
时间:2013-08-20 03:21:15

标签: vb.net




Public Function getHolidayList(ByVal vYear As Integer) As List(Of Date)

    Dim HolidayList As New List(Of Date)

    '...fill the list with holidays 
    ' New Year's Day            Jan 1
    ' Martin Luther King, Jr. third Mon in Jan
    ' Washington's Birthday third Mon in Feb
    ' Memorial Day          last Mon in May
    ' Independence Day      July 4
    ' Labor Day             first Mon in Sept
    ' Columbus Day          second Mon in Oct
    ' Veterans Day          Nov 11
    ' Thanksgiving Day      fourth Thur in Nov
    ' Christmas Day         Dec 25

    'adjust for weekends

End Function




8 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


此外,由于这不是美国联邦假期,我不能计算复活节。见Nature (1876) Algorithm for Calculating the Date of Easter

Public Function getHolidayList(ByVal vYear As Integer) As List(Of Date)

    Dim FirstWeek As Integer = 1
    Dim SecondWeek As Integer = 2
    Dim ThirdWeek As Integer = 3
    Dim FourthWeek As Integer = 4
    Dim LastWeek As Integer = 5

    Dim HolidayList As New List(Of Date)

    '   http://www.usa.gov/citizens/holidays.shtml      
    '   http://archive.opm.gov/operating_status_schedules/fedhol/2013.asp

    ' New Year's Day            Jan 1
    HolidayList.Add(DateSerial(vYear, 1, 1))

    ' Martin Luther King, Jr. third Mon in Jan
    HolidayList.Add(GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 1, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, ThirdWeek))

    ' Washington's Birthday third Mon in Feb
    HolidayList.Add(GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 2, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, ThirdWeek))

    ' Memorial Day          last Mon in May
    HolidayList.Add(GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 5, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, LastWeek))

    ' Independence Day      July 4
    HolidayList.Add(DateSerial(vYear, 7, 4))

    ' Labor Day             first Mon in Sept
    HolidayList.Add(GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 9, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, FirstWeek))

    ' Columbus Day          second Mon in Oct
    HolidayList.Add(GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 10, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, SecondWeek))

    ' Veterans Day          Nov 11
    HolidayList.Add(DateSerial(vYear, 11, 11))

    ' Thanksgiving Day      fourth Thur in Nov
    HolidayList.Add(GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 11, 1), DayOfWeek.Thursday, FourthWeek))

    ' Christmas Day         Dec 25
    HolidayList.Add(DateSerial(vYear, 12, 25))

    'saturday holidays are moved to Fri; Sun to Mon
    For i As Integer = 0 To HolidayList.Count - 1
        Dim dt As Date = HolidayList(i)
        If dt.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday Then
            HolidayList(i) = dt.AddDays(-1)
        End If
        If dt.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday Then
            HolidayList(i) = dt.AddDays(1)
        End If

    Return HolidayList

End Function

Private Function GetNthDayOfNthWeek(ByVal dt As Date, ByVal DayofWeek As Integer, ByVal WhichWeek As Integer) As Date
    'specify which day of which week of a month and this function will get the date
    'this function uses the month and year of the date provided

    'get first day of the given date
    Dim dtFirst As Date = DateSerial(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1)

    'get first DayOfWeek of the month
    Dim dtRet As Date = dtFirst.AddDays(6 - dtFirst.AddDays(-(DayofWeek + 1)).DayOfWeek)

    'get which week
    dtRet = dtRet.AddDays((WhichWeek - 1) * 7)

    'if day is past end of month then adjust backwards a week
    If dtRet >= dtFirst.AddMonths(1) Then
        dtRet = dtRet.AddDays(-7)
    End If

    Return dtRet

End Function

答案 1 :(得分:8)


class Program
    public class Holiday
        public string HolidayName { get; set; }
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }

        public Holiday(string holidayName, DateTime date)
            HolidayName = holidayName;
            Date = date;

    public static List<Holiday> getHolidayList(int vYear)
        int FirstWeek = 1;
        int SecondWeek = 2;
        int ThirdWeek = 3;
        int FourthWeek = 4;
        int LastWeek = 5;

        List<Holiday> HolidayList = new List<Holiday>();

        //   http://www.usa.gov/citizens/holidays.shtml      
        //   http://archive.opm.gov/operating_status_schedules/fedhol/2013.asp

        // New Year's Day            Jan 1
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("NewYears", new DateTime(vYear, 1, 1)));

        // Martin Luther King, Jr. third Mon in Jan
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("MLK", GetNthDayOfNthWeek(new DateTime(vYear, 1, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, ThirdWeek)));

        // Washington's Birthday third Mon in Feb
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("WashingtonsBDay", GetNthDayOfNthWeek(new DateTime(vYear, 2, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, ThirdWeek)));

