stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [productId] => 5 [productName] =>
SneakVape Vaporizer and FREE BONUS Portable Pollen Press [productUnitePrice] => 26.99 [productDiscountPrice] => 0.00
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[productSubTotal] => 26.99
[productCartPrice] => 26.99
[currencyCode] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => Pound [code] => £ [codeStr] => GBP [isDefault] => Yes ) [currencyCodeStr] =>
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[productInfo] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5 [productName] => SneakVape Vaporizer and FREE BONUS Portable Pollen Press
[productSmallDescription] => Sneak Vape Herbal Vaporizer [unitPrice] => 26.99 [discountPrice] => 0.00
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[category_name] => Vaporizer [category_description] => Sneak Vape Shopping
[sub_category_description] => Sneak Vape Herbal Vaporizer; [parent_category] => 0
[status] => Enabled [displayorder] => 200 [subCategory] => Array ( ) )
[addedOn] => 2013-07-29 09:10:35 [addedBy] => 1
[status] => Published [isFeatured] =>
[productDescription] =>
Items Included
Sneak Vape Herbal Vaporizer
FREE PortablePollen Press
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[imageObject] => Product [image_title] =>
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[specialTag] => )
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[recordId] => 17 [recordText] => p1805b58vm1h061bve1pp1ko8tc1.jpg
[recordListingId] => 1 [imageObject] => Product [image_title] =>
[image_description] => [image_link] => [imageObjectKeyId] => 5 [specialTag] => ) )
[productCode] => Juicer - EK3016S )
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[imageObject] => Product [image_title] => [image_description] => [image_link] => [imageObjectKeyId] => 5
[specialTag] => )
答案 0 :(得分:2)
echo $obj->productCode;