
时间:2013-07-23 09:04:51

标签: c list search linked-list hashtable

我正在尝试使用链表实现哈希表,并且有一件事情无法正常工作。 首先,我制作了链接列表代码,并确保它按照预期的方式工作,所以我发现它必须是哈希表实现或它们之间的交互。






name(key) = bcd
telephone number = 123


name(key) = ace
telephone number = 910

现在对象1和对象2都将获得相同的哈希键值,因此它们将存储在哈希表的相同插槽中。他们应该创建一个链表,但是当我搜索对象(菜单中的选项编号3)时,我只能找到最新添加的对象,即对象2。 但我仍然可以删除对象1,它会告诉我对象1已成功删除。


struct post
    char name[30];          
    int tel;                
    struct post *next;      

typedef struct post Post;

Post *head = NULL;  
Post *current;  

struct hash_table
    Post **table;
    int size;

typedef struct hash_table Post_table;

unsigned int Hash(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    int i;
    int sum;
    int key;
    for(i = 0; i < strlen(tempname); i++)
        sum += (int)tempname[i];

    key = sum % hash_table->size;
    return key;

Post_table *create_hash_table(int size)
    int i;
    Post_table *new_table;

    if (size < 1)
        return NULL;

    //attempt to allocate memory for the table structure
    if ((new_table = malloc(sizeof(Post_table))) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //attempt to allocate memory for the table itself
    if ((new_table->table = malloc(sizeof(Post *) * size)) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //Initialize the elements of the table
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
        new_table->table[i] = NULL;
        new_table->size = size;
    return new_table;

Post *lookup_string(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    Post *list;
    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);

    for(list = hash_table->table[hashkey]; list != NULL; list = list->next)
        if (strcmp(tempname, list->name) == 0)
            return list;
    return NULL;

int add_string(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30], int temptel)
    Post *new_list;
    Post *current_list;
    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);

    /* Attempt to allocate memory for list */
    if ((new_list = malloc(sizeof(Post))) == NULL)
        return 1;

    /* Does item already exist? */
    current_list = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);
    /* item already exists, don't insert it again. */
    if (current_list != NULL)
        return 2;
    /* Insert into list */

    printf("\nHash-key: %d\n", hashkey); 
    hash_table->table[hashkey] = AddList(tempname, temptel);

    return 0;

Post* CreateList(char tempname[30], int temptel)
    Post *ptr = (Post*)malloc(sizeof(Post));

    strcpy(ptr->name, tempname);    
    ptr->tel = temptel;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    printf("\n creating list with headnode as [%s]\n",tempname);

    head = current = ptr;
    return ptr;

Post* AddList(char tempname[30], int temptel)
    if (NULL == head)
        return (CreateList(tempname, temptel));

    printf("\n Adding node to end of list with value [%s]\n",tempname);
    Post *ptr = (Post*)malloc(sizeof(Post));

    strcpy(ptr->name, tempname);
    ptr->tel = temptel;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    current->next = ptr;
    current = ptr;
    return ptr;

void skrivMeny(void)
    printf("\n1: Register name and telephone number\n");
    printf("2: Remove name and telephone number\n");
    printf("3: Search for name\n");
    printf("5: Exit\n");

Post* Search(char tempname[30], Post **prev)
    Post *ptr = head;
    Post *tmp = NULL;
    int found = 0;
    char structname[sizeof(tempname)];

    printf("\n Searching the list for value [%s] \n",tempname);

    while(ptr != NULL)
        if (strcmp(ptr->name, tempname) == 0)
            found = 1;
            tmp = ptr;
            ptr = ptr->next;

    if(found == 1)
            *prev = tmp;
        return ptr;
        return NULL;

void free_entry(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    Post *del_list;
    Post *temp;
    int ret = 0;

