所以我对编程很新,我一直在努力寻找解决我面临的许多问题的方法。总的来说,事情已经开始落到实处,但有时事情只会让我感到非常伤心。就像现在一样。我正在为我女朋友的艺术网站制作一个简单的灯箱。我已经想出如何使用php将图像放入列表中。弄清楚如何使用Jquery将图像包装在锚点中,并弄清楚如何使覆盖屏幕上出现叠加层。一切都进展顺利,直到过去的图像显示为“未定义”,如http://www.mysite.com/JPG/undefined 我想我已经把变量搞砸了,但无论我怎么努力,我似乎都看不出问题。你们中的任何一个人能帮助一个菜鸟吗?这是不起作用的jquery。如果您需要代码的其他部分,请询问。
$(".gallimg").wrap(function(i) {
var num = i+ 1;
return "<a href='includes/JPG/"+ num + ".jpg'>"+"</a>"; });
//Prevent Default Action (follow link)
//Get clicked link href
var image_href = $(this).attr("href");
if ($('#overlay').length > 0) { // #overlay exists
//insert img tag with clicked link's href as src value
$('#contentov').html('<img src="' + image_href + '" />');
//show overlay window
else{ //#overlay does not exist
//create HTML markup for overlay window
var overlay =
'<div id="overlay">' +
'<p>Click to close</p>' +
'<div id="contentov">' +
//insert clicked link's href into img src
'<img src="' + image_href +'" />' +
'</div>' +
//insert overlay HTML into page
$('#overlay').click(function() {
<?php // Find all files in that folder
$files = glob('includes/JPGsm/*');
// Do a natural case insensitive sort, usually 1.jpg and 10.jpg would come next to each other with a regular sort
// Display images
foreach($files as $file) {
echo '<img src="' . $file . '" class="gallimg"/>' ;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
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<title>Heather Wyatt -- Inspiring | Creating | Discovering</title>
<div id="wrapper">
<?php include('includes/header.php'); ?>
<?php include('includes/nav.php'); ?>
<div id="gallery">
<?php include('includes/gallery.php'); ?>
</div> <!-- end #gallery -->
</div> <!-- End #wrapper -->
<?php include('includes/scripts.php'); ?>
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