
时间:2013-08-07 07:06:11

标签: geometry



这个问题得到了解答here但是在尝试不同的距离矩阵时,我真的无法使用这个答案,因为M矩阵具有负值,我的特征向量也是如此。因此,当你取平方根时,程序(在R中)为那些相关的条目输出“NaN”。 我猜这将在每次D(i,j)^ 2大于D(1,j)^ 2 + D(i,1)^ 2时发生。


0    73   102  496  432  184
73    0   303  392  436  233
102  303    0  366  207  353
496  392  366    0  172  103
432  436  207  172    0  352
184  233  353  103  352    0

使用等式M(i,j)=(0.5)(D(1,j)^ 2 + D(i,1)^ 2-D(i,j)^ 2),我得到(已经是有负面条目):

0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
0   5329.0 -38038.0  48840.5    928.5  -7552.0
0 -38038.0  10404.0  61232.0  77089.5 -40174.5
0  48840.5  61232.0 246016.0 201528.0 134631.5  
0    928.5  77089.5 201528.0 186624.0  48288.0
0  -7552.0 -40174.5 134631.5  48288.0  33856.0


477718.27  101845.63   16474.30  -13116.72 -100692.49

        [,1]       [,2]        [,3]        [,4]        [,5]
 0.00000000  0.0000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
-0.05928626  0.3205747  0.84148945  0.04869546 -0.42806691
-0.16650486 -0.5670946 -0.04507520 -0.58222690 -0.55647098
-0.73371713  0.2827320  0.07386302 -0.45957443  0.40627254
-0.59727407 -0.4623603  0.07806418  0.64968004 -0.03617241
-0.27144823  0.5309625 -0.52755471  0.15920983 -0.58372335

由于我们计算时存在负特征值和特征向量 sqrt(特征向量(i)*特征值(i)),我们将有负值。 这是我的最终结果:

[,1]     [,2]      [,3]     [,4]      [,5]
   0   0.0000   0.00000  0.00000   0.00000
 NaN 180.6907 117.74103      NaN 207.61291
 NaN      NaN       NaN 87.38939 236.71174
 NaN 169.6910  34.88326 77.64089       NaN
 NaN      NaN  35.86158      NaN  60.35139
 NaN 232.5429       NaN      NaN 242.43877

这是不使用角度计算坐标点的唯一明确方法吗? 如果是,我们是否必须固定距离矩阵,因此D(i,j)^ 2不大于D(1,j)^ 2 + D(i,1)^ 2。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



D <- as.matrix(read.table(textConnection("\
0    73   102  496  432  184
73    0   303  392  436  233
102  303    0  366  207  353
496  392  366    0  172  103
432  436  207  172    0  352
184  233  353  103  352    0")))
n <- nrow(D)
det(rbind(cbind(D^2, 1), c(rep(1, n), 0)))
# Result: 3.38761e+25



a b c   ac   abc    ab    bc
1 2 4: 496 > 465 =  73 + 392
1 3 4: 496 > 468 = 102 + 366
1 3 5: 432 > 309 = 102 + 207
1 6 4: 496 > 287 = 184 + 103
2 1 3: 303 > 175 =  73 + 102
2 6 4: 392 > 336 = 233 + 103
3 1 6: 353 > 286 = 102 + 184
5 4 6: 352 > 275 = 172 + 103




distance2coordinates <- function(D) {
  n <- nrow(D)
  maxDist <- which.max(D)
  p1 <- ((maxDist - 1) %% n) + 1
  p2 <- ((maxDist - 1) %/% n) + 1
  x2 <- D[p1, p2]
  r1sq <- D[p1,]^2
  r2sq <- D[p2,]^2
  x <- (r1sq - r2sq + x2^2)/(2*x2)
  y <- sqrt(r1sq - x^2)
  p3 <- which.max(y)
  x3 <- x[p3]
  y3 <- y[p3]
  plus <- abs(D[p3,]^2 - (x3 - x)^2 - (y3 - y)^2)
  minus <- abs(D[p3,]^2 - (x3 - x)^2 - (y3 + y)^2)
  y[minus < plus] <- -y[minus < plus]
  coords <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)


I:     x²       + y² = r₁²
II:   (x - x₂)² + y² = r₂²
I-II:  2*x*x₂ = r₁² - r₂² + x₂²





如果是,我们是否必须固定距离矩阵,因此D(i,j)^ 2不大于D(1,j)^ 2 + D(i,1)^ 2。

D(i,j)≤D(i,k)+ D(k,j)将有所帮助,即对于所有三元组和没有正方形。这将确保三角不平等在任何地方都存在。结果仍然不需要是平面的;因为你必须修复所有这些Menger决定因素。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

enter image description here enter image description here


import sympy
import numpy as np
def give_coords(distances):
    """give coordinates of points for which distances given

    coordinates are given relatively. 1st point on origin, 2nd on x-axis, 3rd 
    x-y plane and so on. Maximum n-1 dimentions for which n is the number
    of points

        distanes (list): is a n x n, 2d array where distances[i][j] gives the distance 
            from i to j assumed distances[i][j] == distances[j][i]

        numpy.ndarray: cordinates in list form n dim

        >>> a = sympy.sqrt(2)
        >>> distances = [[0,1,1,1,1,1],
        >>> give_coords(distances)
        array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
               [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
               [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
               [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
               [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=object)

        >>> give_coords([[0, 3, 4], [3, 0, 5], [4, 5, 0]])
        array([[0, 0],
        [3, 0],
        [0, 4]], dtype=object)        

    distances = np.array(distances)

    n = len(distances)
    X = sympy.symarray('x', (n, n - 1))

    for row in range(n):
        X[row, row:] = [0] * (n - 1 - row)

    for point2 in range(1, n):

        expressions = []

        for point1 in range(point2):
            expression = np.sum((X[point1] - X[point2]) ** 2) 
            expression -= distances[point1,point2] ** 2

        X[point2,:point2] = sympy.solve(expressions, list(X[point2,:point2]))[1]

    return X

答案 2 :(得分:0)


distances matrix and coordinates 您的输入矩阵给出了6个节点之间的距离,我们称之为a,b,c,d,e和f。总共需要5个维度才能将坐标分配给满足距离矩阵的所有六个节点。其中两个维度是虚构的 - 这是打破三角形规则的结果。结果是通过使用余弦定律和一些数字运算得出的。

  • a(0,0,0,0,0)
  • b(73,0,0,0,0)
  • c(-521.07,510.99i,0,0,0)
  • d(669.05,-802.08i,664.62,0,0)
  • e(12.72,-163.83i,488.13,158.01i,0)
  • f(-103.45,184.11i,84.52,138.06i,262.62)