    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);
    del_list = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);

    ret = Delete(tempname);

    if(ret != 0)
        printf("\n delete [name = %s] failed, no such element found\n",tempname);
        printf("\n delete [name = %s]  passed \n",tempname);

int Delete(char tempname[30])
    Post *prev = NULL;
    Post *del = NULL;

    printf("\n Deleting value [%s] from list\n",tempname);
    del = Search(tempname,&prev);

    if(del == NULL)
        return -1;
        if(prev != NULL)
            prev->next = del->next;
        if(del == current && del != head)
            current = prev;
        else if(del == head)
            head = del->next;

    del = NULL;
    return 0;

int main()
    printf("\nHej och välkommen till hashlistan\n\n");
    int menyval = 1;
    char tempname[30];
    int temptel;
    int key;

    Post * ptr;

    Post_table *hash_table;
    int table_size = 10;
    hash_table = create_hash_table(table_size);

while (menyval > 0 && menyval <= 5)
    scanf("%d", &menyval);

        if (menyval == 1)
            printf("[Name] [Number] = ");
            scanf("%s %d", &tempname[0], &temptel);//inmatning
            add_string(hash_table, tempname, temptel);

        if (menyval == 2)
            printf("[Name] = ");
            scanf("%s", &tempname[0]);
            free_entry(hash_table, tempname);

        if (menyval == 3)
            printf("[Name] = ");
            scanf("%s", &tempname[0]);
            ptr = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);

            if(ptr == NULL)
                printf("\n Search [name = %s] failed, no such element found\n",tempname);
                printf("\n Search passed [name = %s tel = %d]\n",ptr->name, ptr->tel);
        if (menyval == 5)

    return 0;


编辑: 这就是我的代码现在的样子,我将文件分成两个文件; hash.c和lista.h,其中我将头文件包含在c文件中。


struct post
    char name[30];          
    int tel;                
    struct post *next;      
typedef struct post Post;

struct list
    Post *head = NULL;  
    Post *current;
typedef struct list List;

Post* CreateList(char tempname[30], int temptel)
    Post *ptr = (Post*)malloc(sizeof(Post));

    strcpy(ptr->name, tempname);    
    ptr->tel = temptel;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    printf("\n creating list with headnode as [%s]\n",tempname);

    return ptr;

Post* AddList(char tempname[30], int temptel, int emptyElement)
    if (emptyElement == 1)
        return (CreateList(tempname, temptel));

    printf("\n Adding node to end of list with value [%s]\n",tempname);
    Post *ptr = (Post*)malloc(sizeof(Post));

    strcpy(ptr->name, tempname);
    ptr->tel = temptel;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    return ptr;

int Delete(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    Post *prev = NULL;
    Post *del = NULL;

    printf("\n Deleting value [%s] from list\n",tempname);
    del = Search(tempname,&prev);

    if(del == NULL)
        return -1;
        if(prev != NULL)
            prev->next = del->next;
        if(del == hash_table->table[hashkey].current && del != hash_table->table[hashkey].head)
            hash_table->table[hashkey].current = prev;
        else if(del == hash_table->table[hashkey].head)
            hash_table->table[hashkey].head = del->next;

    del = NULL;
    return 0;


struct hash_table
    List *table;
    int size;

typedef struct hash_table Post_table;

unsigned int Hash(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    int i;
    int sum;
    int key;
    for(i = 0; i < strlen(tempname); i++)
        sum += (int)tempname[i];

    key = sum % hash_table->size;
    return key;

Post_table *create_hash_table(int size)
    int i;
    Post_table *new_table;

    if (size < 1)
        return NULL;

    //attempt to allocate memory for the table structure
    if ((new_table = malloc(sizeof(Post_table))) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //attempt to allocate memory for the table itself
    if ((new_table->table = malloc(sizeof(Post *) * size)) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //Initialize the elements of the table
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
        new_table->table[i] = NULL;
        new_table->size = size;
    return new_table;

Post *lookup_string(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    Post *list;
    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);

    for(list = hash_table->table[hashkey]; list != NULL; list = list->next)
        if (strcmp(tempname, list->name) == 0)
            return list;
    return NULL;

int add_string(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30], int temptel)
    int emptyElement = 0;        
    Post *new_list;
    Post *current_list;
    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);

    /* Attempt to allocate memory for list */
    if ((new_list = malloc(sizeof(Post))) == NULL)
        return 1;

