[__NSCFString setPosition:]:发送到实例的无法识别的选择器

时间:2013-08-07 07:56:09

标签: cocos2d-iphone



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cocos2d.h"

@class FGScrollLayer;
@protocol FGScrollLayerDelegate


/** Called when scroll layer begins scrolling.
 * Usefull to cancel CCTouchDispatcher standardDelegates.
- (void) scrollLayerScrollingStarted:(FGScrollLayer *) sender;

/** Called at the end of moveToPage:
- (void) scrollLayer: (FGScrollLayer *) sender scrolledToPageNumber: (int) page;


/** Vertical scrolling layer for items.
 * It is a very clean and elegant subclass of CCLayer that lets you pass-in an array
 * of layers and it will then create a smooth scroller.
 * Every sub-layer should have the same size in current version.
 * @version 0.1.01
@interface FGScrollLayer : CCLayer
    NSObject <FGScrollLayerDelegate> *delegate_;

    // The screen coord of initial point the user starts their swipe.
    CGFloat startSwipe_;

    // The coord of initial position the user starts their swipe.
    CGFloat startSwipeLayerPos_;

    // For what distance user must slide finger to start scrolling menu.
    CGFloat minimumTouchLengthToSlide_;

    // Internal state of scrollLayer (scrolling or idle).
    int state_;

    BOOL stealTouches_;

    // Holds the touch that started the scroll
    UITouch *scrollTouch_;

    // Holds pages.
    NSMutableArray *layers_;

    // Holds current pages width offset.
    CGFloat pagesOffset_;

    // Holds the height of every page
    CGFloat pageHeight_;

    // Holds the width of every page
    CGFloat pageWidth_;

    // Holds the maximum upper position
    CGFloat maxVerticalPos_;

    // Holds the real responsible rect in the screen
    CGRect realBound;

    /*Decoration and slide bars*/
    // Scroll bars on the right
    CCSprite* scrollBar;
    CGFloat scrollBarPosY;

    // Scroll block that indicates the current position in whole scorll view content
    CCSprite* scrollBlock;
    CGFloat scrollBlockUpperBound;
    CGFloat scrollBlockLowerBound;

    // Decoration
    // Holds position to maintain their position fixed even in setPosition
    CCSprite* upperBound;
    CGFloat upperBoundPosY;
    CCSprite* lowerBound;
    CGFloat lowerBoundPosY;

@property (readwrite, assign) NSObject <FGScrollLayerDelegate> *delegate;

#pragma mark Scroll Config Properties

/** Calibration property. Minimum moving touch length that is enough
 * to cancel menu items and start scrolling a layer.
@property(readwrite, assign) CGFloat minimumTouchLengthToSlide;

/** If YES - when starting scrolling FGScrollLayer will claim touches, that are
 * already claimed by others targetedTouchDelegates by calling CCTouchDispatcher#touchesCancelled
 * Usefull to have ability to scroll with touch above menus in pages.
 * If NO - scrolling will start, but no touches will be cancelled.
 * Default is YES.
@property(readwrite) BOOL stealTouches;

#pragma mark Pages Control Properties

/** Offset, that can be used to let user see next/previous page. */
@property(readwrite) CGFloat pagesOffset;

/** Page height, this version requires that each page shares the same height and width */
@property(readonly) CGFloat pageHeight;
@property(readonly) CGFloat pageWidth;

/** Returns array of pages CCLayer's  */
@property(readonly) NSArray *pages;
- (void) updatePages;
#pragma mark Init/Creation

/** Creates new scrollLayer with given pages & width offset.
 * @param layers NSArray of CCLayers, that will be used as pages.
 * @param pageSize indicates the size of every page, now this version requires each page 
 * share the same page size
 * @param widthOffset Length in X-coord, that describes length of possible pages
 * @param visibleRect indicates the real position and size on the screen
 * intersection. */
+(id) nodeWithLayers:(NSArray *)layers pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize pagesOffset: (int) pOffset visibleRect: (CGRect)rect;

