
时间:2013-08-01 17:03:32

标签: vb.net object struct boxing

引用类型的正常预期语义是它应该表现为对象标识符。如果某个变量持有对程序创建的5483rd对象的引用,则将该变量传递给方法应该为其提供对5483rd对象的引用。 VB.NET大多数都是这样的,但有一个相当奇怪的例外:即使在Option Strict On方言中,尝试将类型Object的这样一个变量传递给一个接受该类型参数的方法,复制一个Object变量到另一个变量,或以其他方式导致类型为Object [借用C术语]的“rvalue”存储到该类型的“左值”,有时会导致编译器存储引用到另一个对象。


如果任何一个涉及的操作数可以是Object以外的类型,则没有问题。 泛型方法中,即使该类型恰好为Object,其泛型类型的变量也将正常工作。但是,当使用该类型调用类型时,属于泛型类型的参数将被视为Object


Function MakeNewWeakReference(Obj As Object) As WeakReference
   Return New WeakReference(Obj)
End Function 

Function GetWeakReferenceTargetOrDefault(WR as WeakReference, DefaultValue as Object) _
     As Object
   Dim WasTarget as Object = WR.Target
   If WasTarget IsNot Nothing Then Return WasTarget
   Return DefaultValue
End Function



Function MakeNewWeakReference(Of T As Class)(Obj As T) As WeakReference
   Return New WeakReference(Obj)
End Function 

Function GetWeakReferenceTargetOrDefault(Of T As Class)(WR as WeakReference, _
             DefaultValue as T) As T
   Dim WasTarget as T = TryCast(WR.Target, T)
   If WasTarget IsNot Nothing Then Return WasTarget
   Return DefaultValue
End Function

即使调用MakeNewWeakReference(Of Object)GetWeakReferenceTargetOrDefault(Of Object),也可以避免方法中的问题。不幸的是,如果要尝试使用类型为Object的参数的任一方法,并且存储的东西(在第一种情况下)或存储到的变量(在第二种情况下)也是类型Object,问题仍然发生在方法的调用或存储其返回值时。如果将一个人的所有代码放入一个泛型类中,并且只将其与类型参数Object一起使用,但确保始终TryCast类型为Object的事物为泛型类型(此类操作应该永远不会实际上如果泛型类型碰巧是Object)会失败,这会解决问题,但会相当丑陋。是否有一种干净的方式来指定应该允许变量以Object的方式保存对任何类型的堆对象的引用,但是应该始终使用引用语义来表达所有其他引用类型的方式吗?


Sub ObjTest(O1 As Object)
    Debug.Print("Testing type {0} (value is {1})", O1.GetType, O1)
    Dim O2 As Object
    Dim wr As New WeakReference(O1)

    O2 = O1 ' source and destination are type Object--not identity preserving

    Debug.Print("Ref-equality after assignment: {0}", O2 Is O1)
    Debug.Print("Ref-equality with itself: {0}", Object.ReferenceEquals(O1, O1))
    Debug.Print("Weak reference still alive? {0}", wr.IsAlive)
    Debug.Print("Value was {0}", O1) ' Ensure O1 is still alive
End Sub

Sub ObjTest()
End Sub

ObjTest(Object)方法提供的对象类型必须关注它给出的对象类型,而且所有三个使用类{{}}打印true的测试都没有真正的原因。{{ 1}}或类似String的原始值类型失败,其中非原始值类型如Int32。有什么好办法解决这个问题吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


--- SAMPLE CODE(原始问题)

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim Obj As Object

        'Argument as Object treated as String
        Obj = "converting into string although still is an object"
        Dim outString As String = ObjToString(Obj)

        'Is, complex behaviour; equals (=), always the same
        Obj = "This one is 1"
        Dim is1 As Integer = IsVsEqual(Obj, False)  '1
        Dim equal1 As Integer = IsVsEqual(Obj, True) '1
        Obj = 1.0d 'This one 2
        Dim outIndex2 As Integer = IsVsEqual(Obj, False) '2
        Dim equal2 As Integer = IsVsEqual(Obj, True)  '1

    End Sub

    Private Function ObjToString(obj As Object) As String

        Dim nowIWantString As String = obj.ToString()
        nowIWantString = nowIWantString & " -- now string 100%"

        Return nowIWantString
    End Function

    Private Function IsVsEqual(obj As Object, tryEqual As Boolean) As Integer

        Dim obj2 As Object = obj
        Dim outIndex As Integer = 0
        If (tryEqual) Then
            If (obj2 = obj) Then
                outIndex = 1
                outIndex = 2
            End If
            If (obj2 Is obj) Then
                outIndex = 1
                outIndex = 2
            End If
        End If

    Return outIndex
End Function

End Class


我必须认识到,我对你所展示的结果印象深刻。我从未详细研究过这一切,但对于两种不同的类型有两种不同的治疗方法;并且到了引发ReferenceEquals(sameObject, sameObject) = False的地步当然很好奇。只是您的示例的快速摘要:

Dim O1 As Object = new Object
If Not Object.ReferenceEquals(O1, O1) Then 
    'This object will show the "quirky behaviour"
End If

Object Type变量经历这种情况就像执行O1 = 2D一样简单。您还观察到,在这些情况下,WeakReference必须略有不同:wr = New WeakReference(CType(quirkyObj, ValueType))


Public Function dealWithNumObjects(a As Object) As Object

    Dim outObject As Object = a

    If (TypeOf a Is Double) Then
        'Do operations as double
    ElseIf (TypeOf a Is Decimal) Then
        'Do operations as decimal
    ElseIf (TypeOf a Is Integer) Then
        'Do operations as integer
    End If

    Return outObject
End Function


Dim input As Object
input = 5D 'Decimal
Dim outputDecimal As Decimal = DirectCast(dealWithNumObjects(input), Decimal)
input = 5.0 'Double
Dim outputDouble As Double = DirectCast(dealWithNumObjects(input), Double)
input = 5 'Integer
Dim outputInteger As Integer = DirectCast(dealWithNumObjects(input), Integer)



答案 1 :(得分:1)


事实上文档继续说,如果值类型是不可变的,它返回传入的相同对象。(它没有解释如何确定不变性,它是InternalCall :-()


要真正尝试回答您的问题:VB.NET不会调用GetObjectValue,而是在使用泛型类型时直接使用MSIL box命令:

Sub Assign(Of T)(ByRef lvalue As T, ByRef rvalue As T)
  lvalue = rvalue
  If Not Object.ReferenceEquals(lvalue, rvalue) Then _
    Console.WriteLine("Ref-equality lost even generically!")
End Sub

这不会为我尝试的类型写任何内容,但会在调用点调用GetObjectValue: - (


reference source的评论:

  // GetObjectValue is intended to allow value classes to be manipulated as 'Object'
  // but have aliasing behavior of a value class.  The intent is that you would use
  // this function just before an assignment to a variable of type 'Object'.  If the
  // value being assigned is a mutable value class, then a shallow copy is returned
  // (because value classes have copy semantics), but otherwise the object itself
  // is returned.
  // Note: VB calls this method when they're about to assign to an Object
  // or pass it as a parameter.  The goal is to make sure that boxed
  // value types work identical to unboxed value types - ie, they get
  // cloned when you pass them around, and are always passed by value.
  // Of course, reference types are not cloned.

在这个阶段我没有进一步的评论 - 只是巩固到一个地方。

我已将此链接存储在我的Chrome书签中:RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue why needed。我不记得多久以前我存储它了。