域名Windows Vista不存在于数据库中

时间:2009-11-28 20:08:37

标签: installation dotnetnuke

我正在尝试在我的本地计算机(Windows Vista)上安装DOTNETNUKE模型,但似乎在安装数据库后立即遇到问题。不确定在哪里解决问题或我需要做什么下一步。任何人都知道如何处理这个问题?提前谢谢。

DotNetNuke Error

Domain Name Windows Vista Does Not Exist In The Database 

DotNetNuke supports multiple portals from a single database/codebase. It 
accomplishes this by converting the URL of the client browser Request to
a valid PortalID in the Portals database table. The following steps 
describe the process: 

Web Server Processing

When a web server receives a Request from a client browser, it compares the 
file name extension on the target URL resource to its Application Extension 
Mappings defined in IIS. 
Based on the corresponding match, IIS then sends the Request to the defined 
Executable Path ( aspnet_asapi.dll in the case of ASP.NET Requests ). The 
aspnet_isapi.dll engine processes the Request in an ordered series of events
beginning with Application_BeginRequest. 

HttpModule.URLRewrite OnBeginRequest ( UrlRewriteModule.vb )

The Request URL is parsed based on the "/" character 
A Domain Name is constructed using each of the relevant parsed URL segments. 


URL: http://www.domain.com/default.aspx = Domain Name: www.domain.com
URL: = Domain Name:
URL: http://localhost/DotNetNuke/default.aspx = Domain Name: localhost/DotNetNuke
URL: http://www.domain.com/virtualdirectory/default.aspx = Domain Name: www.domain.com/virtualdirectory
URL: http://www.domain.com/directory/default.aspx = Domain Name: www.domain.com/directory

Using the Domain Name, the application queries the database ( Portals table -
PortalAlias field ) to locate a matching record. 

Note: If there are multiple URLs which correspond to the same portal then the
PortalAlias field must contain each valid Domain Name in a comma seperated list. 


URL: http://localhost/DotNetNuke/default.aspx
URL: http://MACHINENAME/DotNetNuke/default.aspx
PortalAlias: localhost/DotNetNuke,MACHINENAME/DotNetNuke, 

Note: If you are installing the application to a remote server you must 
modify the PortalAlias field value for the default record in the Portals
table according to the rules defined above. 

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)






答案 1 :(得分:0)


解决方法: 重新安装(删除所有内容或安装到新位置,使用其他数据库或在重新安装前删除此数据库)并选择“自动”安装在线向导。这有效,包括创建默认门户。无论如何,任何自动配置的内容都可以在以后更改。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我知道这可能会很晚,但是对于有这个问题的人, 在确定我已更新db中的“Portal Alias”表后,我有同样的问题,要有一个HTTP别名(对于我的本地主机,我将它设置为localhost:8089,这与我设置的相同)在DNN网站的IIS绑定中),门户ID为0(因为我的门户网站ID为0), 我正在检查以确保我已经使用数据库连接字符串更新了web.config文件,但后来我意识到web.config中有两个数据库连接点,我错过了其中一个。 因此,请确保将两个连接更新为:

1) <connectionStrings>
2) <appSettings>
