我正在使用下面的代码将图像上传到我的wp目录。 我试图修改代码,所以我可以直接从网址下载图像,但我没有运气。
class imgUploader
var $exts = array( ".png", ".gif", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg" ); //all the extensions that will be allowed to be uploaded
var $maxSize = 9999999; //if you set to "0" (no quotes), there will be no limit
var $uploadTarget = "../wp-content/uploads/"; //make sure you have the '/' at the end
var $fileName = ""; //this will be automatically set. you do not need to worry about this
var $tmpName = ""; //this will be automatically set. you do not need to worry about this
public function startUpload()
$this->fileName = $_FILES['uploaded']['name'];
$this->tmpName = $_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'];
if( !$this->isWritable() )
die( "Sorry, you must CHMOD your upload target to 777!" );
if( !$this->checkExt() )
die( "Sorry, you can not upload this filetype!" );
if( !$this->checkSize() )
die( "Sorry, the file you have attempted to upload is too large!" );
if( $this->fileExists() )
die( "Sorry, this file already exists on our servers!" );
if( $this->uploadIt() )
echo "Your file has been uploaded!<br><br>Click <a href=\"" . $this->uploadTarget . time() . $this->fileName . "\">here</a> to view your file!";
echo "Sorry, your file could not be uploaded for some unknown reason!";
public function uploadIt()
return ( move_uploaded_file( $this->tmpName, $this->uploadTarget . time() . $this->fileName ) ? true : false );
public function checkSize()
return ( ( filesize( $this->tmpName ) > $this->maxSize ) ? false : true );
public function getExt()
return strtolower( substr( $this->fileName, strpos( $this->fileName, "." ), strlen( $this->fileName ) - 1 ) );
public function checkExt()
return ( in_array( $this->getExt(), $this->exts ) ? true : false );
public function isWritable()
return ( is_writable( $this->uploadTarget ) );
public function fileExists()
return ( file_exists( $this->uploadTarget . time() . $this->fileName ) );
$img = new imgUploader();
if( $_POST['upload_file'] )
echo "<form method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
<label for=\"file\">Select a file to upload:</label> <input type=\"file\" name=\"uploaded\" id=\"file\"><br>
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"upload_file\" value=\"Upload!\">
我试图删除孔形式并给$ filename和$ temp命名图像网址,但它不起作用..