
时间:2013-07-24 21:32:15

标签: git git-flow git-revert

使用git flow。我们有一个不熟悉Git的同事昨天意外地合并了发展成师。

Develop有很多功能在我们的下一个版本中启动,需要恢复合并。这创建了一个撤消所有更改的提交。当我们将master合并回develop时,revert commit会删除我们的功能生成的代码。


- 编辑 - 只是为了澄清,还原是还原。 I.E. git revert -m 1 <sha>,因为提交已经被推送到远程存储库。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)


如果可以对master分支执行非快进强制更新 在您的上游存储库中,而不是还原develop的合并 进入master,你可以简单地重置master

# On master branch, do a hard reset back to the commit before the merge
git reset --hard <commit of master before the merge>

# Force push to upstream ONLY IF IT'S OK WITH OTHER DEVELOPERS
git push <remote> master --force

进行硬复位和强制推动的一个可能的缺点是,如果是其他的话 开发人员已经完成了合并提交的工作(即已经完成了 在它上面提交),然后他们需要重做同样的工作 重置master的头部。这可能是也可能不是困难/昂贵的任务 它们。


我用快速测试回购测试了这个。我必须强调它 可能 工作 ,我并非100%确信没有任何我没有的情况 考虑。因此,请务必使用您的repo的备份克隆在本地进行测试 第一。如果您选择在实际的回购中使用它,请自行完成 风险。

此外,这可能不是最简单/最简单的解决方案。它的优势超过了 然而,硬重置选项是它不会强迫开发人员重做 在重置master分支之上工作。

好的,除了所有这些之外,你可以尝试做的一件事就是合并 master进入develop,然后将合并的恢复从develop恢复为 master,然后在您准备好时将develop合并到master。在命令中:

# Coworker accidentally merges develop into master before it's ready
git merge --no-ff develop

# You revert the merge in the master branch (this creates commit "ABCDEFG"
git revert -m 1 <sha of merge commit>

# You want to merge fixes from master into develop
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff master

# But now all that work in develop is reverted, so revert the revert "ABCDEFG"
git revert ABCDEFG

# When you're ready to merge develop into master...
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff develop


mkdir practice
cd practice/
git init

touch readme.txt
git add practice.txt
git commit -m "Add practice.txt"

git checkout -b develop

touch feature1.txt
git add feature1.txt
git commit -m "Add feature 1"

touch feature2.txt
git add feature2.txt
git commit -m "Add feature 2"

git checkout master

touch hotfix1.txt
git add hotfix1.txt
git commit -m "Fix issue 1"

git merge --no-ff develop

# Creates commit "ABCDEFG" that reverts the merge
git revert -m 1 head
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff master
git revert ABCDEFG
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff develop

您可以在official Linux Kernel Git documentation for git revert


-m parent-number


--mainline parent-number


通常你无法恢复合并,因为你不知道哪一方   合并应被视为主线。此选项指定父级   主线的编号(从1开始)并允许恢复反转   相对于指定的父级更改。


恢复合并提交声明您永远不会想要更改树   合并带来的。因此,以后的合并只会带来树   由不是以前的祖先的提交引入的更改   恢复合并。这可能是也可能不是你想要的。


有关详细信息,请参阅revert-a-faulty-merge How-To

强烈建议您使用How to revert a faulty merge的链接 完全想要了解这种技术是如何工作的,这并不难 理解,它实际上有点有趣和迷人。

答案 1 :(得分:2)




           ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
            R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
            A  <-- Commits after merge,
            |    /   but before revert 
           ... </    and needs merged to develop
           M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 


# Get latest from both parent and child branches locally

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout develop
git pull

# Merge all code from before revert in master branch to develop
# (not necessary if "bad" merge into master was immediately reverted)

git merge A


           ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
   M3       |
   | \____  R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
   |      \ |
   |        A  <-- Commits after merge,
   |        |    /   but before revert
   |       ... </    and needs merged to develop
   |        |
   |       M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 

第2步 - 重要部分!

# Use "ours" strategy to merge revert commit to develop.
# This doesn't change any files in develop. 
# It simplly tells git that we've already accounted for that change.

git merge R -s ours


   | \____  ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
   M3     \ |
   | \____  R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
   |      \ |
   |        A  <-- Commits after merge,
   |        |    /   but before revert
   |       ... </    and needs merged to develop
   |        |
   |       M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 


# Merge as normal, from the tip of master to develop.
# This should now be an "easy" merge, with only "real" conflicts.
#  (Those that have changed in both branches)
# Note: I've had issues using origin master to merge from latest on remote, 
#   so instead I just ensure I've pulled the latest from master locally and 
#   merge from there

git merge master


   | \_____
   M4      \
   | \____  ... <-- Work after revert that needs merged to develop
   M3     \ |
   | \____  R  <-- Revert Bad Merge
   |      \ |
   |        A  <-- Commits after merge,
   |        |    /   but before revert
   |       ... </    and needs merged to develop
   |        |
   |       M2  <-"bad" merge
  ... ____/ |
   | /      |
   M1       |
   | \____  |
  ...     \...
develop   master 