/** Inits scrollLayer with given pages & width offset.
 * @param layers NSArray of CCLayers, that will be used as pages.
 * @param pageSize indicates the size of every page, now this version requires each page
 * share the same page size
 * @param pagesOffset Length in X-coord, that describes length of possible pages
 * @param visibleRect indicates the real position and size on the screen
 * intersection. */
-(id) initWithLayers:(NSArray *)layers pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize pagesOffset: (int) pOffset visibleRect: (CGRect)rect;

#pragma mark Misc
 * Return the number of pages
-(int) totalPagesCount;

#pragma mark Moving/Selecting Pages

/* Moves scrollLayer to page with given number.
 * Does nothing if number >= totalScreens or < 0.
-(void) moveToPage:(int)page;



//  FGScrollLayer.m
//  Fall G
//  Created by Dai Xuefeng on 23/9/12.
//  Copyright 2012 Nofootbird. 

#import "FGScrollLayer.h"


@interface CCTouchDispatcher (targetedHandlersGetter)

- (id<NSFastEnumeration>) targetedHandlers;


@implementation CCTouchDispatcher (targetedHandlersGetter)

- (id<NSFastEnumeration>) targetedHandlers
    return targetedHandlers;


@implementation FGScrollLayer

@synthesize delegate = delegate_;
@synthesize minimumTouchLengthToSlide = minimumTouchLengthToSlide_;
@synthesize pagesOffset = pagesOffset_;
@synthesize pages = layers_;
@synthesize stealTouches = stealTouches_;
@synthesize pageHeight = pageHeight_;
@synthesize pageWidth = pageWidth_;

- (int) totalPagesCount
    return [layers_ count];

+(id) nodeWithLayers:(NSArray *)layers pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize pagesOffset:(int)pOffset visibleRect:(CGRect)rect{
    return [[[self alloc] initWithLayers: layers pageSize:pageSize pagesOffset:pOffset visibleRect:rect] autorelease];

-(id) initWithLayers:(NSArray *)layers pageSize:(CGSize)pageSize pagesOffset:(int)pOffset visibleRect:(CGRect)rect{
    if ( (self = [super init]) )
        NSAssert([layers count], @"FGScrollLayer#initWithLayers:widthOffset: you must provide at least one layer!");

        // Enable Touches/Mouse.
        self.isTouchEnabled = YES;

        self.stealTouches = YES;

        // Set default minimum touch length to scroll.
        self.minimumTouchLengthToSlide = 30.0f;

        // Save offset.
        self.pagesOffset = pOffset;

        // Save array of layers.
        layers_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:layers copyItems:NO];

        // Save pages size for later calculation
        pageHeight_ = pageSize.height;
        pageWidth_ = pageSize.width;
        maxVerticalPos_ = pageHeight_ * [layers_ count] - rect.size.height + 5;

        realBound = rect;

        [self updatePages];
    return self;

- (void) dealloc
    self.delegate = nil;

    [layers_ release];
    layers_ = nil;

    [super dealloc];

- (void) updatePages
    // Loop through the array and add the screens if needed.
    int i = 0;
    for (CCLayer *l in layers_)
        l.position = ccp(realBound.origin.x,  realBound.origin.y + (realBound.size.height - i * (pageHeight_ - self.pagesOffset)));
        if (!l.parent){
            [self addChild:l];

    [self updatePagesAvailability];

 * According to current position, decide which pages are visible
    CGPoint currentPos = [self position];
    if (currentPos.y > 0) {
        int visibleBoundUp = currentPos.y / pageHeight_;
        visibleBoundUp = MIN([layers_ count], visibleBoundUp);
        for (int i = 0; i < visibleBoundUp; i++) {
            [[layers_ objectAtIndex:i] setVisible:NO];
        if (visibleBoundUp < [layers_ count]) {
            int visibleBoundDown = (currentPos.y + realBound.size.height) / pageHeight_;
            visibleBoundDown = MIN([layers_ count] - 1, visibleBoundDown);
            for (int i = visibleBoundUp; i <= visibleBoundDown; i++) {
                [[layers_ objectAtIndex:i] setVisible:YES];
            if (visibleBoundDown < [layers_ count] - 1) {
                for (int i = visibleBoundDown + 1; i <= [layers_ count] - 1; i++) {
                    [[layers_ objectAtIndex:i] setVisible:NO];
    else if (currentPos.y <= 0){
        CGFloat gapY = -currentPos.y;
        int visibleBound = (realBound.size.height - gapY) / pageHeight_;
        // index visibleBound itself should be invisible
        if (visibleBound < 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < [layers_ count]; i++) {
                [[layers_ objectAtIndex:i] setVisible:NO];
        visibleBound = MIN([layers_ count] - 1, visibleBound);
        for (int i = 0; i <= visibleBound; i++) {
            [[layers_ objectAtIndex:i] setVisible:YES];
        for (int i = visibleBound + 1; i < [layers_ count]; i++) {
            [[layers_ objectAtIndex:i] setVisible:NO];

