
时间:2013-07-29 21:11:50

标签: 8051 interrupt sdcc

我可以使用定时器和UART产生的中断,当我们单独使用它时,我希望能够使用它们(也就是说,定时器能够在使用它时激活中断子程序)它自己的,UART能够在自己使用时激活中断子程序),但似乎在UART产生中断(表明写缓冲区已清除)后,定时器中断停止工作;如果我同时启用UART和定时器来产生中断,定时器将不会在一到两个周期后将程序发送到中断子程序。我的代码应该定期使用UART发送消息 - 每当定时器倒计时到零时从循环缓冲区发送消息:

 * Main.c
 *      clock: 12 megahertz

#include "io_lib.h"
#include "configuregpio.h"
#include "my_uart_library.h"

/* Debug mode definition -- changed 'NO interrupt' to 4 instead of 0 */
#define WITH_TIMER_INT      0x01
#define WITH_UART_INT       0x02
#define WITHOUT_INT         0x04

#define DEBUG_MODE      3   /* 0 Error - should not use */
                            /* 1 Debugging with Timer Interrupt */
                            /* 2 Debugging with UART Interrupt */
                            /* 3 Debugging with Timer & UART Interrupt */
                            /* 4 Debugging without all interrupt */

/* 2.1 Timer Operating Counter - utilized either by interrupt or polling */
volatile unsigned int timercounter = 0;
unsigned int previouscounter = 0;

/* 2.2 Timer Operating Counter - utilized only at polling */
unsigned int timervalue;

/* 3. Pending Interrupt Status - RxRDY, TxRDY, Timer interrupt */
/*  - similar reason, two variables are defined for polling and interrupt use */
unsigned int irqStatusP;  /* Polling or normal routine use */
unsigned int irqStatusI;  /* interrupt use only */

/*** 5.x Following variables are defined as temporary purpose.  Normally they are not utilized */
unsigned int firstDigit, secondDigit, thirdDigit;
unsigned int tempBCD;

static char frameNo = 0;//0-99
static char counter = 0;
static int i = 0;
static char frameNumber[2];
char frameNoString[50] = "Minor cycle ";

unsigned char x;
unsigned int    datax;
/**** end of 5.x ** *******************************/

/* 6. Interrupt Service Routine for 8051 CPU's IRQ0 */
void INT0_IRQHandler(void) __interrupt (0) __using (1) //Changing "using" parameter will produce offset in
//irq handler addresses because a "different register" bank will be used.
    //disable all interrupts while this is being handled
  irqStatusI = inport8 (IRQ_Status);



    if ( (irqStatusI & IRQ_SRC2) != 0 ) /* IRQ Source 2 (Timer) has interrupted */

        //incriment timer counter.  This will make it not equal to previous timer counter in main.
        timercounter ++;
        outport16(GPIO_OUT, timercounter);




// Main code
int main(void)
    /* for debugging, initialize the Tx/Rx Buffer */

    // configure GPIO

    //Turn on every LED bit. to test the GPIO
    outport8(GPIO_OUT, 0x0);
    outport16(GPIO_OUT, 0x0);

    /* To make sure of no interrupt before initiating UART/TIMER, */
    /*  all of the possible interrupt sources are cleared */
    /* a. clear all possible pending interrupt at the interrupt controller */
    outport16(FIQ_CLEAR, 0xFFFF);
    outport16(IRQ_CLEAR, 0xFFFF);
    /* b. clear possible pending interrupt at the timer */
    /* c. clear possible pending interrupt at the UART */
    inport8(StatusRegister);    /* reading status register of UART */

    /* Configure UART */
    //we need to read status register at the end of configuration.
    //tx ready signal may automatically generate.  To remove it we need to read uart status register once.

    //timer configure
    Set100msTimer(); /* setup timer 100 milli-second *///when timer is off interrupt 2 when on 6
    ClearTimerInterrupt();    /* added to prevent 'false' interrupt by the Timer */
    ClearTimerInterrupt();    /* added to prevent 'false' interrupt by the Timer */

    /* Before Initializing Interrupt Controller, clear them */
    outport16(FIQ_CLEAR, 0xFFFF);
    outport16(IRQ_CLEAR, 0xFFFF);

    //This is enabling IRQ sources of the interrupt controller.
    //  IRQ Source 0 : RxRDY
    //  IRQ Source 1 : TxRDY
    //  IRQ Source 2 : Timer
    /* Combine those three macros whenever want to intiate their own interrupt */

    outport16(IRQ_Enable_Reg, ( /*IRQ_SRC0 | */IRQ_SRC1 |IRQ_SRC2 ));  // all interrupt

    /* enable 8051 interrupt */

    while (1)

        /* for debugging, following strings have added to the Tx Buffer to transmit */
        if (timercounter != previouscounter)
            previouscounter = timercounter;


    }   /* end of while (1) */


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