
时间:2013-07-30 22:13:57

标签: emacs

如何配置emacs以与其他现代编辑器相同的方式工作,其中按 Alt + D Alt + 退格删除相邻的空格还是单个单词?默认情况下,emacs始终删除一个单词。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

通过使用Emacs的一段时间我认为尽管我可以改变基本功能,但它在效率方面通常不会带来太多回报。事实上,在我做了几次之后,我后悔并解开它。这一直不是真的,有些键绑定真的很不舒服或很少有用,但我不认为这就是kill word如何工作的情况。事实上,我刚才意识到:我确实在Eclipse中尝试过键绑定,但是我一直在使用它与Emacs风格的kebindings永远...


  1. M-SPC 将单词之间的空间缩小到一个空格。如果点在两个单词之间并且我想删除分隔单词的额外空格,我会使用这个。

  2. M - \ 删除所有水平空间。这将加入由空格分隔的两个单词。

  3. 如果你想要实现的是某种“稀疏”格式化,例如:

  4. int foo          = 42;
    unsigned int bar = 43;

    那么 M-x align-regexp就可以了。

    1. 我从来没有遇到过a)长时间的whitepsace运行,除非它是缩进,如果是缩进, TAB 通常会更好地处理它。 b)即使有很长时间的空白运行,我也很少一次将这个点移动一个字符,所以我很难想到我会发现这个点被几个空格包围的情况。我想到了艺术家模式或点图等事情,但在代码编辑过程中不会发生这种情况。

    2. 最后,如果您正在尝试,那么,让我们说只需编辑一个任意文本文件,并且您想要在单词之间添加或删除水平空格......再次, Mx { {1}}要做到这一点,或者你可以使用对矩形进行操作的命令,如果那些是当时的几行。好吧,Emacs甚至会识别临时标签,并会尝试对齐文本,例如匹配点之前的最后一行,当你点击 TAB 时。

    3. 最后,如果由于某些原因我无法理解:)我真的需要做你所描述的,然后我会这样做: k M - \ BACKSPACE (它可以是任何其他键而不是“k” - 它恰好在你的手指下,所以输入速度很快:)或者,如果我懒得思考它: kbd> M-SPC Mf Mb Cw - 可能听起来很多,但这些是你将要使用的命令当时的时间,所以它在速度方面不会妨碍你。

答案 1 :(得分:8)

(defvar movement-syntax-table
  (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
    ;; ` default = punctuation
    ;; ' default = punctuation
    ;; , default = punctuation
    ;; ; default = punctuation
    (modify-syntax-entry ?{ "." st)  ;; { = punctuation
    (modify-syntax-entry ?} "." st)  ;; } = punctuation
    (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." st) ;; " = punctuation
    (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "_" st) ;; \ = symbol
    (modify-syntax-entry ?\$ "_" st) ;; $ = symbol
    (modify-syntax-entry ?\% "_" st) ;; % = symbol
  "Syntax table used while executing custom movement functions.")

