
时间:2013-08-14 21:44:21

标签: python api nltk reddit

我写了一些代码,使用reddit praw api在reddit上找到提交标题中最受欢迎的单词。

import nltk
import praw

picksub = raw_input('\nWhich subreddit do you want to analyze? r/')
many = input('\nHow many of the top words would you like to see? \n\t> ')

print 'Getting the top %d most common words from r/%s:' % (many,picksub)
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='get the most common words from chosen subreddit')
submissions = r.get_subreddit(picksub).get_top_from_all(limit=200)

hey = []

for x in submissions:
    hey.extend(str(x).split(' '))   

fdist = nltk.FreqDist(hey) # creates a frequency distribution for words in 'hey'
top_words = fdist.keys()

common_words = ['its','am', 'ago','took', 'got', 'will', 'been', 'get', 'such','your','don\'t', 'if', 'why', 'do', 'does', 'or', 'any', 'but', 'they', 'all', 'now','than','into','can', 'i\'m','not','so','just', 'out','about','have','when', 'would' ,'where', 'what', 'who' 'I\'m','says' 'not', '', 'over', '_', '-','after', 'an','for', 'who', 'by', 'from', 'it', 'how', 'you', 'about' 'for', 'on', 'as', 'be', 'has', 'that', 'was', 'there', 'with','what', 'we', '::', 'to', 'the', 'of', ':', '...', 'a', 'at', 'is', 'my', 'in' , 'i', 'this', 'and', 'are', 'he', 'she', 'is', 'his', 'hers']
already = []
counter = 0
number = 1

print '-----------------------'
for word in top_words:  
    if word.lower() not in common_words and word.lower() not in already:
        print str(number) + ". '" + word + "'"
        counter +=1
    number +=1
if counter == many:
print '-----------------------\n'

所以输入subreddit' python'获得10个帖子的回复:

  1. '的Python'
  2. ' PyPy'
  3. '代码'
  4. '使用'
  5. ' 136'
  6. ' 181'
  7. ' d ...'
  8. ' IPython的'
  9. ' 133'

    10。 ' 158'

  10. 如何使此脚本不返回数字,以及错误字样如' d ...'?前4个结果是可以接受的,但我想用有意义的单词替换这个结果。制作列表common_words是不合理的,并且不会过滤这些错误。我编写代码比较新,我很感激帮助。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


1)common_words应该是set(),因为你的列表很长,这应该加快速度。 O(1)中的集合的in操作,而列表中的集合是O(n)。


all([w.isdigit() for w in word])


3)摆脱d ...有点棘手。这取决于你如何定义一个非单词。这样:

tf = [ c.isalpha() for c in word ]

返回True / False值的列表(如果char不是字母,则为False)。然后,您可以计算以下值:

t = tf.count(True)
f = tf.count(False)


def check_wordiness(word):
    # This returns true only if a word is all letters
    return all([ c.isalpha() for c in word ])

4)在for word in top_words:区块中,您确定没有混淆计数器和号码吗?此外,计数器和数字几乎是多余的,您可以将最后一位重写为:

for word in top_words:
    # Since you are calling .lower() so much, 
    # you probably want to define it up here
    w = word.lower() 
    if w not in common_words and w not in already:
        # String formatting is preferred over +'s
        print "%i. '%s'" % (number, word)
        number +=1
    # This could go under the if statement. You only want to add
    # words that could be added again.  Why add words that are being
    # filtered out anyways?

    # this wasn't indented correctly before
    if number == many:
