VB.Net - 列出文件&来自指定目录的子文件夹并保存到文本文档,并对结果进行排序

时间:2013-08-16 13:32:14

标签: sorting recursion vb.net-2010 writetofile



为了使事情稍微困难一点,我希望文档文档按文件类型排序,另一个按目录排序。 我不知道这有多可能,但我已经在线搜索方法,但是到目前为止还没有找到正确的语法。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Main() ' trickster yo

Dim rootFolder 'As String
Dim FSO 'As Object
Dim ObjOutFile
Dim objWMIService 'As Object

Sub Main()
    StartTime = Timer()
    If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then ' if path provided with the argument, use it.
        rootFolder = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
        rootFolder = InputBox("Give me the search path : ") ' if not, ask for it
    End If
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set ObjOutFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("OutputFiles.csv")
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:")

    ObjOutFile.WriteLine ("Path, Owner") ' set headers

    Gather (rootFolder)

    ObjOutFile.Close ' close the stream

    EndTime = Timer()
    MsgBox ("Done. (ran for " & FormatNumber(EndTime - StartTime, 2) & "s.)")
End Sub


Function Gather(FolderName)
    On Error Resume Next

    Dim ObjFolder
    Dim ObjSubFolders
    Dim ObjSubFolder
    Dim ObjFiles
    Dim ObjFile

    Set ObjFolder = FSO.GetFolder(FolderName)
    Set ObjFiles = ObjFolder.Files

    For Each ObjFile In ObjFiles  'Write all files to output files
        Set objFileSecuritySettings = _
        objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting='" & ObjFile.Path & "'")
        intRetVal = objFileSecuritySettings.GetSecurityDescriptor(objSD)
        If intRetVal = 0 Then
            owner = objSD.owner.Domain & "\" & objSD.owner.Name
            ObjOutFile.WriteLine (ObjFile.Path & ";" & owner) ' write in CSV format
        End If

    Set ObjSubFolders = ObjFolder.SubFolders     'Getting all subfolders

    For Each ObjFolder In ObjSubFolders
        Set objFolderSecuritySettings = _
        objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting='" & ObjFile.Path & "'")
        intRetVal = objFolderSecuritySettings.GetSecurityDescriptor(objSD)
        If intRetVal = 0 Then
            owner = objSD.owner.Domain & "\" & objSD.owner.Name
            ObjOutFile.WriteLine (ObjFolder.Path & ";" & owner) ' write in CSV format
        End If
        Gather (ObjFolder.Path)
End Function