
时间:2013-07-23 17:38:36

标签: php regex preg-replace


我的第一个麻烦是在发布状态时解析提及,它在某种程度上起作用,但是我对使用的表达式不满意。如果我发布一个状态,例如说“@ user1 hello there its @ user2”,那么user1将正确解析,@是第一个字符,但我的user2显示空格作为解析的配置文件链接的一部分,这里是我的preg_replace和表达式:

$STRING = preg_replace('/(^|\s)(@\w+)/','<a href="profile.php?u=$0">$0</a>', $STRING);

我还需要知道如何在配置文件链接中只显示没有@的用户名,当前的$ 0也会生成@符号。


id | userid | sentby |消息|接收


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


$string = preg_replace('/(^|\s)@(\w+)/', '$1<a href="">$2</a>', $string);

这应该是没有初始空格或@符号的用户名。基本上,我们将字符串的初始空格或开头捕获到变量中,并在替换开始时将其打印出来。你在$ 2中得到的结果只是 @符号后面的内容。你也可以通过后视来实现这一目标,但我觉得这更简单。


messages -
id | user_id | message

mentions -
message_id | user_id

对于每次提及,您都将user_id插入到消息的表中。您可以选择是实时发送警报还是等待批处理(或者可能 - 根据性能要求 - 只需通过加入表来查询用户提到的帖子)。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


         //a variable ($string) that I thought might look like what you are describing
         $string='@steve how are you? @tom nice to hear from you. So happy that you joined @joe, cool! @mike sweeet!';
         //regex to pull out the mentions and the messages 
         preg_match_all('/@(\w+)|\s+([(\w+)\s|.|,|!|?]+)/', $string, $result, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($result[0]); $i++) {
            $mention[$i]= $result[1][$i];
            $message[$i]= $result[2][$i];
         //test to make sure that all mentions are stored
         for ($j = 0; $j< $i; $j++){
            echo $mention[$j],'<br/>';
         //test to make sure that all messages are stored
         for ($k = 0; $k< $j; $k++){
            echo $message[$k],'<br/>';

Regex Buddy提供的解释,我使用的正则表达式:@(\ w +)| \ s +([(\ w +)\ s |。|,|!|?] +):

Match either the regular expression below (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) «@(\w+)»
 Match the character “@” literally «@»
  Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(\w+)»
  Match a single character that is a “word character” (letters, digits, and underscores) «\w+»
  Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «+» 
 Or match regular expression number 2 below (the entire match attempt fails if this one fails to match) «\s([(\w+)\s|\.|,|!|?]+)»
Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (spaces, tabs, and line breaks) «\s+»
 Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «+»
Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 2 «([(\w+)\s|\.|,|!|?]+)»
  Match a single character present in the list below «[(\w+)\s|\.|,|!|?]+»
     Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «+»
     The character “(” «(»
     A word character (letters, digits, and underscores) «\w»
     One of the characters “+)” «+)»
     A whitespace character (spaces, tabs, and line breaks) «\s»
     The character “|” «|»
     A . character «\.»
     One of the characters “|,!?” «|,|!|?»


答案 2 :(得分:1)

请查看本教程implement twitter style mention system with PHP, MYSQL and jQuery

