我在C#Net 2.0 Windows窗体中创建了一个ListView,其中大约有十列在应用程序启动时填充了数据。数据量巨大,因此不能快速重新加载。我的ListView具有详细信息视图,允许用户单独调整每个列的大小。
1)调整大小为0的列将使其稍微消失,直到用户开始播放 与列。用户意外地将其重新调整大小,因为在我的ListView中,允许用户手动调整每列的大小。
2)只需删除列,就会出现以下问题:当我尝试将列添加回来时,列不记得它的位置和大小。这个位置是主要问题,我将尝试解释原因。如果我的用户决定首先隐藏“第2列”然后“第3列”并且用户稍后在2之前取消隐藏3,则“索引2”不存在,因此我无法在第3号索引处插入并且异常上升。即使我在删除之前记住了索引位置,也不能简单地将列放回到该索引,因为我不知道以前的列是否已经隐藏过,或者哪些列在之前和之后丢失或隐藏或未隐藏。 所以场景可能是这样的:1显示,2隐藏,3隐藏,4显示,5隐藏,6隐藏,7隐藏,8显示,9隐藏,10隐藏。
可能的解决方案“1)”和“2)”在场景中自动排除。 更好的是甚至使列的宽度为零,但因为我的用户应该能够调整大小 根据需要随时调整列,调整大小为零,无法从用户隐藏。用户将通过调整大小取消隐藏它,我的系统会认为它仍然是隐藏的等等。如果隐藏的列可以只是“重新调整大小”或者我们如何命名其他内容,它看起来不专业。
有人有更好的主意吗?为什么listView列没有“可见”或“隐藏”属性,我想知道? 如果之前有人这样做,请发布解决方案。
我必须补充一点,我在添加数据时使用listview中所有列的自动调整大小。因此,下面的答案不起作用。 resize事件无法检测-1的宽度。添加数据时,将调整宽度为0的“所有不可见列”的大小。由于listview会删除与列长度重叠的数据,因此我需要永久自动化它。 Explorer没有这个问题,因为它使列适合数据的长度。 C#没有这样的高级列表视图,这里我每次添加数据时都要将列设置为-1。在这个概念中,不能使用column.width = 0来隐藏列。
答案 0 :(得分:8)
//This will try hiding the column at index 1
listView1.Columns[1].Width = 0;
//ColumnWidthChanging event handler of your ListView
private void listView1_ColumnWidthChanging(object sender, ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs e){
if(e.ColumnIndex == 1){
e.Cancel = true;
e.NewWidth = 0;
并使NewWidth = 0
解决这个问题并不容易。至少这就是我的感受。我想到了这个似乎行之有效的解决方案。我们的想法是我们必须检测鼠标是否在隐藏列的管道附近,我们必须设置Cursor = Cursors.Arrow
public class CustomListView : ListView
private static extern bool EnumChildWindows(IntPtr parentHwnd, EnumChildProc proc, object lParam);
delegate bool EnumChildProc(IntPtr childHwnd, object lParam);
public CustomListView()
VisibleChanged += (s, e) =>
if (Visible && headerHandle == IntPtr.Zero&&!DesignMode)
EnumChildWindows(Handle, EnumChild, null);
headerProc = new HeaderProc(this);
columnPipeLefts[0] = 0;
//Save the Handle to the Column Headers, a ListView has only child Window which is used to render Column headers
IntPtr headerHandle;
//This is used use to hook into the message loop of the Column Headers
HeaderProc headerProc;
private bool EnumChild(IntPtr childHwnd, object lParam)
headerHandle = childHwnd;
return true;
//Updated code
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x101e&&hiddenColumnIndices.Contains(m.WParam.ToInt32()))//WM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH = 0x101e
if(m.LParam.ToInt32() > 0) hiddenColumnWidths[m.WParam.ToInt32()] = m.LParam.ToInt32();
return;//Discard the message changing hidden column width so that it won't be shown again.
base.WndProc(ref m);
//Save the column indices which are hidden
List<int> hiddenColumnIndices = new List<int>();
//Save the width of hidden columns
Dictionary<int, int> hiddenColumnWidths = new Dictionary<int, int>();
//Save the Left (X-Position) of the Pipes which separate Column Headers.
