
时间:2013-07-26 17:09:26

标签: applescript outlook-2011



display dialog ("Enter Category...") ¬
    default answer "" buttons {"Tag & Move", "Tag", "Cancel"} default button "Tag & Move"
copy the result as list to {the myCategories, the myTagButton}

if myTagButton is "Cancel" then
end if

--- Get comma separated string and convert to list
set old_delimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {", "}
set category_list to text items of myCategories
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_delimiters

--- Set category to each item of list
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"

    --- The set category needs a special list to work with multiple tags...
    --- Create a list {category "tag1", category "tag2", ...}
    set my_categorylist to {}
    repeat with categoryitem in category_list
            set end of my_categorylist to category categoryitem
    end repeat

    --- apply the list of categories to all selected messages
    --- set category of (item 1 of (get current messages)) to my_categorylist
    set msgSet to current messages
    if msgSet = {} then
        error "No messages selected. Select at least one message."
        error -128
    end if
    repeat with aMessage in msgSet
        set category of (item 1 of aMessage) to my_categorylist
        --- Move the message if so told by first dialog
        --- I file by year, so get the date the message was sent and move it there
        if myTagButton is "Tag & Move" then
            set theDate to time sent of aMessage
            set theYear to year of theDate as string
            move aMessage to mail folder theYear
        end if
    end repeat
end tell


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copy the result as list to {the myCategories, the myTagButton}


copy the result as list to {the myTagButton, the myCategories}

更有用的是根据 Outlook 中可用的类别从列表中选择类别。