(defun delete-word-or-whitespace (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
  (with-syntax-table movement-syntax-table
    (let* (
        (word-regexp "\\sw")
        (punctuation-regexp "\\s.")
        (symbol-regexp "\\s_\\|\\s(\\|\\s)"))
        ;; Condition # 1
        ;; right of cursor = word or punctuation or symbol
            (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-syntax-forward "w")))
            (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-syntax-forward ".")))
            (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-syntax-forward "_()"))))
          ;; Condition #1 -- Step 1 of 2
            ;; right of cursor = word
            ((save-excursion (< 0 (skip-syntax-forward "w")))
              (skip-syntax-forward "w")
              (setq end (point))
              (while (looking-back word-regexp)
              (setq beg (point))
              (delete-region beg end))
            ;; right of cursor = punctuation
            ((save-excursion (< 0 (skip-syntax-forward ".")))
              (skip-syntax-forward ".")
              (setq end (point))
              (while (looking-back punctuation-regexp)
              (setq beg (point))
              (delete-region beg end))
            ;; right of cursor = symbol
            ((save-excursion (< 0 (skip-syntax-forward "_()")))
              (skip-syntax-forward "_()")
              (setq end (point))
              (while (looking-back symbol-regexp)
              (setq beg (point))
              (delete-region beg end)))
          ;; Condition #1 -- Step 2 of 2
            ;; right of cursor = whitespace
            ;; left of cursor = not word / not symbol / not punctuation = whitespace or bol
                (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\s\t")))
                (not (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w"))))
                (not (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "."))))
                (not (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()")))))
              (setq beg (point))
              (skip-chars-forward "\s\t")
              (setq end (point))
              (delete-region beg end))
            ;; right of cursor = whitespace
            ;; left of cursor = word or symbol or punctuation
                (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\s\t")))
                  (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w")))
                  (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward ".")))
                  (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()")))))
        ;; Condition # 2
        ;; right of cursor = whitespace
        ;; left of cursor = bol | left of cursor = whitespace | right of cursor = whitespace + eol
            (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\s\t")))
              (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")))
              (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\s\t")) (eolp))))
          (setq beg (point))
          (skip-chars-forward "\s\t")
          (setq end (point))
          (delete-region beg end))
        ;; Condition # 3
        ;; right of cursor = whitespace or eol
        ;; left of cursor = word or symbol or punctuation
        ;; not bol + word or symbol or punctuation
        ;; not bol + whitespace + word or symbol or punctuation
            (or (save-excursion (< 0 (skip-chars-forward "\s\t"))) (eolp))
              (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w")))
              (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward ".")))
              (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()"))))
            (not (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w")) (bolp)))
            (not (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward ".")) (bolp)))
            (not (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()")) (bolp)))
            (not (save-excursion (and (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w")) (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")) (bolp))))
            (not (save-excursion (and (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward ".")) (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")) (bolp))))
            (not (save-excursion (and (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()")) (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")) (bolp)))))
          (setq end (point))
            ((save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w")))
              (while (looking-back word-regexp)
            ((save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward ".")))
              (while (looking-back punctuation-regexp)
            ((save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()")))
              (while (looking-back symbol-regexp)
          (setq beg (point))
          (when (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")))
            (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")
            (setq beg (point)))
          (delete-region beg end)
          (skip-chars-forward "\s\t"))
        ;; Condition # 4
        ;; not bol = eol
        ;; left of cursor = bol + word or symbol or punctuation | bol + whitespace + word or symbol or punctuation
            (not (and (bolp) (eolp)))
              (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w")) (bolp))
              (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward ".")) (bolp))
              (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()")) (bolp))
              (save-excursion (and (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "w")) (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")) (bolp)))
              (save-excursion (and (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward ".")) (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")) (bolp)))
              (save-excursion (and (> 0 (skip-syntax-backward "_()")) (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")) (bolp)))))
          (skip-chars-forward "\s\t")
          (setq end (point))
          (setq beg (point-at-bol))
          (delete-region beg end))
        ;; Condition # 5
        ;; point = eol
        ;; not an empty line
        ;; whitespace to the left of eol
            (not (and (bolp) (eolp)))
            (save-excursion (> 0 (skip-chars-backward "\s\t"))))
          (setq end (point))
          (skip-chars-backward "\s\t")
          (setq beg (point))
          (delete-region beg end))
        ;; Condition # 6
        ;; point = not eob
        ;; point = bolp and eolp
        ;; universal argument = C-u = '(4)
            (not (eobp))
            (and (bolp) (eolp))
            (equal arg '(4)))
          (delete-forward-char 1))) )))

答案 2 :(得分:4)



(defun kill-whitespace-or-word ()
  (if (looking-at "[ \t\n]")
      (let ((p (point)))
        (re-search-forward "[^ \t\n]" nil :no-error)
        (kill-region p (point)))
    (kill-word 1)))


(global-set-key (kbd "M-d") 'kill-whitespace-or-word)

答案 3 :(得分:1)

如果您使用的是基于CC模式的缓冲区,则可能正在寻找Hungry Delete Mode次要模式。

在几个地方尝试 Cc DEL Cc DELETE ,以了解差异。

如果您喜欢它的工作方式,您可以通过执行M-x c-toggle-hungry-state切换饥饿删除以适用于标准键,或者只是将饥饿的删除功能重新绑定到您的首选绑定。


(defun c-hungry-delete-forward-word ()
  "Delete the following word or all following whitespace
up to the next non-whitespace character.
See also \\[c-hungry-delete-backwards]."
  (let ((c-delete-function (function kill-word)))

查看信息页面(ccmode) Hungry WS Deletion了解更多信息。