
时间:2013-07-18 06:57:49

标签: php javascript html iframe



<iframe name="upload_iframe" id="upload_iframe" style="display:none"></iframe>

<form name="pictureForm" method="post" autocomplete="off" 
        <span>Upload Picture</span>
        <input type="file" name="picture" id="picture" 
                 onchange="return FileUpload(this);" />

        <!-- this div is where I need the uploaded image to show....-->
        <div id="picture_preview"></div>

当用户选择图片文件时,您可以看到我的onchange调用FileUpload(this) - 这里是FileUpload(),一个javascript函数:

function FileUpload(the_upload_field)
    // show a 'progress bar' image whilst we do the image file upload
    //  -- this works fine.
          = '<div><img src="images/progressbar.gif" border="0" /></div>';

    // now post the image to the server using the hidden iframe
    the_upload_field.form.action = 'photoPreview.php';
    the_upload_field.form.target = 'upload_iframe';
    the_upload_field.form.action = '';
    the_upload_field.form.target = '';

    return true;

您看到我将此隐藏的iframe发布到photoPreview.php - 这是代码:

$upload_dir = 'file-upload/upload/';     // Directory for file storing
$preview_url = 'http://localhost/myWebsite/file-upload/upload/';

// NOTE:  the 'picture' here is the name of the open-file html element above
$filename = $_FILES['picture']['name'];
$targetDirForFile = $upload_dir .  $filename;

// extract the uploaded file and put it into the web server upload folder...
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], $targetDirForFile);

// EDIT: this was in my code but forgot to include it here, now done so.
$fullImagePath = $preview_url . $filename; 

// This is PHP code outputing Javascript code.
echo '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n";

//echo 'var parDoc = window.parent.document;';  // didn't work either.
echo 'var parDoc = parent.document;';

// if you look in the html code above, you see that 'picture_preview' 
// used here is a div, and that's where I need the image to appear
$outStr = "parDoc.getElementById('picture_preview').innerHTML = '<div><img src=\'$fullImagePath\' /></div>';";

// display the image to the 'picture_preview' div on the same page as the
// hidden iframe...

// EDIT: THIS WAS THE SOURCE OF MY PROBLEM.  This showAlertBox() is my homemade
// helper function that displays PHP variables to the browser when I'm debugging.
// If you look at my code below for 'showAlertBox()' you see that it prematurely
// was ending the 'javascript' section of the code due to its own final '/script'
// WHEN I COMMENT OUT this call to showAlertBox(), my image now successfully appears.
showAlertBox("the outStr is" . $outStr);

echo $outStr;
echo "\n".'</script>';

我在picture_preview div中看到了progressbar.gif,但没有看到上传的图片。



编辑:我修复了这个问题。这是我的问题的原因,我的showAlertBox()辅助函数,当我调试我的PHP代码时,它将PHP变量吐出到浏览器,它有一个尾随/脚本阻止了我的最后一行代码'echo outStr ',从执行和显示图像:

 function showAlertBox($messageToDisplay)
     echo '<script type="text/javascript">'
         . 'alert("' . $messageToDisplay . '")</script>';

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我固定了它。我有一个额外的'script'标签,在我最后的'echo outStr'语句之前过早地关闭了javascript代码。它没有出现在我的代码中,因为它来自我在所有PHP开发中使用的名为showAlertBox()的'helper'函数,用于在浏览器窗口中显示php变量的值 - 我的showAlertBox()使用带有开头的javascript 'script','alert(somePHPvariable)'然后是一个关闭'脚本' - 并且'关闭'我的最终'echo outStr'代码行,它应该显示图像。我摆脱了我的showAlertBox()调用,瞧它工作