在尝试使用NuSoap 1.94和PHP 5.2.17对soapclient进行soapclient调用时,调用基于xBase ++的Web服务器(不使用WSDL)时收到错误消息。这个完全相同的代码适用于PHP 4上的NuSOAP 1.94。任何想法或帮助都将不胜感激!
注意(我必须从下面的错误消息中删除https://部分地址 - 我收到错误信息,说我需要10个声望才能发布2个或更多链接)
致命错误:未捕获的SoapFault异常:[WSDL] SOAP-ERROR:解析WSDL:无法从'xxx.xxx.com:55055'加载:无法加载外部实体“xxx.xxx.com:55055” /hsphere/local/home/xxx/xxx.com/phpinvent/inc/functions/xmsg.php:34堆栈跟踪:#0 /hsphere/local/home/xxx/xxx.com/phpinvent/inc/functions/xmsg。 php(34):SoapClient-> SoapClient('https://xxx.xxx ...')#1 /hsphere/local/home/xxx/xxx.com/phpinvent/xmsgtest.php(15):XMsg('LOGIN ',数组)在第34行的/hsphere/local/home/xxx/xxx.com/phpinvent/inc/functions/xmsg.php中抛出#2 {main}
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 300);
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
// include configuration
require_once('inc/nusoap/nusoap.php'); // include the NuSOAP classes
$xmsg_param[0][0] = "userid";
$xmsg_param[0][1] = "TEST";
$xmsg_param[1][0] = "password";
$xmsg_param[1][1] = "TEST";
$result = XMsg("LOGIN", $xmsg_param);
echo("<br>resulttxt: ".$result['xmsg_resulttxt']);
echo("<br>Sessionid: ".$result['sessionid']);
// XMsg *************************************************************************
// This function is used to send a message through the robust, connectionless message system
function XMsg($xm_type, $xm_parameters, $xm_target = XMSG_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, $xm_mode = XMSG_DEFAULT_MODE)
// Parameters:
// xm_type - C - mandatory – type of message being sent
// xm_parameters - A - optional - 2 dimensional array of name/value pairs that will be sent to the target with the message
// xm_target - C - optional - target - currently supports only URLs of AutoMate agents - defaults to gateway
// xm_mode - C - optional - tokens that allow for modification of the message - currently defaults to #SOAP# to send via SOAP
// Returns:
// xm_result - A - array of name/value pairs returned from the target in same format as xm_target
$xm_SOAPagent = ''; // SOAP Envelope Object - Request
$xm_SOAPresult = ''; // SOAP Envelope Object - Response
$xm_SOAPclass = '';
$xm_retrynum = 0; // Number of retries attempted
$xm_retry = true; // Continue retrying?
$xm_result = Array(); // Array of results returned by XMsg
$xm_numparams = 0; // Number of parameters passed to XMsg
$xm_I = 0; // FOR Loop Counter
// Initialize Parameters
$xm_parameters = (gettype($xm_parameters) == "array" ? $xm_parameters : array());
// check if mandatory parameters are passed
// xm_type must be character and not empty
if (gettype($xm_type)=="string" && !empty($xm_type)) {
case "SOAP":
// open SOAP envelope and initialize
echo("calling xm_target: ".$xm_target."<br>");
$soapclient = new soapclient($xm_target);
$soapparam = array();
// create and pass xmsg structure - NOTE: this section is specialized to PHP
$soapparam['xmsg_id'] = '';
$soapparam['xmsg_source'] = '';
$soapparam['xmsg_target'] = $xm_target;
$soapparam['xmsg_session'] = $_SESSION['SESSIONID'];
$soapparam['xmsg_userid'] = $_SESSION['USERID'];
$soapparam['xmsg_websessid'] = session_id();
$soapparam['xmsg_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$soapparam['xmsg_status'] = 'SENT';
$soapparam['xmsg_type'] = $xm_type;
$soapparam['xmsg_result'] = '';
$soapparam['xmsg_resulttxt'] = '';
$soapparam['xmsg_date'] = date("m/d/y");
$soapparam['xmsg_time'] = date("H:i:s");
$soapparam['xmsg_datereceive'] = '';
$soapparam['xmsg_timereceive'] = '';
$soapparam['xmsg_dateresponse'] = '';
$soapparam['xmsg_timeresponse'] = '';
// count parameters and add to SOAP Envelope
$xm_numparams = count($xm_parameters);
for ($xm_I = 0; $xm_I < $xm_numparams; $xm_I++) {
echo("setting soapparam[".$xm_parameters[$xm_I][0]."] to :".$xm_parameters[$xm_I][1]);
$soapparam[$xm_parameters[$xm_I][0]] = $xm_parameters[$xm_I][1];
// SOAP retry loop start - retry until xm_retry is false - set to false when call succeeds or max # retries exceeded
do {
// run remote SOAP call for RemoteCall as specified in
$xm_result = $soapclient->call('XMsg',$soapparam);
// check for fault
echo ("Fault: ".$xm_result['FAULT']."<br>");
echo ("1 Faultcode: ".$xm_result['faultcode']."<br>");
if (empty($xm_result['faultcode'])) {
echo('<hr>'.'<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($soapclient->response, ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>');
echo('<hr>'.'<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($soapclient->debug_str, ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>');
$xm_retry = false;
// update status / response date / time
$xm_result['xmsg_status'] = "RECEIVED";
$xm_result['xmsg_dateresponse'] = date("m/d/y");
$xm_result['xmsg_timeresponse'] = date("H:i:s");
} else {
echo("2 faultcode: ".$xm_result['faultcode']);
// SOAP Call retry handling
if ($xm_retry) {
// increase the SOAP comm retry counter to count the number of retries made
// check if the maximum number of retries has been reached
if ($xm_retrynum <= XMSG_NUMRETRY) {
sleep(XMSG_RETRYDELAY); // delay for set number of seconds
} else {
$xm_retry = false;
} while ($xm_retry);
// no other message type handling currently
return $xm_result;
// XMsg *************************************************************************
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