    /* Does item already exist? */
    current_list = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);
    /* item already exists, don't insert it again. */
    if (current_list != NULL)
        return 2;
    /* Insert into list */
    if (hash_table->table[hashkey] == NULL)
        emptyElement = 1;

    printf("\nHash-key: %d\n", hashkey); 
    hash_table->table[hashkey] = AddList(tempname, temptel);

    if (emptyElement == 1)
            hash_table->table[hashkey].head = hash_table->table[hashkey];
            hash_table->table[hashkey].current = hash_table->table[hashkey];

    if (emptyElement == 0)
            hash_table->table[hashkey].current = hash_table->table[hashkey];

    return 0;

void free_entry(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    Post *del_list;
    Post *temp;
    int ret = 0;

    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);
    del_list = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);

    ret = Delete(tempname);

    if(ret != 0)
        printf("\n delete [name = %s] failed, no such element found\n",tempname);
        printf("\n delete [name = %s]  passed \n",tempname);

void skrivMeny(void)
    printf("\n1: Register name and telephone number\n");
    printf("2: Remove name and telephone number\n");
    printf("3: Search for name\n");
    printf("5: Exit\n");

Post* Search(char tempname[30], Post **prev)
    Post *ptr = head;
    Post *tmp = NULL;
    int found = 0;
    char structname[sizeof(tempname)];

    printf("\n Searching the list for value [%s] \n",tempname);

    while(ptr != NULL)
        if (strcmp(ptr->name, tempname) == 0)
            found = 1;
            tmp = ptr;
            ptr = ptr->next;

    if(found == 1)
            *prev = tmp;
        return ptr;
        return NULL;

int main()
    printf("\nHej och välkommen till hashlistan\n\n");
    int menyval = 1;
    char tempname[30];
    int temptel;
    int key;

    Post * ptr;

    Post_table *hash_table;
    int table_size = 10;
    hash_table = create_hash_table(table_size);

while (menyval > 0 && menyval <= 5)
    scanf("%d", &menyval);

        if (menyval == 1)
            printf("[Name] [Number] = ");
            scanf("%s %d", &tempname[0], &temptel);//inmatning
            add_string(hash_table, tempname, temptel);

        if (menyval == 2)
            printf("[Name] = ");
            scanf("%s", &tempname[0]);
            free_entry(hash_table, tempname);

        if (menyval == 3)
            printf("[Name] = ");
            scanf("%s", &tempname[0]);
            ptr = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);

            if(ptr == NULL)
                printf("\n Search [name = %s] failed, no such element found\n",tempname);
                printf("\n Search passed [name = %s tel = %d]\n",ptr->name, ptr->tel);
        if (menyval == 5)

    return 0;


struct list
    Post *head = NULL;  
    Post *current;


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

对不起,如果我弄错了,但据我所知,你的lookup_string()函数遍历到哈希表的最后一个元素(最近添加的那个)。 尝试以相反的方式遍历它或使用双向链表。



答案 1 :(得分:0)

我认为问题导致混合一个链表和哈希表。列表未排序,因此哈希表不能指向列表位置,其中可以找到具有给定键的所有元素。此外,AddList()返回附加到结尾的新列表元素,并存储在hash_table->table[hashkey]中。 这就是为什么你只找到最后一个元素(正如Mudassir Razvi已经指出的那样)。 因此,您应该为每个哈希键创建一个列表(我认为最简单的解决方案),或者按照哈希键对列表进行排序,并仅在添加带有该键的第一个元素时分配hash_table->table[hashkey](==&gt; {{1} })

编辑: 如果您想为每个键创建单独的列表,当然您不能再拥有全局变量if( hash_table->table[hashkey] == NULL )head,而是每个键一对。所以你可以定义:


struct list { Post *head; Post *current; } 成为hash_table->table的代替,而不是struct listPost已经返回CreateList(),因此您可以直接将其分配给headtable[key].head。现在,您需要做的其他事情就是将实际的table[key].current传递给current,然后将AddList()设置为table[key].current的返回值。 那是一种路线图,我想你会来的。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



struct list 
    Post *head = NULL;  
    Post *current;

