
时间:2013-07-22 00:53:51

标签: javascript backbone.js marionette


内容框模块响应侧面菜单中子项的点击。 sidemenu在不同的模块中实现。 sidemenu子单击事件也传递一个包含sub_id和一些文本内容的对象。我想从这个对象中获取内容并使用它来更新容器视图。




APP.module("contentbox", function(contentbox) {

    var Contentbox = Backbone.Model.extend({});
    var Contentboxes = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model: Contentbox,
        url: 'ajax/contentboxResponse/tojson'

 * View:
    var Container = Backbone.View.extend({
        initialize: function() {

            contentbox.on('update', jQuery.proxy(this.update, this)); 
            contentbox.on('refresh', jQuery.proxy(this.render, this));

            var TemplateCache = Backbone.Marionette.TemplateCache;
            this.template = TemplateCache.get("#contentbox-container");

        render: function() {

            var content = this.model.get('content').toString();
            var html = this.template({content: content});

            this.$el.html(html);//backbone element

            return this;
        update: function(fn) {

            var content = fn.apply(this);

            if (content !== null) {

                var html = this.template({content: content});


    var contentboxes = new Contentboxes();

    var _sideMenuToggle = function() {

    var _sideMenuClick = function(sideMenu) { //view contex

        var fn = function() {
            // this fn will have the context of the view!!
            var linksub = this.model.get('linksub').toString();
            if (linksub === sideMenu.id.toString()) {
                return sideMenu.content.toString();
            return null;

        contentbox.trigger('update', fn);

    var _contentBoxCreate = function() {
        var create = function(cboxes) {
            cboxes.each(function(model) {
                var layout = "#body-" + model.get('layout');
                var $el = jQuery(layout);
                var container = new Container({model: model});
            success: create

    this.on("start", function() {

    this.addInitializer(function() {
        APP.vent.on('sidemenu:toggle', _sideMenuToggle);
       APP.reqres.setHandler('sidemenu:submenu', _sideMenuClick);//event and content...
                                                             //from another module        




 * View
var Container = Backbone.View.extend({
   initialize: function() {

 this.renderableModel = this.model; // Define renderableModel & set its initial value 

       contentbox.on('update', this.update, this);
       contentbox.on('refresh', this.reset, this); // 3rd param gives context of view

        var TemplateCache = Backbone.Marionette.TemplateCache;
        this.template = TemplateCache.get("#contentbox-container");

    render: function() {
        var content = this.renderableModel.get('content').toString();
        var html = this.template({content: content});

        this.$el.html(html);//backbone element

        return this;
     update: function(fn) {
         * The "update" event is broadcasted to all Container views on the page.
         * We need a way to determine if this is the container we want to update.
         * Our criteria is in the fn 
        var content = fn.apply(this); //criteria match return content, else null.

         * The render method knows how to render a contentbox model
    if (content !== null) {

    this.renderableModel = new Contentbox();

    this.renderableModel.set({content: content}); //add content to new contentbox model

    this.render(); //Rerender the view
    reset: function() {

        this.renderableModel = this.model;

        this.render(); // restore view to reflect original model

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