
时间:2013-07-30 18:20:41

标签: python numpy scipy

获取调用函数结果的数组有哪些选择? 在给定(对象)数组的每个元素上?


object_array # an array whose elements are objects
result_array=scipy.reshape( [o.f() for o in object_array.flat], object_array.shape )

我的情况类似于object_array[i,j]scipy.stats.norm的实例,其中不同元素的分布参数不同。 而scipy.stats.norm.rvs()是我要拨打的f()。请注意,object_array的大小可能非常大(最多约1000x1000),因此我担心这是次优的,因为我在调用{{1}时至少制作了一份结果副本}}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import numpy as np
class Foo():
    def foo(self):
        return np.random.random()

a = np.empty((10,10), dtype=object)
for ind,v in np.ndenumerate(a):
    a[ind] = Foo()

def evaluate_and_reshape(a, shape):
    it = np.nditer( op    = [a.reshape(shape),None],
                    flags = ['multi_index','refs_ok'],
                    op_flags = [['readonly'],
                    op_dtypes = [object, float],
                    itershape = (shape)
    while not it.finished:
        ind = it.multi_index
        it.operands[1][ind] = it.operands[0][ind].foo()
    return it.operands[1]

def sol1():
    return evaluate_and_reshape(a,(20,5))

def sol2():
    return np.reshape( [o.foo() for o in a.flat], (20,5) )


timeit sol1()
#10000 loops, best of 3: 110 us per loop
timeit sol2()
#10000 loops, best of 3: 54.8 us per loop