这不是变量定义,而只是结构的声明。因此,您无法在此处执行任何分配(= NULL),因为根本没有可分配的变量。 相反,您可以在分配数组后在循环中初始化hash_table->table[i].head,或者只调用calloc()而不是malloc(),而'\0'使用if ((new_table->table = malloc(sizeof(Post *) * size)) == NULL) 初始化分配的缓冲区。


if ((new_table->table = malloc(sizeof(list stuct) * size)) == NULL) // or calloc() 



但我现在无法审查所有内容。 希望能让你继续下去,

答案 3 :(得分:0)



struct post                 // structure of node
    char name[30];          // stored data
    int tel;                // stored data
    struct post *next;      // reference to next node

typedef struct post Post;   // Post = struct post

struct list
    Post *head;         
    Post *current;              

typedef struct list List;

struct hash_table
    List *table;
    int size;

typedef struct hash_table Post_table;

Post* CreateList(char tempname[30], int temptel);
Post* AddList(char tempname[30], int temptel, int emptyElement, Post *current);
void skrivMeny(void);
void PrintList(void);
int Delete(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30], unsigned int hashkey);
Post* Search(Post_table *hash_table, unsigned int hashkey, char tempname[30], Post **prev);

Post* CreateList(char tempname[30], int temptel)
    Post *ptr = (Post*)malloc(sizeof(Post));

    strcpy(ptr->name, tempname);    
    ptr->tel = temptel;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    printf("\n creating list with headnode as [%s]\n",tempname);

    return ptr;

// Leo: emptyElement isn't neccessary, we use current==null 
Post* AddList(char tempname[30], int temptel, Post *current)
    if( current == null )
        return (CreateList(tempname, temptel));

    printf("\n Adding node to end of list with value [%s]\n",tempname);
    Post *ptr = (Post*)malloc(sizeof(Post));

    strcpy(ptr->name, tempname);
    ptr->tel = temptel;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    // Leo: we must append the new element to current
    current->next = ptr;

    return ptr;


unsigned int Hash(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    int i;
    int sum;
    int key;
    for(i = 0; i < strlen(tempname); i++)
        sum += (int)tempname[i];

    key = sum % hash_table->size;
    return key;

Post_table *create_hash_table(int size)
    int i;
    Post_table *new_table;

    if (size < 1)
        return NULL;

    //attempt to allocate memory for the table structure
    if ((new_table = malloc(sizeof(Post_table))) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //attempt to allocate memory for the table itself
    // Leo: replaced malloc() by calloc() so all head and current are initialized with NULL
    if ((new_table->table = calloc(size, sizeof(List *) )) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //Initialize the elements of the table
    /* Leo: What's that loop for ?
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
        new_table->table[i];        // Leo: that line doen't do anything
        new_table->size = size;     // Leo: once is enough, let's have it otside the loop
    new_table->size = size;       // Leo: once is enough, let's have it otside the loop
    return new_table;

Post *lookup_string(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    Post *list;
    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);

    /* Go to the correct list based on the hash value and see if str is
    * in the list.  If it is, return return a pointer to the list element.
    * If it isn't, the item isn't in the table, so return NULL.
    // Leo: we must start with head instead of current
    for(list = hash_table->table[hashkey].head; list != NULL; list = list->next)
        if (strcmp(tempname, list->name) == 0)
            return list;
    return NULL;

int add_string(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30], int temptel)
    //Leo: emptyElement is not used any more (see AddList()
    //int emptyElement = 0;
    //Leo: new_list is never used
    //Post *new_list;
    Post *current_list;
    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);

    /* Attempt to allocate memory for list */
    /* Leo: new_list is never used
    if ((new_list = malloc(sizeof(Post))) == NULL)
        return 1;

    /* Does item already exist? */
    current_list = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);
    /* item already exists, don't insert it again. */
    if (current_list != NULL)
        return 2;
    /* Insert into list */
    /* Leo: emptyElement isn't used any more 
    if (hash_table->table[hashkey].head == NULL)
        emptyElement = 1;

    printf("\nHash-key: %d\n", hashkey);
    //This line of code under used to store my element in the hash-table but gives now an error 
    //  hash_table->table[hashkey] = AddList(tempname, temptel, emptyElement, hash_table->table[hashkey].current);

