JQuery UI:如果我为其设置动画,则部分负边距图像会消失

时间:2009-11-23 11:26:30

标签: jquery jquery-ui css png

我正在使用JQuery UI进行动画制作。



但是,当我为div设置动画时,div之外的图像区域(在neg margin中)会在动画持续时间内消失。





Brightwide Test



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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Act Now</title>
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$(document).ready(function() {

/* Act Now Page - sponsor section mousover effect */
 function () {
   $(this).children().children('ul').animate({backgroundColor: "#E8F0E5", webkitBoxShadow: "2px 2px 6px rgba(212,212,212,1)", MozBoxShadow: "2px 2px 6px rgba(212,212,212,1)"}, {queue:false,duration:500});
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/* Expanding boxes */
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   $(this).children('h3').animate({backgroundColor: "#68B744"}, {queue:false,duration:500});
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   $(this).children().children('li').animate({paddingRight:"10px"}, {queue:false,duration:500});
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  /* Tabs  */
/* Credit: http://www.viget.com/inspire/fun-with-jquerys-animation-function/ */

var navDuration = 150; //time in miliseconds
      var navJumpHeight = "0.45em";

      $('#tabs li').hover(function() {
          $(this).animate({top : "-="+navJumpHeight }, navDuration);  
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      }, function() {
          $(this).animate({ top : "15px" }, navDuration);
    $(this).children('a').animate({borderColor: "#ddd", backgroundColor: "#fff" }, navDuration); 


/* IDEA .. have the "act" element pulsate periodically to draw attention to itself */


/* temp */

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/* end temp */

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 color: #0E7FC1;

.an a:hover {
 text-decoration: none;

#an-details {
 width: 58%; 
 float: left;
 font-size: 95%;

#an-details p {
 margin: 0 0 5px 0;

#an-details .casual {
 margin: 10px 0 5px 0;

#an-details h1 {
 margin: 10px 0;
 font-size: 130%;
 padding-left: 15px;
 display: inline;
 line-height: 2;

#an-sponsors {
 padding-left: 40px;
 width: 35%; 
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#an-sponsor {
 display: block;
 overflow: hidden;
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-position: center;
 text-indent: -9000px;
 width: 290px;

#an-film-still {
 float: left;
 margin: 0 15px 20px 0;
 width: 240px;

#an-description {
 clear: both;
 line-height: 1.4;

#an-description .standfirst {
 font-size: 120%; 

#an-director span, #an-distributor span, #an-year span {
 font-weight: bold;
 padding-left: 15px;

#an-act-now {
 clear: both;

#an-dp {
 font-weight: bold;

#an-dp span {
 font-weight: normal;  

#an-friends {
 clear: both;
 padding-top: 40px;
 font-size: 130%;

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.fadeThis h3, .fadeThis2 h3 {
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.fadeThis2 {
 margin-right: 0; 

.ico {
 float: left;
 margin: -10px 10px 0 -10px;


ul.conversation li span {
 font-size: 80%;
 color: #999;
 display: block;

ul.conversation {
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 margin: 0;

ul.conversation li {
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 padding: 10px 10px 10px 55px;
 margin: 0;
 background-image: none;

.fadeThis ul li.alt, .fadeThis2 ul li.alt {
  background-color: #f5f5f5;

#an-act-now form textarea {
 height: 100px;

#an-share {
 clear: both;
 padding: 0;

.fadeThis, .fadeThis2 {
 padding-bottom: 10px;

.casual {
 font-family: "Sean";
 color: #666;
 -webkit-transform: rotate(-3deg);
 -moz-transform: rotate(-3deg);

#an-sponsors .casual {
 -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
 -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);

.conversation li h4 {
 font-size: 100%;
 font-weight: normal;
 font-family: "Sean";
 color: #666;
 margin: 0;

.conversation li h4 a {
 text-decoration: none;
 color: #666;

.conversation li h4 a:hover {
 text-decoration: underline;
 color: #0E7FC1;

/* nav1 */
.an #tabs {
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 margin: 30px 0 0 0;
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 list-style: none;
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.an #tabs li, .an #tabs li a {
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 float: left;
.an #tabs li { top: 15px; margin: 0 1px 0 0; background: none; padding: 0; }
.an #tabs li a {
 display: block;
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 height: 195px;
 -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;
 -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
 -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px;
 -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px;