        // Memorial Day          last Mon in May
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("MemorialDay", GetNthDayOfNthWeek(new DateTime(vYear, 5, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, LastWeek)));

        // Independence Day      July 4
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("IndependenceDay", new DateTime(vYear, 7, 4)));

        // Labor Day             first Mon in Sept
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("LaborDay", GetNthDayOfNthWeek(new DateTime(vYear, 9, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, FirstWeek)));

        // Columbus Day          second Mon in Oct
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("Columbus", GetNthDayOfNthWeek(new DateTime(vYear, 10, 1), DayOfWeek.Monday, SecondWeek)));

        // Veterans Day          Nov 11
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("Veterans", new DateTime(vYear, 11, 11)));

        // Thanksgiving Day      fourth Thur in Nov
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("Thanksgiving", GetNthDayOfNthWeek(new DateTime(vYear, 11, 1), DayOfWeek.Thursday, FourthWeek)));

        // Christmas Day         Dec 25
        HolidayList.Add(new Holiday("Christmas", new DateTime(vYear, 12, 25)));

        //saturday holidays are moved to Fri; Sun to Mon
        foreach (var holiday in HolidayList)
            if (holiday.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                holiday.Date = holiday.Date.AddDays(-1);
            if (holiday.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                holiday.Date = holiday.Date.AddDays(1);

        return HolidayList;


    private static System.DateTime GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateTime dt, DayOfWeek dayofWeek, int WhichWeek)
        //specify which day of which week of a month and this function will get the date
        //this function uses the month and year of the date provided

        //get first day of the given date
        System.DateTime dtFirst = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1);

        //get first DayOfWeek of the month
        System.DateTime dtRet = dtFirst.AddDays(6 - (int)dtFirst.AddDays(-1 * ((int)dayofWeek + 1)).DayOfWeek);

        //get which week
        dtRet = dtRet.AddDays((WhichWeek - 1) * 7);

        //if day is past end of month then adjust backwards a week
        if (dtRet >= dtFirst.AddMonths(1))
            dtRet = dtRet.AddDays(-7);

        return dtRet;


    static void Main(string[] args)
        for(int ii = 2013; ii < 2100; ii++)
            var holidays = getHolidayList(ii);

            foreach (var holiday in holidays)
                Console.WriteLine(holiday.HolidayName + ": " + holiday.Date.ToShortDateString());

答案 2 :(得分:2)

CodeProject上的Jay Muntz使用XML文件存储规则,可以很好地实现假期。但该代码不适用于周末。


Dynamic Holiday Date Calculator By Jay Muntz, 5 Jan 2006

答案 3 :(得分:2)

这里是我在C#中编写的一些代码。每个假期都表示为Holiday的一个实例。要获得联邦政府的遵守日期,只需调用该对象的FederalObservance方法即可。 但请注意,只有一个假期是实际假期;我刚刚创建了两个假期作为例子。

        public static void Main (string[] args)
        Holiday SatHoliday = new Holiday ("Satman", 2015, 11, 20);
        Holiday Thanksgiving = new Holiday ("Thanksgiving", 2015, 11, 3, DayOfWeek.Thursday);
        Holiday[] holidays = new Holiday[] { SatHoliday, Thanksgiving };

class Holiday
    public DateTime hDate;
    public String name;
    public Holiday(String name, int year, int month, int day)
        this.name = name;
        this.hDate = new DateTime (year, month, day);
        public Holiday(String name, int year, int month, int weekNum/* Weeks are numbered starting with 0. So, the first week would be 0, the second week 1, etc.*/, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek)
        this.name = name;
        DateTime firstOfMonth = new DateTime (year, month, 1);
        this.hDate = firstOfMonth.AddDays (7 * weekNum + (int)dayOfWeek - (int)firstOfMonth.DayOfWeek);
    public DateTime FederalObservance()

                    if (hDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) {
                        return hDate.AddDays (-1);
                    } else if (hDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) {
                        return hDate.AddDays (1);
        } else {
            return hDate;

答案 4 :(得分:2)

供参考,联邦假日列表在5 U.S. Code § 6103. Holidays中定义:

  • 1月1日,元旦。
  • 小马丁·路德·金的生日 一月的第三个星期一。
  • 华盛顿的生日,第三个星期一 二月。
  • 纪念日,五月的最后一个星期一。
  • 7月4日独立日。
  • 劳动节,9月的第一个星期一。
  • 哥伦布日,十月的第二个星期一。
  • 11月11日为退伍军人节。
  • 感恩节,11月的第四个星期四。
  • 12月25日圣诞节。


答案 5 :(得分:1)

非常感谢您的回答D_Bester。我试图在VBA for Excel中执行此操作。


Sub displayHolidays()
    Dim myHolidayList As New Collection
    Set myHolidayList = GetHolidayList(2005)

