
时间:2009-11-27 15:40:27

标签: generics f# interface type-inference

我们在这里开始长毛。我已经在数据的具体表示上测试了一堆树同步代码,现在我需要对它进行抽象,以便它可以运行任何支持正确方法的源和目标。 [实际上,这将是Documentum,SQL层次结构和文件系统等来源;使用Solr和自定义SQL交叉引用存储等目标。]

棘手的部分是,当我向下递归T类型的树并同步到U类型的树时,在某些文件中,我需要执行“子同步”当前节点的第二种类型V到该类型U。 (V表示文件中的层次结构 文件...)而且,当我尝试添加子同步时,F#中的类型推理引擎正在围绕这个推动我的圈子到V


问题是,当我在其中一个类方法中提供具体的TreeComparison<V,'b>时,V类型会在所有推断中传播,当我希望第一个类型参数保持通用时(when 'a :> ITree)。也许我可以对TreeComparison<V,'b>值进行一些打字?或者,更有可能的是,推断实际上是在告诉我某些东西在我思考这个问题的方式中固有地被打破了。


open System

type TreeState<'a,'b> = //'
  | TreeNew of 'a
  | TreeDeleted of 'b
  | TreeBoth of 'a * 'b

type TreeNodeType = TreeFolder | TreeFile | TreeSection

type ITree =
  abstract NodeType: TreeNodeType
  abstract Path: string
      with get, set

type ITreeProvider<'a when 'a :> ITree> = //'
  abstract Children : 'a -> 'a seq
  abstract StateForPath : string -> 'a

type ITreeWriterProvider<'a when 'a :> ITree> = //'
  inherit ITreeProvider<'a> //'
  abstract Create: ITree -> 'a //'
  // In the real implementation, this supports:
  // abstract AddChild : 'a -> unit
  // abstract ModifyChild : 'a -> unit
  // abstract DeleteChild : 'a -> unit
  // abstract Commit : unit -> unit

/// Comparison varies on two types and takes a provider for the first and a writer provider for the second.
/// Then it synchronizes them. The sync code is added later because some of it is dependent on the concrete types.
type TreeComparison<'a,'b when 'a :> ITree and 'b :> ITree> =
    State: TreeState<'a,'b> //'
    ATree: ITreeProvider<'a> //'
    BTree: ITreeWriterProvider<'b> //'

  static member Create(
                        atree: ITreeProvider<'a>,
                        apath: string,
                        btree: ITreeWriterProvider<'b>,
                        bpath: string) =
        State = TreeBoth (atree.StateForPath apath, btree.StateForPath bpath)
        ATree = atree
        BTree = btree

  member tree.CreateSubtree<'c when 'c :> ITree>
    (atree: ITreeProvider<'c>, apath: string, bpath: string)
      : TreeComparison<'c,'b> = //'
        TreeComparison.Create(atree, apath, tree.BTree, bpath)

/// Some hyper-simplified state types: imagine each is for a different kind of heirarchal database structure or filesystem
type T( data, path: string ) = class
  let mutable path = path
  let rand = (new Random()).NextDouble
  member x.Data = data
  // In the real implementations, these would fetch the child nodes for this state instance
  member x.Children() = Seq.empty<T>

  interface ITree with
    member tree.NodeType = 
      if rand() > 0.5 then TreeFolder
      else TreeFile
    member tree.Path
      with get() = path
      and set v = path <- v

type U(data, path: string) = class
  inherit T(data, path)
  member x.Children() = Seq.empty<U>

type V(data, path: string) = class
  inherit T(data, path)
  member x.Children() = Seq.empty<V>
  interface ITree with
    member tree.NodeType = TreeSection

// Now some classes to spin up and query for those state types [gross simplification makes these look pretty stupid]
type TProvider() = class
  interface ITreeProvider<T> with
    member this.Children x = x.Children()
    member this.StateForPath path = 
      new T("documentum", path)

type UProvider() = class
  interface ITreeProvider<U> with
    member this.Children x = x.Children()
    member this.StateForPath path = 
      new U("solr", path)
  interface ITreeWriterProvider<U> with
    member this.Create t =
      new U("whee", t.Path)

type VProvider(startTree: ITree, data: string) = class
  interface ITreeProvider<V> with
    member this.Children x = x.Children()
    member this.StateForPath path = 
      new V(data, path)

type TreeComparison<'a,'b when 'a :> ITree and 'b :> ITree> with
  member x.UpdateState (a:'a option) (b:'b option) = 
      { x with State = match a, b with
                        | None, None -> failwith "No state found in either A and B"
                        | Some a, None -> TreeNew a
                        | None, Some b -> TreeDeleted b
                        | Some a, Some b -> TreeBoth(a,b) }