<div class="an">
 <div id="an-details">
     <img src="assets/screenshot-ml.jpg" alt="Still from McLibel" id="an-film-still" />
        <p class="casual">You have been watching...</p>
     <p id="an-director"><span>Director:</span> Franny Armstrong</p>
        <p id="an-distributor"><span>Distributor:</span> Spanner Films</p>
        <p id="an-year"><span>Released:</span> 1999</p>

     <div id="an-description">
         <p class="standfirst">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at scelerisque leo. Nullam elementum turpis id dui hendrerit eget auctor risus convallis. Aliquam erat volutpat.</p> 

            <p>Curabitur cursus, eros feugiat convallis vestibulum, diam justo aliquam arcu, sed placerat ipsum est at nisi. Donec metus mauris, fermentum et vehicula vel, euismod ut sem. Ut et tortor eget elit imperdiet gravida eget ac dolor. Ut mattis purus et mi commodo sed lacinia tellus egestas. </p>

    <div id="an-sponsors">
     <div id="an-sponsors-main">
         <p class="casual">This film was supported by the lovely people at...</p>
         <h2 id="an-sponsor" style="background-image: url(assets/wwf_logo.jpg); height: 150px;">WWF</h2>
             <li><a href="#">Join WWF</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Give WWF some money</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Sign a petition</a></li>

    <div id="an-act-now">
     <h2 id="an-dp"><span class="casual">Don't Panic!</span> Take Action</h2>

     <div id="an-talk" class="fadeThis">
         <img src="assets/icon-1.png" alt="#" class="ico" />
             <li><a href="#">Action 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 3</a></li>

        <div id="an-think" class="fadeThis">
             <li><a href="#">Action 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 3</a></li>

        <div id="an-act" class="fadeThis2">
             <li><a href="#">Action 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 3</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action 3</a></li>

        <h2 id="an-friends">Here's what your friends are saying...</h2>

        <div id="an-social-1" class="fadeThis">
            <ul class="conversation">
             <li style="background-image:url(assets/av1.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Joanna said...</a></h4>
                Just watched OilSpill. OMG, that is terrible. How can people do things like that? They should ban it. #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>
                <li class="alt" style="background-image:url(assets/av2.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Rich Quick said...</a></h4>
                Just watched OilSpill.  Am so angry. Why would people behave like this? #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>
                <li style="background-image:url(assets/av3.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Oli Best said...</a></h4>
                <a href="#">richquick</a> I see what you mean.  It's a discgrace. #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>

        <div id="an-social-2" class="fadeThis">
            <ul class="conversation">
             <li style="background-image:url(assets/av1.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Joanna said...</a></h4>
                Just watched OilSpill. OMG, that is terrible. How can people do things like that? They should ban it. #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>
                <li class="alt" style="background-image:url(assets/av2.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Rich Quick said...</a></h4>
                Just watched OilSpill.  Am so angry. Why would people behave like this? #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>
                <li style="background-image:url(assets/av3.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Oli Best said...</a></h4>
                <a href="#">richquick</a> I see what you mean.  It's a discgrace. #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>

        <div id="an-social-3" class="fadeThis2">
            <ul class="conversation">
             <li style="background-image:url(assets/av1.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Joanna said...</a></h4>
                Just watched OilSpill. OMG, that is terrible. How can people do things like that? They should ban it. #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>
                <li class="alt" style="background-image:url(assets/av2.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Rich Quick said...</a></h4>
                Just watched OilSpill.  Am so angry. Why would people behave like this? #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>
                <li style="background-image:url(assets/av3.jpg)"><h4><a href="#">Oli Best said...</a></h4>
                <a href="#">richquick</a> I see what you mean.  It's a discgrace. #brightwide
    <span>at 3pm on Nov 17th</span></li>

        <ul id="tabs">
         <li><a href="#">Twitter</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Facebook</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Comment</a></li>
            <span id="nav_move"></span> 
        <form action="#" method="post" id="an-share">
   <textarea>Join the conversation...</textarea>
            <button>Say it</button>     


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)





答案 1 :(得分:3)

我也有这个问题,无法使用容器解决方案,因为我的元素有边框。 @dougoftheabaci在正确的轨道上,但是jQuery在元素的样式上设置了overflow:visible,因此样式表将不起作用(即使使用!important)。

但我找到了this trick,效果很好。


通过一些快速测试,您可以工作   通过设置溢出来解决这个问题   在animate()调用之后:



答案 2 :(得分:0)


animate({backgroundColor: "#fff", marginLeft: "0",width: "29%", paddingBottom:"10px"}