-(void)setRealBound:(CGPoint)position size:(CGPoint)size{
    realBound = CGRectMake(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y);

    [super setPosition:position];
    [self updatePagesAvailability];
    CGFloat scrollBlockDesiredY = scrollBlockUpperBound - (scrollBlockUpperBound - scrollBlockLowerBound) * position.y / maxVerticalPos_;
    if (scrollBlockDesiredY > scrollBlockUpperBound) {
        scrollBlockDesiredY = scrollBlockUpperBound;
    }else if (scrollBlockDesiredY < scrollBlockLowerBound){
        scrollBlockDesiredY = scrollBlockLowerBound;
    [scrollBlock setPosition:ccp([scrollBlock position].x, scrollBlockDesiredY - position.y)];
    [lowerBound setPosition:ccp([lowerBound position].x, lowerBoundPosY - position.y)];
    [upperBound setPosition:ccp([upperBound position].x, upperBoundPosY - position.y)];
    [scrollBar setPosition:ccp([scrollBar position].x, scrollBarPosY - position.y)];

#pragma mark Moving To / Selecting Pages

-(void) moveToPage:(int)page
    if (page < 0 || page >= [layers_ count]) {
        CCLOGERROR(@"FGScrollLayer#moveToPage: %d - wrong page number, out of bounds. ", page);

    CGFloat desiredPos = page * pageHeight_;
    if (desiredPos > maxVerticalPos_) {
        desiredPos = maxVerticalPos_;

    [self runAction:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.3 position:ccp([self position].x, desiredPos)]];


#pragma mark Touches

/** Register with more priority than CCMenu's but don't swallow touches. */
-(void) registerWithTouchDispatcher
#if COCOS2D_VERSION >= 0x00020000
    CCTouchDispatcher *dispatcher = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher];
    int priority = kCCMenuHandlerPriority - 1;
    CCTouchDispatcher *dispatcher = [CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher];
    int priority = kCCMenuTouchPriority - 1;

    [dispatcher addTargetedDelegate:self priority: priority swallowsTouches:NO];

/** Hackish stuff - stole touches from other CCTouchDispatcher targeted delegates.
 Used to claim touch without receiving ccTouchBegan. */
- (void) claimTouch: (UITouch *) aTouch
#if COCOS2D_VERSION >= 0x00020000
    CCTouchDispatcher *dispatcher = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher];
    CCTouchDispatcher *dispatcher = [CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher];

    // Enumerate through all targeted handlers.
    for ( CCTargetedTouchHandler *handler in [dispatcher targetedHandlers] )
        // Only our handler should claim the touch.
        if (handler.delegate == self)
            if (![handler.claimedTouches containsObject: aTouch])
                [handler.claimedTouches addObject: aTouch];
            // Steal touch from other targeted delegates, if they claimed it.
            if ([handler.claimedTouches containsObject: aTouch])
                if ([handler.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(ccTouchCancelled:withEvent:)])
                    [handler.delegate ccTouchCancelled: aTouch withEvent: nil];
                [handler.claimedTouches removeObject: aTouch];

-(void)ccTouchCancelled:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [scrollBar setVisible:NO];
    [scrollBlock setVisible:NO];

    if( scrollTouch_ == touch ) {
        scrollTouch_ = nil;

