
时间:2013-08-12 22:36:27

标签: c# asp.net web-services sqldatareader sqlcommand

我有一个网络服务,可以根据房间库存是否可用来添加或更新房间库存。 (以下代码)。我对此代码的问题是,它将对整个范围执行添加或更新,或者抛出错误,例如,如果我要更改2013年8月18日到2013年8月25日期间的库存, 18 / 8-23 / 8没有库存,但24 / 8-25 / 8有,24/8抛出错误说库存可用,插入不可能停止整个过程。我希望我的代码能够添​​加或更新整个日期范围,而不是只是添加或修改所有内容。那可能吗?我需要更改我的代码吗?我怎么做?如果有任何关于我出错的地方或如何更改我的代码以便能够做到这一点,将不胜感激。此代码目前是LIVE,因此目前正在影响我们的业务流程,所以要感谢任何事情。

[WebMethod(Description = "Add or Amend Availability & Rates")]
        public bool Avail(string Username, string Password, DateTime Dte, DateTime Dtm, int ID, string RoomType, int Qty, double CurPrice)
            GetCredentials(Username, Password);
            int ID= Convert.ToInt16(GetCredentials(Username, Password).Tables[0].Rows[0]["strTypeID"]);
            bool retVal = false;
            GetCredentials(Username, Password);
            using (SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(connStr))
                using (SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from Available where intID=@ID and dtm=@Dtm and strRoomType=@RoomType", mySQLconnection))
                    SqlParameter dt = new SqlParameter("@Dtm", Dtm);
                    SqlParameter RoomT = new SqlParameter("@RoomType", RoomType);
                    SqlParameter typeI = new SqlParameter("@ID", ID);
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader())
                        if (!reader.HasRows)
                            AddAvail(Username, Password, Dte, Dtm, RoomType, Qty, CurPrice);
                            retVal = false;
                            AmdAvail(Username, Password, Dte, Dtm, RoomType, Qty, CurPrice);
                            retVal = true;
                        return retVal;

     * Webmethod AddAvail Adds multiple availability for speicifed date range
     * ---------------------------------------------------*/
    [WebMethod(Description = "Multiple Add of Availability", BufferResponse = true)]
    public void AddAvail(string Username, string Password, DateTime Dte,DateTime Dtm, string RoomType, int Qty, double CurPrice)
        GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password);
        DateTime dat = Dtm;
        int strTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password).Tables[0].Rows[0]["strTypeID"]);
        using (SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(connStr))
            for (DateTime date = Dte; date <= dat; date = date.AddDays(1.0))
                string sqlInsertString = "INSERT INTO Available (dtm,intResortID,strRoomType,intQty,curPrice) VALUES (@dat,@strTypeID,@strRoomType,@intQty,@CurPrice)";
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
                    command.Connection = mySQLconnection;
                    command.CommandText = sqlInsertString;
                    SqlParameter dt = new SqlParameter("@dat", date);
                    SqlParameter intRID = new SqlParameter("@strTypeID", strTypeID);
                    SqlParameter strRType = new SqlParameter("@strRoomType", RoomType);
                    SqlParameter intQuty = new SqlParameter("@intQty", Qty);
                    SqlParameter curpPrice = new SqlParameter("@curPrice", CurPrice);
                    command.Parameters.AddRange(new SqlParameter[] { dt, intRID, strRType, intQuty, curpPrice });
    * Webmethod AmdAvail Amends multiple Availability for specified date range
    * -----------------------------------------------------*/
    [WebMethod(Description = "Multilple Updates", BufferResponse = true)]
    public DataSet AmdAvail(string Username, string Password, DateTime Dte, DateTime Dtm, string RoomType, int Qty, double CurPrice)
        GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password);
        int strTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password).Tables[0].Rows[0]["strTypeID"]);
        using (SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(connStr))
            using (SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand())
                dbCommand.CommandText = "Update Available set intQty=@Qty,curprice=@CurPrice where dtm between @Dte and @Dtm and strRoomType=@Roomtype and intResortID=@strTypeID ";
                dbCommand.Connection = mySQLconnection;
                //Create new DataAdapter
                using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter())
                    da.SelectCommand = dbCommand;
                    SqlParameter typeI = new SqlParameter("@strTypeID", strTypeID);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dtm", Dtm);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dte", Dte);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Qty", Qty);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RoomType", RoomType);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@curprice", CurPrice);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", Username);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", Password);
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    return ds;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于我无法访问表架构,所以我不确定,但似乎 dtm 是表中的主键。

