
时间:2013-08-08 00:55:37

标签: batch-file


Bob - Test Name - 1.txt
Bob - Test Name - 2.txt
Bob - Test Name - 3.txt
Sam- Foo Name - 1.txt
Sam- Foo Name - 2.txt
Sam- Foo Name - 3.txt
Phil - 1.txt
Phil - 2.txt
Phil - 3.txt
Phil 2 - 1.txt
Phil 2 - 2.txt
Phil 2 - 3.txt


[WHATEVER] - #.txt


  1. 扫描文件夹
  2. 捕获WHATEVER。在上面的示例中,捕获:“Bob - 测试名称”
  3. 创建名为WHATEVER的文件夹。这里,“鲍勃 - 测试名称”
  4. 将具有WHATEVER字符串的所有文件移动到文件夹。
  5. 并通过所有文件重复2-4。
  6. 到目前为止,我所尝试的一切,都失败了。我不知道如何排除故障或查看批次正在做什么,我正在风中拍摄。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

@echo off &SETLOCAL
SET "startfolder=c:\test\test"

CD /d "%startfolder%"
FOR %%X IN (*.txt) DO (
    FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('echo(%%~NX^|sed -r "s/^(.*)\s-\s[0-9]+$/\1/"') DO (
    IF NOT EXIST "%%~a\" MD "%%~a"
    MOVE "%%~X" "%%~a"


答案 1 :(得分:0)


setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd C:\...[path to folder]
set /a count=0
for /r "delims=-" %%a in (*) do (
set /a count=!count!+1
for /l %%z in (1,1,!count!) do (
if %%a equ !%%z! ( move %%a C:\...[out put folder collection]\!%%z!\%%a%%b
) else ( set !count!=%%a)


Folder Collection
 > 1
    >> name - 1.txt
    >> name - 2.txt
    >> name - 3.txt
 > 2
    >> name - 1.txt
    >> name - 2.txt
    >> name - 3.txt
 > 3
    >> name - 1.txt
    >> name - 2.txt
    >> name - 3.txt


注意:这只会在文件名中接受一个“ - ”。拥有多于一个意味着它将排除扩展。 另外,我没有让它适用于指定的扩展。再次回答,这次使用forfiles,您可以指定扩展名。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

这段代码适用于与* - #.*匹配的文件,其中#是一个数字,*可能包含多个(space)-(space) - 仅限(space)-(space)(number).被记录了。

REM Call process for each file that match "name - number.extension"
FOR %%f IN ("* - *.*") DO CALL :process "" "%%f"

REM Recursive function process: accepts two arguments: prefix and filepart
REM process checks if number part of supplied filename is a number.
REM prefix is string already checked but mismatched number. Example:
REM Call 1: "" "a - b - c - 1.ext" mismatch ("b - c - 1" is not a number)
REM Call 2: "a -" " b - c - 1.ext" mismatch ("c - 1" is not a number)
REM Call 3: "a - b -" " c - 1.ext" match ("1" is a number)
REM Break filepart at first "-"
FOR /F "TOKENS=1,* DELIMS=-" %%i IN (%2) DO (
    REM If after "-" is empty, file mismatch (something like "abc.ext-")
    IF "%%j" == "" GOTO :EOF
    REM Break part after "-" at first "."
    FOR /F "TOKENS=1,* DELIMS=." %%n IN ("%%j") DO (
        REM Multiply part before "." by 1. If part is not number, will evaluate to 0.
        SET /A "number=1*%%n"
        REM Check if rebuilt part afte "-" match using parsed number
        IF "%%j" == " !number!.%%o" (
            REM Matched, so do whatever is needed
            ECHO Moving "%~1%~2" to "%~1%%i"...
            IF NOT EXIST "%~1%%i" MD "%~1%%i"
            REM MOVE "%~1%~2" "%~1%%i"
            REM Exit function
            GOTO :EOF

    REM File part didn't match, so recall process shifting part before "-" to prefix
    REM and using part after "-" as filepart.
    CALL :process "%~1%%i-" "%%j"

它可能会泄漏,例如name1 - 1. name2 - 2.txt,创建文件夹name1而不是name1 - 1. name2

编辑:添加评论。修正了CALL :process "%~1%%i-" "%%j"
