无法推断T []的模板参数

时间:2009-11-25 02:22:45

标签: c++


error C2065: 'temp' : undeclared identifier

我知道对于temp我需要声明类似int temp[]的数组类型, 但如果我不知道它是什么呢? 它可以是intstringdouble。 如何在不指定类型的情况下创建临时数组?



template<class T>
void Mergesort(T& a, int first, int last);
template<class T>
void Merge(T& a, int first, int last);    

int main()  
    int num;
    cout << "How many words? ";
    cin >> num;
    Array<string> b(num);
    cout << "Enter the " << num << " words below:\n";
    for (int i=0; i<num ; i++)
        cin >> b[i];
    cout << "\nThank you!!\n";

    // Copy the original array and sort it using Quicksort
    Array<string> bq(b);
    Quicksort(bq, 0, num-1);
    cout << "\nElements sorted using quicksort:\n";
    for (int i=0; i<num ; i++)  
        cout << bq[i]<< " ";
    cout << "\n";

    Array<string> bm(b);
    Mergesort(bm, 0, num-1);
    cout << "\nElements sorted using mergesort:\n";
        for (int i=0; i<num ; i++)  
    cout << bm[i]<< " ";
    cout << "\n";

template<class T>
void Mergesort(T& a, int first, int last) 
    if (first < last) 
        int mid = (first + last) / 2;
        Mergesort(a, first, mid);
        Mergesort(a, mid+1, last);
        Merge(a, first, last);

template<class T>
void Merge(T& a, int first, int last) 
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    int one = 0, two = first, three = mid + 1;

    while (two <= mid && three <= last) // Neither sublist is done
        if (a[two] < a[three])          // Value in first half is smaller
            temp[one++] = a[two++];
        else                            // Value in second half is smaller
            temp[one++] = a[three++];
    while (two <= mid)                  // Finish copying first half
        temp[one++] = a[two++];
    while (three <= last)               // Finish copying second half
        temp[one++] = a[three++];
    for (one = 0, two = first; two <= last; a[two++] = temp[one++]);


using namespace std;

template<class T> class Array 
    Array(int s);
    Array(int l, int h);

    Array(const Array& other);

    T& operator[](int index);
    const T& operator[](int index) const;

    int get_size() const {return arraySize;}

    int low;
    int high;
    int arraySize; //size of array
    int offset; //to adjust back to an index of zero
    T *array_;

    void Copy(const Array&);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

T a[]表示您期望一个T数组作为参数类型 - 但这是一个C数组,而不是类类型。您的类模板Array就是这样 - 一个类模板只会通过operator[]()方便地访问其内容。


template<class T>
void Quicksort(T& a, int first, int last)



根据该惯例,您可以如下声明template<class T> class Array { public: typedef T value_type; // ... };