// these two variables are to make a sliding effect on scroll view
static CGFloat previousTouchPointY = -1;
static CGFloat moveSpeed = 0;
-(BOOL) ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    if( scrollTouch_ == nil ) {
        scrollTouch_ = touch;
    } else {
        return NO;

    CGPoint touchPoint = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
    touchPoint = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:touchPoint];

    startSwipe_ = touchPoint.y;
    startSwipeLayerPos_ = [self position].y;
    state_ = kFGScrollLayerStateIdle;
    return YES;

- (void)ccTouchMoved:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    if( scrollTouch_ != touch ) {

    CGPoint touchPoint = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
    touchPoint = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:touchPoint];

    // If finger is dragged for more distance then minimum - start sliding and cancel pressed buttons.
    // Of course only if we not already in sliding mode
    if ( (state_ != kFGScrollLayerStateSliding)
        && (fabsf(touchPoint.y-startSwipe_) >= self.minimumTouchLengthToSlide) )
        state_ = kFGScrollLayerStateSliding;

        // Avoid jerk after state change.
        startSwipe_ = touchPoint.y;
        startSwipeLayerPos_ = [self position].y;
        previousTouchPointY = touchPoint.y;

        if (self.stealTouches)
            [self claimTouch: touch];

        if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(scrollLayerScrollingStarted:)])
            [self.delegate scrollLayerScrollingStarted: self];

    if (state_ == kFGScrollLayerStateSliding)
        CGFloat desiredY = startSwipeLayerPos_ + touchPoint.y - startSwipe_;
        [self setPosition:ccp(0, desiredY)];

        // enable scroll bar to be visible
        [scrollBar setVisible:YES];
        [scrollBlock setVisible:YES];

        // update scrolling effect variables
        moveSpeed = touchPoint.y - previousTouchPointY;
        previousTouchPointY = touchPoint.y;

 * After touching, generate an inertia effect.
- (void)moveToDesiredPos:(CGFloat)desiredY{
    CCAction* slidingAction = nil;
    if (desiredY > maxVerticalPos_) {
        slidingAction = [CCSequence actions:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.10 position:ccp([self position].x, desiredY)], [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.15 position:ccp([self position].x, maxVerticalPos_)], nil];
    else if (desiredY < 0){
        slidingAction = [CCSequence actions:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.10 position:ccp([self position].x, desiredY)],[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.15 position:ccp([self position].x, 0)], nil];
        CGFloat interPosY = (desiredY - [self position].y) * 0.7 + [self position].y;
        slidingAction = [CCSequence actions:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.15 position:ccp([self position].x, interPosY)],[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.3 position:ccp([self position].x, desiredY)], nil];
    [self runAction:slidingAction];

- (void)ccTouchEnded:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [scrollBar setVisible:NO];
    [scrollBlock setVisible:NO];

    if( scrollTouch_ != touch )
    scrollTouch_ = nil;

    if (ABS(moveSpeed) > 10) {
        CGFloat desiredDesY = [self position].y + moveSpeed * 5;
        [self moveToDesiredPos:desiredDesY];
        if ([self position].y > maxVerticalPos_) {
            [self runAction:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.3 position:ccp([self position].x, maxVerticalPos_)]];
        }else if ([self position].y < 0){
            [self runAction:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.3 position:ccp([self position].x, 0)]];

    // restore scrolling effect variables to default value
    moveSpeed = 0;
    previousTouchPointY = -1;



现在在我的 HelloWorldLayer.m 初始化我喜欢以下内容:

-(id) init
    if( (self=[super init]) ) {
        NSMutableArray *persons = [NSMutableArray array];
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            [persons addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",i]];

        NSArray *arrayOfPersons = [NSArray arrayWithArray:persons];

        //scrollNode.position = ccp(0, 0);

        scrollNode = [FGScrollLayer nodeWithLayers:arrayOfPersons pageSize:CGSizeMake(100, 20) pagesOffset:1 visibleRect:CGRectMake(30, 30, 500, 900)];

    return self;

但它给出错误: - [__ NSCFString setPosition:]:无法识别的选择器发送到实例0x960e170

我搜索了这个错误,我发现它是 Fundamental Subclassing错误。, 任何人都可以指导我解决这个问题吗?

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