
时间:2013-08-12 17:47:08

标签: javascript


var foo = function(func) {



6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您无法在foo的运行时访问它们,因为foo从未调用过func {。}}。

    console.log('This is never executed');


var foo = function(func) {
    func(1, 2, 3); // Now func is called, and you know what the arguments are

答案 1 :(得分:0)



答案 2 :(得分:0)


var foo = function(func) {
    return func.args;
bar = function(){
    bar.args = arguments;
foo(bar); // Arguments object ['a','b']

答案 3 :(得分:0)

//     var
//         base_fn    = function(){}, 
//         tracer_fn  = tracer( base_fn );
function tracer( fn ) { 

   return ( function( argsCache, F, _s ){ 

               // define new fn that will have that capability
               // it's a wrapper for original fn

                   fn2    = function(/*...params*/) {


                                // temporary stores original fn's result

                                // capture passed arguments
                                theArgs = _s.call( arguments ), 

                                //  you can implement 'memo' functionality here
                                //  if that's your goal, 
                                //  by 'scaning' already processed inputs
                                //  in argsCache array
                                //  and optionaly runing original fn, 
                                //  if no match is found

                                // save input and output of fn as h-map
                                argsIO  = {
                                            input  : theArgs, 
                                            output : null

                                // execute original fn 
                                // pass it captured arguments
                                // 'remember' it's result
                                out = F.apply( this, theArgs );

                                // save calculated value
                                argsIO.output = out;

                                // 'push' fn input-output record on the cache
                                argsCache.push( argsIO );

                                // return whatever original fn returned
                                return out;


                  // provide 'static' access to 'closured' cache
                  // use the array to inspect 'arguments history'
                  fn2.args = argsCache;

                  // provide a way to empty cache
                  fn2.clear = function () { 
                      fn2.args.splice( 0, fn2.args.length );
                      return fn2.args;

                  // return fn 'upgrade'
                  return fn2;

   } )( [], fn, Array.prototype.slice );


function basefn() {

   // doStuff( arguments );
   // returning value, as well as arguments, 
   // are recorded by tracer fn

   return arguments.length;

// get the 'tracer' fn
   fn = tracer( basefn );

// run it couple of times 
// passing arbitrary arguments
fn( 12345, new XMLHttpRequest() );
fn('a', 'z', /^[a-z]+$/ );
fn( {}, [1,2,3] );
fn( location, document );
fn( Math );

// access 'args history' through fn.args ( array ) property
//   var
//       lastCallIO = fn.args[ fn.args.length - 1 ];

console.log( fn.args );

// empty cache, free some memory
//   fn.clear();

答案 4 :(得分:0)

调用func时无法访问func的参数,但是可以返回一个包含func的新函数,并在调用该函数时执行任何其他处理。 foo中的局部变量在返回的函数的所有调用之间共享,因此可用于实现memoization。

var foo = function(func) {
    return function() {
        // Get arguments from func.
        console.log("Calling func", arguments);
        // Call func with arguments.
        return func.apply(null, arguments);

var bar = function(x) {
    return x * 2;

var foobar = foo(bar);


答案 5 :(得分:0)

// Function.memo
( function ( _host_ ) {

        t    = !0,
        f    = !t,
        pn   = String( this ),
        mmfn = function ( fn, mem_read_callback, mem_write_callback ) {

            return ( function( input, output, mrcb, mwcb, k, v ) {

                    // capture original fns
                        origFn = this,

                        // define 'memo' fn
                        mmfn   = function ( /*...params*/ ) {

                            // capture passed arguments
                            var inputArgs = slc( arguments );

                            // reset the flag,
                            // -1 indicates that passed arguments haven't been proccessed yet.
                            k = -1;

                            // see if args have been already processed
                            // scan inputs[]
                            each( input, function ( input_args, pos ) {
                                // update k to point to memoized args
                                return ( is_same_arrays( inputArgs, input_args ) ) ? ( k = pos, f ) : t;
                            } );

                        // if k is -1 passed args are processe for the 1st time
                        //   execute original fn,
                        //   store result in output[],
                        //   store arguments[] in inputs[],
                        //   call provided ( optional ) 'mem_write_callback',
                        //   return result
                        // else
                        // call provided ( optional )'mem_read_callback',
                        // return memoized result
                        return  ( k == -1 ) ?
                                    v = origFn.apply( this, inputArgs ),
                                    input.push( inputArgs ),
                                    output.push( v ),
                                    ( isfn( mwcb ) && mwcb.call( this, inputArgs, v ) ),
                                ( isfn( mrcb ) && mrcb.call( this, inputArgs, output[k] ), output[k] );


                // optionaly provide access to cache
                mmfn.cache = {
                                inputs  : input,
                                outputs : output

                mmfn.mclear = function () {
                    input.splice(  0, input.length  );
                    output.splice( 0, output.length );

                // return memoizer
                return mmfn;

            } ).call( fn, [], [], mem_read_callback, mem_write_callback );

    // #helpers
    function is_same_arrays( a1, a2 ) {
        var flg = t;
        return ( each( a1, function ( v, k ) { return ( v === a2[k] ) ? t: ( flg = f ) ; } ), flg );
    function each( arr, fn ) {
        for ( var l = arr.length, i = 0; i < l; i++ )
            if ( ( fn.call( arr, arr[i], i ) ) === f ) break;
        return arr;
    function slc( args, i, j ) {
        return Array.prototype.slice.call( args, i, j );
    function isfn( fn ) {
        return typeof fn === 'function';

    // attach 'memo' fn to host obj
    _host_[pn] = mmfn;

} ).call( new String('memo'),  ( typeof context === 'undefined' ? Function : context ) );

f1 = Function.memo(
                    function ( v ) { return v*v; },
                    function ( inpArr, res ) { console.log('cache read: ', inpArr.join(''),', ', res);  },
                    function ( inpArr, res ) { console.log('cache write: ', inpArr.join(''),', ', res);  }

// logs
// cache write, 1 , 1
// cache write, 2 , 4
// cache read, 1 , 1
// cache read, 2 , 4
// cache read, 1 , 1
// cache write, 3 , 9