#import "UICBus_FirstViewController.h"
@interface UICBus_FirstViewController ()
@implementation UICBus_FirstViewController
@synthesize timer;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
CLLocationCoordinate2D zoomLocation;
zoomLocation.latitude = 41.869271;
zoomLocation.longitude= -87.666436;
// 2
MKCoordinateRegion viewRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(zoomLocation, 0.85*METERS_PER_MILE, 0.85*METERS_PER_MILE);
// 3
MKCoordinateRegion adjustedRegion = [__mapView regionThatFits:viewRegion];
// 4
[__mapView setRegion:adjustedRegion animated:YES];
CGRect frame = self.view.bounds;
frame.size.height = frame.size.height - 40;
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
[self initRoutes];
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 5 target:self selector:@selector(updateLocations) userInfo:nil repeats: YES];
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
- (void)updateLocations {
[self updateBuses];
[self._mapView removeAnnotations:_Anns];
_Anns = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < _Buses.count; i++){
UICBus_Bus *Temp = _Buses[i];
CLLocationCoordinate2D ctrpoint;
ctrpoint.latitude = [Temp.getLat floatValue];
ctrpoint.longitude = [Temp.getLon floatValue];
MKAnnotation *addAnnotation = [[MKAnnotation alloc] initWithTitle:Temp.getMac andCoordinate:ctrpoint];
[_Anns addObject:addAnnotation];
[self._mapView addAnnotations:_Anns];
// ********************** Still need to add code to determine if bus is active or not **********************
- (void)updateBuses {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://bus.uic.edu/api/latest"];
NSData *content = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
NSError *JSONe;
_BusesInput = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:content options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&JSONe];
_Buses = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
UICBus_Bus *Temp;
if(_BusesInput.count < 1){
NSLog(@"No Buses Found/Empty JSON");
for (NSString* key in _BusesInput){
Temp = [[UICBus_Bus alloc] init:[_BusesInput objectForKey:key]];
[_Buses addObject:Temp];
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mv didAddAnnotationViews:(NSArray *)views{
MKAnnotationView *annotationView = [views objectAtIndex:0];
id <MKAnnotation> mp = [annotationView annotation];
[mv selectAnnotation:mp animated:YES];
- (void)viewDidUnload {
[self set_mapView:nil];
[super viewDidUnload];
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在显示和选择自定义图像时,您可以直接使用didAddAnnotationViews方法和didSelectAnnotation。 我发现此链接可以帮助您最好地使用How do I add custom pins to the iPhone MapKit? 希望这会有所帮助。