C ++对象应该如何序列化?

时间:2013-07-17 12:35:19

标签: c++ serialization ipc mpi



  1. 进程A将一些C ++对象序列化为二进制格式。
  2. 进程A通过MPI将二进制格式数据发送到进程B.
  3. 进程B将二进制格式数据反序列化为C ++对象。
  4. 我们发现这些通信步骤,特别是序列化/反序列化步骤,花费了大量时间。我们怎么能解决这个性能问题?

    顺便说一下,在我们的C ++代码中,我们使用了很多STL,它比C类结构更复杂。



    sic::GeometryFeature *ptFeature =
        (GeometryFeature *) outLayer->getFeature(iFeature);
    sic::Geometry* geom = ptFeature->getGeometry();
    std::string geomClassName = geom->getClassName();
    sic::Geometry* ptGeom = geom;
    unsigned char *wkbBuffer = NULL;
    OGRGeometry * gtGeom = NULL;
    if (geomClassName == "Point") {
        ptGeom = new sic::MultiPoint();
        ((sic::MultiPoint *) ptGeom)->insert(geom);
        gtGeom = new OGRMultiPoint();
        int wkbSize = ((sic::MultiPoint *) ptGeom)->WkbSize();
        wkbBuffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(wkbSize);
        ((sic::GeometryCollection *) ptGeom)->exportToWkb(sic::wkbNDR,
            wkbBuffer, wkbMultiPoint);
    } else if (...) {
    OGRFeature * poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(


    unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *) malloc(size);
        size_t offset = 0;
        size_t type_size = sizeof(OGRwkbGeometryType);
        OGRwkbGeometryType type = layer->GetGeomType();
        memcpy(bytes + offset, &type, type_size);
        offset += type_size;
        size_t count_size = sizeof(int);
        int count = layer->GetFeatureCount();
        memcpy(bytes + offset, &count, count_size);
        offset += count_size;
        for (OGRFeature *feature = layer->GetNextFeature(); feature != NULL;
                feature = layer->GetNextFeature()) {
            OGRGeometry *geometry = feature->GetGeometryRef();
            if (geometry) {
                geometry->exportToWkb(wkbNDR, bytes + offset);
                offset += geometry->WkbSize();
            } else {
                (*(int *) (bytes + type_size))--;
        return bytes;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

(Brian的答案提供帮助你使用图书馆...他是一个非常有经验的程序员 - 听起来像是值得一试。)

另外,我看了你的代码 - 有很多临时缓冲区,新/ malloc分配,sizeof的使用等等。所以我想我会说明一个“快速,简单但很好”的清洁方法这足以让你开始......


#include <arpa/inet.h> // for htonl/s, ntoh/s
#include <endian.h> // for htonbe64, if you have it...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

// support routines - use C++ overloading to polymorphically dispatch htonl/s

// uint64_t hton(uint64_t n) { return htonbe64(n); }
uint32_t hton(uint32_t n) { return htonl(n); }
uint16_t hton(uint16_t n) { return htons(n); }

// there are no "int" versions - this is ugly but effective...
uint32_t hton(int32_t n) { return htonl(n); }
uint16_t hton(int16_t n) { return htons(n); }

// uint64_t ntoh(uint64_t n) { return betoh64(n); }
uint32_t ntoh(uint32_t n) { return ntohl(n); }
uint16_t ntoh(uint16_t n) { return ntohl(n); }

template <typename OStream>
class Binary_OStream : public OStream
    typedef Binary_OStream This;

    This& write(const char* s, std::streamsize n)
        OStream::write(s, n);
        return *this;

    template <typename T>
    This& rawwrite(const T& t)
        static_cast<OStream&>(*this) << '[' << sizeof t << ']';
        return write((const char*)&t, sizeof t);

    template <typename T>
    This& hton(T h)
        T n = ::hton(h);
        return rawwrite(n);

    // conversions for inbuilt & Standard-library types...

    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, bool x) { return bs << (x ? 'T' : 'F'); }
    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, int8_t x) { return bs << x; }
    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, uint8_t x) { return bs << x; }
    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, int16_t x) { return bs.hton(x); }
    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, uint16_t x) { return bs.hton(x); }
    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, int32_t x) { return bs.hton(x); }
    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, uint32_t x) { return bs.hton(x); }

    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, double d) { return bs.rawwrite(d); }

    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, const std::string& x)
        bs << x.size();
        return bs.write(x.data(), x.size());

    template <typename K, typename V, typename A>
    friend This& operator<<(This& bs, const std::map<K, V, A>& m)
        typedef typename std::map<K, V, A>::const_iterator It;

        bs << m.size();

        for (It it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it)
            bs << it->first << it->second;

        return bs;

    // add any others you want...


// for your own objects...    
struct Object
    Object(const std::string& s, double x) : s_(s), x_(x) { }

    std::string s_;
    double x_;

    // specify how you want binary serialisation performed (which fields/order etc)
    template <typename T>
    friend Binary_OStream<T>& operator<<(Binary_OStream<T>& os, const Object& o)
        return os << o.s_ << o.x_;


#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

// support routines just to help you observe/debug the serialisation...

std::string printable(char c)
    std::ostringstream oss;
    if (isprint(c))
        oss << c;
        oss << "\\x" << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
            << (int)(uint8_t)c << std::dec;
    return oss.str();

std::string printable(const std::string& s)
    std::string result;
    for (std::string::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i)
        result += printable(*i);
    return result;

int main()
        Binary_OStream<std::ostringstream> bs;

        Object o("pi", 3.14);

        bs << o;

        std::cout << "serialised to '" << printable(bs.str()) << "'\n";

        Binary_OStream<std::ostringstream> bs;

        std::map<int, std::string> m;
        m[0] = "zero";
        m[1] = "one";
        m[2] = "two";
        bs << m;

        std::cout << "serialised to '" << printable(bs.str()) << "'\n";

下一步是创建一个Binary_IStream - 它与上面非常相似。 (boost通过使用'%'运算符而不是传统的<<>>来减少工作量,以便相同的函数可以指定用于序列化和反序列化的字段。)


  • 如果您愿意,可以从Binary_Stream中删除模板参数,并让构造函数将任意std::ostream&存储到private成员变量中,然后将所有流操作发送到该数据成员。
    • 这样做的好处是可以最大限度地减少不同流类型实例化时的代码膨胀,从而允许实现从转换单元隐藏起来并在以后链接(有助于在大型项目中保持编译时间),并让您只需附加{任何时候{1}}到任何现有的流(如果有人通过您预先存在的流,那就太棒了。)
    • “缺点”是您必须明确转发到Binary_Stream个用户可以访问的任何其他ostream成员函数(更多控制但是单调乏味),或提供(不太方便) /优雅?)Binary_Stream - 样式访问者。