根据您的示例,可用表中数据的当前状态如下所示: -

18/08 - 没有数据

19/08 - 没有数据

20/08 - 没有数据

21/08 - 没有数据

22/08 - 没有数据

23/08 - 没有数据

24/08 - 有数据

25/08 - 有数据

如果您尝试插入范围的数据 dtm BETWEEN“18/08/2013”​​和“2013年8月25日”它将失败,因为24已经获得了数据。

作为一种解决方案,您可以做的是: -


查看我在该代码中的评论。 SEARCH // AJAY: -

[WebMethod(Description = "Add or Amend Availability & Rates")]
        public bool Avail(string Username, string Password, DateTime Dte, DateTime Dtm, int ID, string RoomType, int Qty, double CurPrice)
            GetCredentials(Username, Password);
            int ID= Convert.ToInt16(GetCredentials(Username, Password).Tables[0].Rows[0]["strTypeID"]);
            bool retVal = false;
            GetCredentials(Username, Password);
            List<DataTime> existingDates = new List<DataTime>(); //AJAY:- This is to keep a track of what is already in the DataBase
            using (SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(connStr))
                //AJAY:- Get the data for the whole Range from the DataBase
                using (SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from Available where intID=@ID and dtm BETWEEN @Dte AND @Dtm and strRoomType=@RoomType", mySQLconnection))
                    SqlParameter dtStart = new SqlParameter("@Dte", Dte);
                    SqlParameter dtEnd = new SqlParameter("@Dtm", Dtm);
                    SqlParameter RoomT = new SqlParameter("@RoomType", RoomType);
                    SqlParameter typeI = new SqlParameter("@ID", ID);
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader())

                            existingDates.Add(Convert.ToDateTime((string)reader["Dtm"])); //AJAY:- Change it as per your format of Dtm column in table schema

                        for (DateTime date = Dte; date <= dat; date = date.AddDays(1.0))
                            if(existingDates.Contains(date)) //AJAY:- record is already there just update it
                                AmdAvail(Username, Password, date, RoomType, Qty, CurPrice);
                            else //AJAY:- Record is not present ADD it
                                AddAvail(Username, Password, date, RoomType, Qty, CurPrice);
                        return retVal;

     * //AJAY:- Webmethod AddAvail Adds single availability for a speicifed date
     * ---------------------------------------------------*/
    [WebMethod(Description = "Single Add of Availability", BufferResponse = true)]
    public void AddAvail(string Username, string Password, DateTime date, string RoomType, int Qty, double CurPrice)
        GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password);
        DateTime dat = Dtm;
        int strTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password).Tables[0].Rows[0]["strTypeID"]);
        using (SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(connStr))
            string sqlInsertString = "INSERT INTO Available (dtm,intResortID,strRoomType,intQty,curPrice) VALUES (@dat,@strTypeID,@strRoomType,@intQty,@CurPrice)";
            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
                command.Connection = mySQLconnection;
                command.CommandText = sqlInsertString;
                SqlParameter dt = new SqlParameter("@dat", date);
                SqlParameter intRID = new SqlParameter("@strTypeID", strTypeID);
                SqlParameter strRType = new SqlParameter("@strRoomType", RoomType);
                SqlParameter intQuty = new SqlParameter("@intQty", Qty);
                SqlParameter curpPrice = new SqlParameter("@curPrice", CurPrice);
                command.Parameters.AddRange(new SqlParameter[] { dt, intRID, strRType, intQuty, curpPrice });
    * //AJAY:- Webmethod AmdAvail Amends single Availability for a specified date
    * -----------------------------------------------------*/
    [WebMethod(Description = "Single Update", BufferResponse = true)]
    public DataSet AmdAvail(string Username, string Password, DateTime date, string RoomType, int Qty, double CurPrice)
        GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password);
        int strTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(GetAuthCredentials(Username, Password).Tables[0].Rows[0]["strTypeID"]);
        using (SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(connStr))
            using (SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand())
                //AJAY:- Just pass a single date to update
                dbCommand.CommandText = "Update Available set intQty=@Qty,curprice=@CurPrice where dtm = @Dtm and strRoomType=@Roomtype and intResortID=@strTypeID ";
                dbCommand.Connection = mySQLconnection;
                //Create new DataAdapter
                using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter())
                    da.SelectCommand = dbCommand;
                    SqlParameter typeI = new SqlParameter("@strTypeID", strTypeID);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dtm", date);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Qty", Qty);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RoomType", RoomType);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@curprice", CurPrice);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", Username);
                    dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", Password);
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    return ds;