Dictionary<int, int> columnPipeLefts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
protected override void OnColumnWidthChanging(ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs e)
if (hiddenColumnIndices.Contains(e.ColumnIndex))
e.Cancel = true;
e.NewWidth = 0;
//We need to update columnPipeLefts whenever the width of any column changes
protected override void OnColumnWidthChanged(ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs e)
UpdateColumnPipeLefts(Columns[e.ColumnIndex].DisplayIndex + 1);
int index = -1;
protected override void OnColumnReordered(ColumnReorderedEventArgs e)
int i = Math.Min(e.NewDisplayIndex, e.OldDisplayIndex);
index = index != -1 ? Math.Min(i + 1, index) : i + 1;
//This is used to update the columnPipeLefts every reordering columns or resizing columns.
private void UpdateColumnPipeLefts(int fromIndex)
int w = fromIndex > 0 ? columnPipeLefts[fromIndex - 1] : 0;
for (int i = fromIndex; i < Columns.Count; i++)
w += i > 0 ? Columns.OfType<ColumnHeader>().Where(k=>k.DisplayIndex == i - 1).Single().Width : 0;
columnPipeLefts[i] = w;
//This is used to hide a column with ColumnHeader passed in
public void HideColumn(ColumnHeader col)
if (!hiddenColumnIndices.Contains(col.Index))
hiddenColumnWidths[col.Index] = col.Width;//Save the current width to restore later
col.Width = 0;//Hide the column
//This is used to hide a column with column index passed in
public void HideColumn(int columnIndex)
if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= Columns.Count) return;
if (!hiddenColumnIndices.Contains(columnIndex))
hiddenColumnWidths[columnIndex] = Columns[columnIndex].Width;//Save the current width to restore later
Columns[columnIndex].Width = 0;//Hide the column
//This is used to show a column with ColumnHeader passed in
public void ShowColumn(ColumnHeader col)
col.Width = hiddenColumnWidths[col.Index];//Restore the Width to show the column
//This is used to show a column with column index passed in
public void ShowColumn(int columnIndex)
if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= Columns.Count) return;
Columns[columnIndex].Width = hiddenColumnWidths[columnIndex];//Restore the Width to show the column
//The helper class allows us to hook into the message loop of the Column Headers
private class HeaderProc : NativeWindow
private static extern int SetCursor(IntPtr hCursor);
public HeaderProc(CustomListView listView)
this.listView = listView;
bool mouseDown;
CustomListView listView;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x200 && listView!=null && !mouseDown)
int x = (m.LParam.ToInt32() << 16) >> 16;
if (IsSpottedOnAnyHiddenColumnPipe(x)) return;
if (m.Msg == 0x201) {
mouseDown = true;
int x = (m.LParam.ToInt32() << 16) >> 16;
if (m.Msg == 0x202) mouseDown = false;
if (m.Msg == 0xf && listView.index != -1 && MouseButtons == MouseButtons.None) { //WM_PAINT = 0xf
listView.index = -1;
base.WndProc(ref m);
private bool IsSpottedOnAnyHiddenColumnPipe(int x)
foreach (int i in listView.hiddenColumnIndices.Select(j=>listView.Columns[j].DisplayIndex))
if (x > listView.columnPipeLefts[i] - 1 && x < listView.columnPipeLefts[i] + 15)
return true;
return false;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
请在此处替换第一行代码 - 它更优雅地使用内部列表视图API来获取标头句柄 - 旧代码崩溃@EnumChildWindows ):
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SendMessage")]
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int wMsg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
const int LVM_FIRST = 0x1000;
const int LVM_GETHEADER = (LVM_FIRST + 31);
public CustomListView()
VisibleChanged += (s, e) =>
if (Visible && headerHandle == IntPtr.Zero && !DesignMode)
IntPtr hwnd = SendMessage(this.Handle, LVM_GETHEADER, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
if (hwnd != null)
headerProc = new HeaderProc(this);
headerHandle = hwnd;
columnPipeLefts[0] = 0;