    For x = 1 To (myHolidayList.Count)
        Debug.Print myHolidayList(x)
End Sub

Function GetHolidayList(ByVal vYear As Integer) As Collection
    Const FirstWeek As Integer = 1
    Const SecondWeek As Integer = 2
    Const ThirdWeek As Integer = 3
    Const FourthWeek As Integer = 4
    Const LastWeek As Integer = 5
    Const DayofWeek_Monday As Integer = 2
    Const DayofWeek_Thursday As Integer = 5
    Const DayofWeek_Saturday As Integer = 7
    Const DayofWeek_Sunday As Integer = 1

    Dim holidayList As New Collection
    Dim finalHolidayList As New Collection

    '   http://www.usa.gov/citizens/holidays.shtml
    '   http://archive.opm.gov/operating_status_schedules/fedhol/2013.asp

    ' New Year's Day            Jan 1
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 1, 1))

    ' Martin Luther King, Jr. third Mon in Jan
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 1, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, ThirdWeek))

    ' Washington's Birthday third Mon in Feb
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 2, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, ThirdWeek))

    ' Memorial Day          last Mon in May
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 5, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, LastWeek))

    ' Independence Day      July 4
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 7, 4))

    ' Labor Day             first Mon in Sept
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 9, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, FirstWeek))

    ' Columbus Day          second Mon in Oct
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 10, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, SecondWeek))

    ' Veterans Day          Nov 11
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 11, 11))

    ' Thanksgiving Day      fourth Thur in Nov
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 11, 1), DayofWeek_Thursday, FourthWeek))

    ' Christmas Day         Dec 25
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 12, 25))

    'saturday holidays are moved to Fri; Sun to Mon
    For Each dt In holidayList
        If Weekday(dt) = DayofWeek_Saturday Then
            dt = DateAdd("d", -1, dt)
        End If
        If Weekday(dt) = DayofWeek_Sunday Then
            dt = DateAdd("d", 1, dt)
        End If
        finalHolidayList.Add dt
    Next dt

    Set GetHolidayList = finalHolidayList
End Function

Function GetNthDayOfNthWeek(ByVal dt As Date, ByVal DayofWeek As Integer, ByVal WhichWeek As Integer) As Date
    'specify which day of which week of a month and this function will get the date
    'this function uses the month and year of the date provided
    Dim dtFirst As Date
    Dim innerDate As Date
    Dim monthAdd As Date

    'get first day of the given date
    dtFirst = DateSerial(Year(dt), Month(dt), 1)

    'get first DayOfWeek of the month
    innerDate = DateAdd("d", -DayofWeek, dtFirst)
    GetNthDayOfNthWeek = DateAdd("d", (7 - Weekday(innerDate)), dtFirst)

    'get which week
    GetNthDayOfNthWeek = DateAdd("d", ((WhichWeek - 1) * 7), GetNthDayOfNthWeek)

    'if day is past end of month then adjust backwards a week
    monthAdd = DateAdd("m", 1, dtFirst)
    If GetNthDayOfNthWeek >= monthAdd Then
        GetNthDayOfNthWeek = DateAdd("d", (-7), GetNthDayOfNthWeek)
    End If
End Function

答案 6 :(得分:0)



PM> install-package Nager.Date



var publicHolidays = DateSystem.GetPublicHoliday("US", 2017);


if (DateSystem.IsPublicHoliday(date, "US"))

答案 7 :(得分:0)


/// <summary>
/// Find the Nth day of the month that matches the given dayOfWeek
/// </summary>
/// <param name="year">The year</param>
/// <param name="month">The month number 1 - 12</param>
/// <param name="dayOfWeek">The day of the week</param>
/// <param name="occurance">Take the Nth day found</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DateTime GetNthDayOfMonth(int year, int month, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, int occurance)
    return GetDaysInMonth(year, month).Where(d => d.DayOfWeek == dayOfWeek).Skip(occurance - 1).FirstOrDefault();

/// <summary>
/// Find the Nth last day of the month that matches the given dayOfWeek
/// </summary>
/// <param name="year">The year</param>
/// <param name="month">The month number 1 - 12</param>
/// <param name="dayOfWeek">The day of the week</param>
/// <param name="occurance">Take the Nth day found</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DateTime GetNthLastDayOfMonth(int year, int month, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, int occurance)
    return GetDaysInMonth(year, month).Where(d => d.DayOfWeek == dayOfWeek).Reverse().Skip(occurance - 1).FirstOrDefault();

/// <summary>
/// Put all dates of the month into a list that lync can work with
/// </summary>
/// <param name="year">The year</param>
/// <param name="month">The month number 1 - 12</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<DateTime> GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month)
    List<DateTime> days = new List<DateTime>();
    var d = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
    while(d.Month == month)
        d = d.AddDays(1);
    return days;