我已经尝试过Parallel.For循环,但我发现它不稳定,因为它在前一个插入没有完成时开始插入一行。我使用了synch block,但速度又回到了3.41。
For idx As Integer = 0 To KeyNames.Length - 1
With KeyManagerResource.Instance
DataTableManager.Instance.InsertRow(KeyNames(idx), .GetKeyValue(KeyNames(idx), DynamicProperties.Instance.EnglishResourcePath), _
.GetKeyValue(KeyNames(idx), DynamicProperties.Instance.FrenchResourcePath))
End With
''' <summary>
''' Gets the value of the key.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ID">ID of the key.</param>
''' <returns>Value of the key.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Overrides Function GetKeyValue(ID As String, File As String) As String
'Sets the current path of the XMLReader to the english file.
Dim returnedNode As Xml.XmlNode = XMLManager.Instance.GetNode(String.Format("//data" & Helper.CaseInsensitiveSearch("name"), "'" & ID.ToLower & "'"))
If returnedNode IsNot Nothing Then
Return returnedNode.ChildNodes(1).InnerText
Return ""
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Adds a row to the target table.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="RowValues">The row values we want to insert. These are in order, so it is presumed the first row value in the array is for the first column
''' of the target data table.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub InsertRow(ByVal ParamArray RowValues() As String)
'If the length of the RowValues is not equal the columns, that means that is an invalid insert. Throw exception.
If RowValues.Length = dtTargetTable.Columns.Count Then
'Creates a new row.
Dim drNewRow As DataRow
drNewRow = dtTargetTable.NewRow
'Goes through the row values.
For idx As Integer = 0 To RowValues.Length - 1
'Store the value for the column.
drNewRow(dtTargetTable.Columns(idx)) = RowValues(idx)
'Only adds the key if the primary key doesn't already exist.
If dtTargetTable.Rows.Find(RowValues(0)) Is Nothing Then
'Adds the row to the table.
dtTargetTable.Rows.InsertAt(drNewRow, 0)
End If
Throw New Exception(String.Format("Invalid insert. The number of row values passed are not equal to the number of columns of the target dataTable." & _
"The number of columns of the target dataTable are {0}.", dtTargetTable.Columns.Count))
End If
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
不要多次使用索引检索键名;使用For Each循环可以减少处理量。
Dim KeyNames As List(Of String)
Dim cPrimaryKeys As New System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
Dim oEnglishFile As XMLManagerInstance
Dim oFrenchFile As XMLManagerInstance
For Each KeyName As String In KeyNames
If Not cPrimaryKeys.Contains(KeyName) Then
With KeyManagerResource.Instance
DataTableManager.Instance.InsertRow(KeyName, .GetKeyValue(KeyName, oEnglishFile), .GetKeyValue(KeyName, oFrenchFile))
End With
End If
''' <summary>
''' Gets the value of the key.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ID">ID of the key.</param>
''' <returns>Value of the key.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function GetKeyValue(ID As String, FileInstance As XMLManagerInstance) As String
Dim returnedNode As Xml.XmlNode = FileInstance.GetNode(String.Format("//data" & Helper.CaseInsensitiveSearch("name"), "'" & ID.ToLower & "'"))
If returnedNode IsNot Nothing Then
Return returnedNode.ChildNodes(1).InnerText
Return ""
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Adds a row to the target table.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="RowValues">The row values we want to insert. These are in order, so it is presumed the first row value in the array is for the first column
''' of the target data table.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub InsertRow(ByVal ParamArray RowValues() As String)
'If the length of the RowValues is not equal the columns, that means that is an invalid insert. Throw exception.
If RowValues.Length = dtTargetTable.Columns.Count Then
'Creates a new row.
Dim drNewRow As DataRow
drNewRow = dtTargetTable.NewRow
'Goes through the row values.
For idx As Integer = 0 To RowValues.Length - 1
'Store the value for the column.
drNewRow(dtTargetTable.Columns(idx)) = RowValues(idx)
Throw New Exception(String.Format("Invalid insert. The number of row values passed are not equal to the number of columns of the target dataTable." & _
"The number of columns of the target dataTable are {0}.", dtTargetTable.Columns.Count))
End If
End Sub