  member x.ACurrent = match x.State with TreeNew a | TreeBoth (a,_) -> Some a | _ -> None
  member x.BCurrent = match x.State with TreeDeleted b | TreeBoth (_,b) -> Some b | _ -> None

  member x.CreateBFromA = 
    match x.ACurrent with
      | Some a -> x.BTree.Create a
      | _ -> failwith "Cannot create B from null A node"

  member x.Compare() =
    // Actual implementation does a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to compare with a custom IComparable wrapper
    //if not (x.ACurrent.Value = x.BCurrent.Value) then
    // And then some stuff to move the right way in the tree

  member internal tree.UpdateRenditions (source: ITree) (target: ITree) =
    let vp = new VProvider(source, source.Path) :> ITreeProvider<V>
    let docTree = tree.CreateSubtree(vp, source.Path, target.Path)

  member internal tree.UpdateITree (source: ITree) (target: ITree) =
    if not (source.NodeType = target.NodeType) then failwith "Nodes are incompatible types"
    if not (target.Path = source.Path) then target.Path <- source.Path
    if source.NodeType = TreeFile then tree.UpdateRenditions source target

  member internal tree.SyncStep() =
    match tree.State with
    | TreeNew a     -> 
        let target = tree.CreateBFromA
        tree.UpdateITree a target
        //tree.BTree.AddChild target
    | TreeBoth(a,b) ->
        let target = b
        tree.UpdateITree a target
        //tree.BTree.ModifyChild target
    | TreeDeleted b -> 
        //tree.BTree.DeleteChild b

  member t.Sync() =

// Now I want to synchronize between a tree of type T and a tree of type U

let pt = new TProvider()
let ut = new UProvider()

let c = TreeComparison.Create(pt, "/start", ut , "/path")


  1. docTree.Compare()
  2. tree.UpdateITree来电
  3. 并用()替换它们,然后推断保持通用,一切都很可爱。




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)


  member internal tree.SyncStep() : unit =
                             //   ^^^^^^




Why does F# infer this type?

Understanding F# Value Restriction Errors

Unknown need for type annotation or cast


  1. 查看所有成员显式签名,为所有成员设置初始类型环境
  2. 对于具有完全显式签名的任何成员,请将其类型修复为显式签名
  3. 从上到下,从左到右开始阅读方法体(你会遇到一些可能涉及未解决的类型变量的“前向引用”,这样做会导致麻烦,因为......)
  4. 同时解决所有成员团体(......但我们还没有做过任何'概括',那个'推断类型参数'而不是'修复'的部分在理论上可能是'a'的函数无论其第一个呼叫站点使用的具体类型如何)
  5. Generalize(任何剩余未解决的类型变量成为泛型方法的实际推断类型变量)
  6. 这可能不完全正确;我不太清楚它描述算法,我只是对它有所了解。你总是可以阅读语言规范。

    经常发生的是你到达子弹3并迫使推理器开始尝试同时解决/约束所有方法体,而事实上它是不必要的,因为例如也许某些功能有一个简单的具体固定类型。就像SyncStep是unit-&gt;单位一样,但是F#在步骤3中还不知道它,因为签名不是明确的,它只是说好了SyncStep对于某些尚未解决的类型有类型“unit - &gt;'a” a然后现在SyncStep现在通过引入一个不必要的变量而不必要地使所有解决方案复杂化。

    我发现这个的方式是,第一个警告(这个构造导致代码不如类型注释所指示的那样通用。类型变量'a被约束为类型'V')在最后一行调用docTree.Compare()时UpdateRenditions的主体。现在我知道Compare()应该是unit - &gt;单元。那么我怎么可能收到有关泛型那里的警告?啊,好吧,编译器不知道返回类型是那个时候的单位,所以它必须是通用的东西不是。事实上,我可以将返回类型注释添加到Compare而不是SyncStep - 任何一个都可以。


    • 如果你有一个好的类型的程序,它应该'工作'
    • 有时推理算法的细节需要一些“额外”注释......在最坏的情况下,你可以“全部添加”,然后“减去不必要的”
    • 通过使用编译器警告和推理算法的一些心理模型,您可以快速转向缺少注释的经验
    • 通常情况下,'修复'只是将一个完整类型的签名(包括返回类型)添加到某个关键方法中,该关键方法是“声明迟到”但“早期调用”(在成员集中引入前向引用)


答案 1 :(得分:3)



只是为了踢,考虑这个函数有三个变量:sqrt(2 * 2 * 3)



现在想象在两个问题函数之间添加一个额外的完全通用(即中性)函数,将我们的等式改为:sqrt(2 * 2 * 4)

