
时间:2013-07-25 02:21:13

标签: android bitmap center



public class Tower{

    private float angle = 0f;
    private float theta_old = 0f;
    private int width;
    private int height;
    private float x, y;
    private float thetaX = 0f;
    private float theta = 0f; 
    private TankListener listener;
    private Bitmap towerBitmap;
    private Matrix matrix;
    private float towerPosition;
    private int towerHP = 100;

    public interface TankListener {
        public void onTankChanged(float delta, float angle);

    public void setTankListener(TankListener l) {
        listener = l;

    public Tower(Context context, Bitmap towerBitmap) {
        this.towerBitmap = towerBitmap;
        width = towerBitmap.getWidth();
        height = towerBitmap.getHeight();
        matrix = new Matrix();

    private float getTheta(float x, float y) {

        float sx = x - (width / 2.0f);
        float sy = y - (height / 2.0f);

        float length = (float) Math.sqrt(sx * sx + sy * sy);
        float nx = sx / length;
        float ny = sy / length;
        float theta = (float) Math.atan2(ny, nx);

        final float rad2deg = (float) (180.0 / Math.PI);
        float theta2 = theta * rad2deg;

        return (theta2 < 0) ? theta2 + 360.0f : theta2;

    public void setPosition(float x, float y){
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public float getTowerX(){
        return x;
    public float getTowerY(){
        return y;

    public int getTowerWidth(){
        return width;

    public int getTowerHeight(){
        return height;

    public Bitmap getBitmap(){
        return towerBitmap;

    private void notifyListener(float delta, float angle) {
        if (null != listener) {
            listener.onTankChanged(delta, angle);

    public void rotateTower(float x , float y){
        angle = (getTheta(x, y) + 90) % 360;

    public void draw(Canvas c) {
        matrix.postRotate(angle, width/2, height/2);
        matrix.postTranslate(x, y);
        Log.v("here", "TranslateX : " + x + " TranslateY : " + y);
        c.drawBitmap(towerBitmap, matrix, null);



private SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder;

    public DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();

    private static Bitmap mBackgroundImage;

    public static Bitmap towerImg;

    private Handler mHandler;

    private Context mContext;

    private Object inputProccessorMutex = new Object();

    private long spawnEnemyTimer;

    /** Holds the input event*/
    Input input;

    /** Indicate whether the surface has been created & is ready to draw */
    public static boolean mRun = false;

    private static Tower tower;
    public static Resources res;
    private Vibrator vibrator;
    public static DisplayMetrics displayMetrics;
    private static int screenWidth, screenHeight;

    public GameThread(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, Context context,
            Handler handler) {
        // get handles to some important objects
        mSurfaceHolder = surfaceHolder;
        mContext = context;
        lastUpdateTime = 0;
        Resources res = context.getResources();

        // we don't need to transform it and it's faster to draw this way
        mBackgroundImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.background_intersection);

        towerImg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.tower_sprite);

        tower = new Tower(context, towerImg);
        input = new Input();
     * Starts the game
    public void doStart() {
        synchronized (mSurfaceHolder) {

     * Resumes from a pause.
    public void unpause() {
        // Move the real time clock up to now
        synchronized (mSurfaceHolder) {
            lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 100;


    public void run() {

        while (mRun) {
            Canvas c = null;
            try {
                c = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);
                synchronized (mSurfaceHolder) {
                    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    long delta = (long) (currentTime - lastUpdateTime);
                    lastUpdateTime = currentTime;                
//                  SoundManager.update(delta);
            } finally {
                if (c != null) {

     * Used to signal the thread whether it should be running or not.
     * Passing true allows the thread to run; passing false will shut it
     * down if it's already running. Calling start() after this was most
     * recently called with false will result in an immediate shutdown.
     * @param b true to run, false to shut down
    public void setRunning(boolean b) {
        mRun = b;

    private void doDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        canvas.drawBitmap(mBackgroundImage, 0, 0, null);

        //Draw the tower


     * Figures the lander state (x, y, fuel, ...) based on the passage of
     * realtime. Does not invalidate(). Called at the start of draw().
     * Detects the end-of-game and sets the UI to the next state.
    private void updatePhysics(long delta) {
        delta=(long) (delta);



    public void feedInput(int eventAction, float x, float y) {
        synchronized(inputProccessorMutex) {
            input.eventAction = eventAction;
            input.x = x;
            input.y = y;

    private void processInput() {
        synchronized(inputProccessorMutex) {
            if (input.eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                // TODO Add bullet

            } else if (input.eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
                tower.rotateTower(input.x, input.y);
                Log.v("teka", "x "+ input.x + "  y " + input.y);
                //tower.rotateTower(tower.getTowerX(), tower.getTowerY());              

    public void pause() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public void setDisplayMetrics(DisplayMetrics m) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        displayMetrics = m;
                                        displayMetrics.widthPixels, displayMetrics.heightPixels, true);

        screenWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
        screenHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels;

        tower.setPosition(screenWidth/2 - tower.getTowerWidth()/2,
                screenHeight/2 - tower.getTowerHeight()/2);


    public static int getScreenWidth() {
        return screenWidth;
    public static int getScreenHeight() {
        return screenHeight;

    public static float towerPositionX(){
        return tower.getTowerX();
    public static float towerPositionY(){
        return tower.getTowerY();

    private class Input{
        int eventAction;
        float x, y;


Reference 据说旋转在塔图像中


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