无法从同一IIS 7 Web应用程序托管nettcp和wshttp端点

时间:2013-07-18 15:35:13

标签: wcf iis-7

我正在尝试从同一个IIS网络应用程序托管两个端点Net.Tcp和wsHTTP,但似乎无法让它工作。当我只托管一个Net.Tcp端点时,它工作正常。一旦我将HTTP添加到主机,我收到以下错误: “此参数的值必须为正。参数名称:maxAccepts实际值为0”

任何人都知道这是对IIS 7的限制还是我做错了?我所做的是扩展ServiceHostFactory类并覆盖CreateServiceHost方法。以下是代码的重点:

Public Class QLHostFactory
Inherits ServiceHostFactory

Protected Overloads Overrides Function CreateServiceHost(ByVal svcTyp As Type, ByVal baseAddresses() As Uri) As ServiceHost
    Dim QLSvcHost As ServiceHost = Nothing

    Dim ntcpUri() As Uri = Nothing
    ' I have to filter out all other uri and leave only nettcp in the 
    ' list to get it to work. But what I really want is to allow http in here too.
    For Each u As Uri In baseAddresses
        If u.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeNetTcp Then
            ReDim ntcpUri(0)
            ntcpUri(0) = u
            Exit For
        End If
    QLSvcHost = New ServiceHost(svcTyp, ntcpUri)
    SetHost(QLSvcHost, svcTyp) ' <== set endpoints for each baseaddresses, etc.
    Return QLSvcHost
End Function

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