
时间:2013-07-26 17:11:27

标签: applescript automator


  • 输入是选定文件
  • 创建新文件夹并复制所选文件
  • 帮助* Applescript获取创建日期/时间并过滤掉超过一分钟前发出的任何文件(一个名为input的变量[包含] 图像路径]传递给此脚本)
  • 重命名文件
  • 调整文件大小

除了第三步之外我一切正常,这很重要,因为如果服务在同一文件夹中第二次运行,则已调整大小的文件将再次调整大小。为了解决这个问题,我想创建一个Applescript来过滤掉超过40秒/ 1分钟前创建的任何内容。


on run {input, parameters}

set theFileDate to (creation date of input as string)
display dialog theFileDate

return input
end run


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
        set theFileDate to (creation date of input as string)
    end tell
    display dialog theFileDate
    return input
end run

答案 1 :(得分:0)


-- This script will (when completed) filter the list of Finder items in the input parameter
-- returning as an output only those files that meet the specified criteria.
on run {input, parameters}
    -- if no items were selected, tell the user and cancel the workflow
    if ((count of input) < 1) then
        display alert "This workflow will do nothing because no items were selected in the Finder"
        set CANCEL_WORKFLOW to -128
        error CANCEL_WORKFLOW
    end if
    -- select the items to be output by this action
    set output to {}
    repeat with thisItem in input
        -- display the thisItem's path name and creation date
        display dialog (thisItem as text)
        set theFileDate to (creation date of (get info for thisItem))
        display dialog theFileDate as text
        ------ replace the next line of code with a compare of theFileDate to current date -----
        set addThisItem to true
        -- add items that meet the criteria to the output (which is a list)
        if addThisItem then
            set output to output & thisItem
        end if
    end repeat
    -- return the output of this action to be the input of the next action
    return output
end run


- 凯德尔

答案 2 :(得分:0)






enter image description here

答案 3 :(得分:0)


on run {input, parameters}
    set filterDate to (current date) - 60
    set filteredFiles to {}

    repeat with i from 1 to count of input
        set thisFile to item i of input
        if (class of thisFile) is text then set thisFile to thisFile as alias
        set creationDate to (creation date of (get info for thisFile))
        if creationDate is greater than or equal to filterDate then
            set end of filteredFiles to (item i of input)
        end if
    end repeat

    return filteredFiles
end run