
时间:2009-11-20 16:56:21

标签: c# object arraylist


private ArrayList myComponents;

private int listIndex = 0;

myComponents = new ArrayList();   //Arraylist to hold catalog data

equipment = new Equipment(itemName, itemType, itemDetails, itemMaintenance, itemId);


// class file is called Equipment.cs

// I know normally that equipment without the arraylist this would work:  
// equipment.getitemName();
// but combining with the arraylist is being problematic.

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

使用List而不是ArrayList可能会更好。 ArrayList不是强类型,这意味着您不能将数组中的事物/对象视为“设备”,而只是将它们视为一般的无聊对象。

List<Equipment> myComponents = new List<Equipment> ();

equipment = new Equipment(itemName, itemType, itemDetails, itemMaintenance, itemId);


foreach(Equipment eq in myComponents)
    // do stuff here


答案 1 :(得分:1)


// this will throw an exception if myComponents[0] is not an instance of Equipement
Equipment eq = (Equipment) myComponents[0]; 

// this is a test you can to to check the type
if(myComponents[i] is Equipment){
  // unlike the cast above, this will not throw and exception, it will set eq to
  // null if myComponents[0] is not an instance of Equipement
  Equipment eq = myComponents[0] as Equipment;

// foreach will do the cast for you like the first example, but since it is a cast
// it will throw an exception if the type is wrong.
foreach(Equipment eq in myComponents){

话虽如此,如果可能的话,你真的想要使用泛型类型。最像ArrayList的工作是List。泛型帮助在很多情况下避免所有使ArrayList代码编写和容易出错的转换。缺点当然是你不能在List中混合类型。 List不会让你在其中放入一个字符串,而一个装满了Equipment实例的ArrayList会。您试图解决的特定问题将决定哪个更有意义。

答案 2 :(得分:0)
