在map / forM中使用updateWhere

时间:2013-08-01 19:55:47

标签: haskell yesod persistent


for ::  [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
for xs f = map f xs

-- Summary: Loop over the elements of xs and update the table for each element
-- get an ID from the element
-- get the record corresponding to that ID
-- extract more values
-- update table (below is just a dummy updateWhere 
-- but the above values will be used in the update eventually )
forM_ xs $ \(Entity xid val) -> do
            let qid = tableField val 
            y <- runDB $ get404 qid
            let z = table2Field y
            return $ updateWhere [PersonName ==. "Test"] [PersonAge *=. 1] 


Couldn't match type `PersistMonadBackend m0'
               with `persistent-1.2.1:Database.Persist.Sql.Types.SqlBackend'
Expected type: PersistMonadBackend m0
  Actual type: PersistEntityBackend Person
In the second argument of `($)', namely
  `updateWhere [PersonName ==. name] [PersonAge *=. 1]'

我尝试使用 for代替 forM or forM_,但它没有修复任何问题。在这一点上,我只是尝试了一大堆组合而没有真正理解如何修复此错误。感谢您的帮助!



getCalculateDeltaR :: personId -> Handler Html
getCalculateDeltaR personId = do

    goods <- runDB $ selectList [GoodPerson ==. personId] [] 

    forM goods $ \(Entity gid good) -> do
                let aid = goodAsset good  
                asset <- runDB $ get404 aid
                let mktValue = assetMktValue asset
                return $ updateWhere [GoodPerson ==. personId, GoodAsset = aid] [GoodDelta =. (mktValue - GoodOrigValue)]  

    defaultLayout $ do
        $(widgetFile "calculateDelta")


    forM goods $ \(Entity gid good) -> do
                return $ updateWhere [GoodPerson ==. personId] [GoodDelta =. 1]  


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


forM_ xs $ \(Entity xid val) -> do
        let qid = tableField val 
        y <- runDB $ get404 qid
        let z = table2Field y
        runDB $ updateWhere [PersonName ==. "Test"] [PersonAge *=. 1] 