    /* Leo: in case of emptyElement == 1 you have called AddList() twice and so created two new list elemens, we replace all of this by the code below
    if (emptyElement == 1)
        hash_table->table[hashkey].head = AddList(tempname, temptel, emptyElement, hash_table->table[hashkey].current);
        hash_table->table[hashkey].current = AddList(tempname, temptel, emptyElement, hash_table->table[hashkey].current);

    if (emptyElement == 0)
        hash_table->table[hashkey].current = AddList(tempname, temptel, emptyElement, hash_table->table[hashkey].current);

    // Leo: Note: if the list for hashKey has not been created yet then both head and current are NULL, otherwise both are != NULL
    hash_table->table[hashkey].current = AddList(tempname, temptel, hash_table->table[hashkey].current);
    // Leo: if the list has been created just now, then both head and current must point to the only list element
    if( hash_table->table[hashkey].head == NULL )
         hash_table->table[hashkey].head = hash_table->table[hashkey].current;

    return 0;

void free_entry(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30])
    Post *del_list;
    Post *temp;
    int ret = 0;

    unsigned int hashkey = Hash(hash_table, tempname);
    del_list = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);

    ret = Delete(hash_table, tempname, hashkey);

    if(ret != 0)
        printf("\n delete [name = %s] failed, no such element found\n",tempname);
        printf("\n delete [name = %s]  passed \n",tempname);

void skrivMeny(void)
    printf("\n1: Register name and telephone number\n");
    printf("2: Remove name and telephone number\n");
    printf("3: Search for name\n");
    printf("5: Exit\n");

Post* Search(Post_table *hash_table, unsigned int hashkey, char tempname[30], Post **prev)
    Post *ptr = hash_table->table[hashkey].head;
    Post *tmp = NULL;
    int found = 0;
    char structname[sizeof(tempname)];

    printf("\n Searching the list for value [%s] \n",tempname);

    while(ptr != NULL)
        if (strcmp(ptr->name, tempname) == 0)
            found = 1;
            tmp = ptr;
            ptr = ptr->next;

    if(found == 1)
            *prev = tmp;
    return ptr;
        return NULL;

int main()
    printf("\nHej och välkommen till hashlistan\n\n");
    int menyval = 1;
    char tempname[30];
    int temptel;
    int key;

    Post * ptr;

    Post_table *hash_table;
    int table_size = 10;
    hash_table = create_hash_table(table_size);

    while (menyval > 0 && menyval <= 5)
        scanf("%d", &menyval);

        if (menyval == 1)
            printf("[Name] [Number] = ");
            scanf("%s %d", &tempname[0], &temptel);//inmatning
            add_string(hash_table, tempname, temptel);

        if (menyval == 2)
            printf("[Name] = ");
            scanf("%s", &tempname[0]);
            free_entry(hash_table, tempname);

        if (menyval == 3)
            printf("[Name] = ");
            scanf("%s", &tempname[0]);
            ptr = lookup_string(hash_table, tempname);

            if(ptr == NULL)
                printf("\n Search [name = %s] failed, no such element found\n",tempname);
                printf("\n Search passed [name = %s tel = %d]\n",ptr->name, ptr->tel);

        if (menyval == 5)

    return 0;

int Delete(Post_table *hash_table, char tempname[30], unsigned int hashkey)
    Post *prev = NULL;
    Post *del = NULL;

    printf("\n Deleting value [%s] from list\n",tempname);
    del = Search(hash_table, hashkey, tempname, &prev);

    if(del == NULL)
        return -1;

        if(prev != NULL)
            prev->next = del->next;

        if(del == hash_table->table[hashkey].current && del != hash_table->table[hashkey].head)
            hash_table->table[hashkey].current = prev;

        else if(del == hash_table->table[hashkey].head)
            hash_table->table[hashkey].head = del->next;

    del = NULL;
    return 0;
