Perl Thread子进程从主线程中窃取STDOUT

时间:2013-07-17 00:07:37

标签: multithreading perl stdout


至于我的脚本的运行情况,基本上,它会分叉子进程并将上传文件流转发给子进程。然后子进程解密文件流并将清除数据发送到unix套接字。回到主进程,打开文件句柄以侦听unix套接字。当写入来自子进程时,主进程通过unix socket(socat)接收明文。


$uploadFH = $query->upload('uplink'); # <-- a client is uploading a file
open(my $clearFH, " socat - UNIX-LISTEN:$workdir/$randompath.decrypt | ") || die "can't decrypt";
my $Q = new Thread::Queue;
my $thread = threads->create(sub{
    my $q = shift;
    my $key = $q->dequeue;
    my $upfileno = $q->dequeue;
    open FH, "<&=$upfileno" or die $!;
    # open data stream, and decrypt it using openssl on the command line
    open(my $sfh, "| openssl aes-256-cbc -pass pass:$key -salt -d |  socat - GOPEN:$workdir/$randompath.sessiondecrypt,append ") || die "can't open here";
    while(my $line = <FH>){
        print $sfh $line;
    close $sfh;
    print "Hi, I am inside.";
}, $Q);
$Q->enqueue( $SymmetricKey );
$Q->enqueue( fileno $uploadFH );
# start scooping up decrypted data from Unix socket
while(<$clearFH){ ...}
$thread->join(); # or $thread->detach(), same result
print "Hi, I am outside.";
# of program continues below

作为进一步的提示,我发现上面的子进程是“main :: STDOUT”的默认打印句柄。因此,看起来子进程“窃取”主进程的STDOUT输出,并且当子进程完成时,主进程也是如此。

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