我有一个下拉框,当下拉列表中的选项被更改时,使用jquery .html函数填充div。
<form action="/" method="post" id="selectClub">
<p>Thanks for thinking about joining FitSpace. Our five step joining process takes less than 5 minutes, and is quick, easy and all online. To get started, just choose the club you would like to join..</p>
<label for="chooseClub">Choose Club</label>
<select name="chooseClub">
<option value="">-- Please Select --</option>
<?php foreach($this->clubs as $club) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $club['GYMGUID']; ?>"><?php echo $club['GYMNAME']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<div id="ratesWrapper">
if (data.result = true) {
var html = "";
jQuery.each(data.rates, function (i, v) {
var link = "<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_signup&view=memberForm1'); ?>";
var imgLink = "<?php echo addslashes($this->baseurl . '/templates/protostar/images/bg_pricing_join_now.png'); ?>";
html += "<a class='rate' href='" + link + "&GYMGUID=" + v.GYMGUID + "&RATEGUID=" + v.RATEGUID + "'>";
html += "<h4><img src='" + imgLink + "' />" + v.RATENAME + "</h4>";
if (v.RATENAME.indexOf('Value') > -1) {
html += "<p class='time'>Monthly</p>";
} else if (v.RATENAME.indexOf('Flex') > -1) {
html += "<p class='time'>Monthly</p>";
} else if (v.RATENAME.indexOf('Annual') > -1) {
html += "<p class='time'>Annual</p>";
if (v.RATENAME.indexOf('Annual') > -1) {
html += "<p class='ratePrice'>£" + v.RATE + " annual fee</p>";
} else {
html += "<p class='ratePrice'>£" + v.RATE + " per month</p>";
if (v.RATENAME.indexOf('Value') > -1) {
html += "<p class='signUp'>With a one-off £29 joining fee</p>";
html += '<p>18 months minimum term<br /> Paid by Direct Debit monthly</p>';
} else if (v.RATENAME.indexOf('Flex') > -1) {
html += '<p class="signUp">With a one-off £29 joining fee</p>';
html += "<p>No Contract, but you need to give us one month's notice to cancel.</p>";
html += "<p>Paid by Direct Debit monthly</p>";
} else if (v.RATENAME.indexOf('Annual') > -1) {
html += "<p class='signUp'>With NO joining Fee.</p>";
html += '<p>12 months membership<br /> Paid by one-off Direct Debit</p>';
html += "<p class='clickHere'>Click here to join!</p>";
html += "</a>";
html += "<ul class='signupBottomBoxes'>";
html += "<p>All memberships include:</p>";
html += "<li>Proximity Membership card which provides Unlimited Use</li>";
html += "<li>Join One Club - use them all</li>";
html += "<li>Free Induction</li>";
html += "</ul>";
当我在IE8 IE web开发工具栏中检查标记时,生成的标记显示如下:
<div id="ratesWrapper"/>
我不确定为什么会这样。有人能指出我正确的方向吗? 感谢
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