带有if语句的Python for循环

时间:2013-07-26 20:11:39

标签: python logic arcgis calculated-columns arcpy

此代码将用于附加了栅格单元格数的多边形数据。例如,如果栅格是土地覆盖,则每个土地覆盖类型将有一列,每个多边形内有相应的细胞计数。此输出来自地理空间建​​模环境,因为Tabulate Raster在我正在使用的大型shapefile上不断崩溃。最终,我想要一个区域值,而不是细胞计数,这是下面的代码将实现的。



如果origFields =('NLCDV1','NLCDV2'......) 和addedFields =('KM2_LC1','KM2_LC2'...) 然后addField计算将以适当的值结束: 'KM2_LC1'=转换(其中convert =!NLCDV1!* cell) 对于可能存在的所有值,'KM2_LC2'=转换(convert =!NLCDV2!* cell)等等。

#User inputs the desired final units, loop through to find the desired units and calculates the new fields.
unit = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7) #Must be: SqMeter, SqKm, Acres, Hectares, SqMi, or SqFt.

#User must know original units of raster, must be in Meters or Foot_US!!!
for field in origFields:

  if rastunit == "Meter":
    #To make square meters final area unit.
    if unit == "SqMeter":
      arcpy.CalculateField_management(inputPoly, addField, convert, "PYTHON_9.3")

    #To convert square meters into Square Kilometers.
    elif unit == "SqKm":
      arcpy.CalculateField_management(inputPoly, addField, convertsqmsqkm, "PYTHON_9.3")

    #To convert square meters into Acres.
    elif unit == "Acres":
      arcpy.CalculateField_management(inputPoly, addField, convertsqmac, "PYTHON_9.3")

    #To convert square meters into Hectares.
    elif unit == "Hectares":
      arcpy.CalculateField_management(inputPoly, addField, convertsqmhec, "PYTHON_9.3")

    #To convert square meters into Square Miles.
    elif unit == "SqMi":
      arcpy.CalculateField_management(inputPoly, addField, convertsqmsqmi, "PYTHON_9.3")

    #To convert square meters into Square Feet.
    elif unit == "SqFt":
      arcpy.CalculateField_management(inputPoly, addField, convertsqmsqft, "PYTHON_9.3")
      print arcpy.AddWarning("Ineligible unit provided.")

  elif rastunit == "Foot_US":
    #To make square feet final area unit.
    if unit == "SqFt":
      arcpy.CalculateField_management(inputPoly, addField, convert, "PYTHON_9.3")

    print "This raster has the following units:" +rastunit+ ". If not in Foot_US or Meters, please reproject the raster."


(u'NLCDV1', 'KM2_LC1', '!NLCDV1! * 900.0')
(u'NLCDV2', 'KM2_LC2', '!NLCDV2! * 900.0')
(u'NLCDV3', 'KM2_LC3', '!NLCDV3! * 900.0')
(u'NLCDV4', 'KM2_LC4', '!NLCDV4! * 900.0')
(u'NLCDV5', 'KM2_LC5', '!NLCDV5! * 900.0')
(u'NLCDV7', 'KM2_LC7', '!NLCDV7! * 900.0')
(u'NLCDV8', 'KM2_LC8', '!NLCDV8! * 900.0')
(u'NLCDV9', 'KM2_LC9', '!NLCDV9! * 900.0')



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


origFields = (u'NLCDV1', u'NLCDV2', u'NLCDV3')
addedFields = ('KM2_LC1', 'KM2_LC2', 'KM2_LC3')
calcs = ('!NLCDV1! * 900.0', '!NLCDV2! * 900.0', '!NLCDV3! * 900.0')

for orig, added, calc in zip(origFields, addedFields, calcs):
    print '{!r}, {!r}, {!r}'.format(orig, added, calc)


u'NLCDV1', 'KM2_LC1', '!NLCDV1! * 900.0'
u'NLCDV2', 'KM2_LC2', '!NLCDV2! * 900.0'
u'NLCDV3', 'KM2_LC3', '!NLCDV3! * 900.0'