = {0} x {1} (width x height)", fp.Image.GetLength(1), fp.Image.GetLength(0));

            // Execute extraction in order to initialize fp.Template
            Console.WriteLine(" Extracting template...");
            // Check template size
            Console.WriteLine(" Template size = {0} bytes", fp.Template.Length);

            // Initialize empty person object and set its properties
            MyPerson person = new MyPerson();
            person.Name = name;
            // Add fingerprint to the person

            return person;

        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Initialize SourceAFIS
            Afis = new AfisEngine();

            // Enroll some people
            List<MyPerson> database = new List<MyPerson>();
            database.Add(Enroll(Path.Combine(ImagePath, "candidate1.tif"), "Fred Flintstone"));
            database.Add(Enroll(Path.Combine(ImagePath, "candidate2.tif"), "Wilma Flintstone"));
            database.Add(Enroll(Path.Combine(ImagePath, "candidate3.tif"), "Barney Rubble"));

            // Save the database to disk and load it back, just to try out the serialization
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            Console.WriteLine("Saving database...");
            using (Stream stream = File.Open("database.dat", FileMode.Create))
                formatter.Serialize(stream, database);
            Console.WriteLine("Reloading database...");
            using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("database.dat"))
                database = (List<MyPerson>)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

            // Enroll visitor with unknown identity
            MyPerson probe = Enroll(Path.Combine(ImagePath, "probe.tif"), "Visitor #12345");

            // Look up the probe using Threshold = 10
            Afis.Threshold = 10;
            Console.WriteLine("Identifying {0} in database of {1} persons...", probe.Name, database.Count);
            MyPerson match = Afis.Identify(probe, database);

            // Null result means that there is no candidate with similarity score above threshold
            if (match == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No matching person found.");
            // Print out any non-null result
            Console.WriteLine("Probe {0} matches registered person {1}", probe.Name, match.Name);

            // Compute similarity score
            float score = Afis.Verify(probe, match);
            Console.WriteLine("Similarity score between {0} and {1} = {2:F3}", probe.Name, match.Name, score);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

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