
时间:2013-07-16 12:39:06

标签: c# sitecore sitecore6


public void OnItemSavedHandled(object sender, EventArgs args)
  Item temp = Event.ExtractParameter(args, 0) as Item;
           "Item field {0} was modified at: {1}, by user:{2}",
           DateTime.Now.ToString(), Sitecore.Context.User.Name),


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




尽管如此,我实际上并不建议您将public void OnItemSaving(object sender, EventArgs args) { Item item = Event.ExtractParameter(args, 0) as Item; if (item == null) return; item.Fields.ReadAll(); foreach (Field field in item.Fields) { if (!field.IsModified) //check if the field is modified continue; Log.Audit(string.Format("OnItemSaving - Item field {0} was modified at: {1}, by user: {2}", field.DisplayName, item.Statistics.Updated.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), item.Statistics.UpdatedBy), this); } } OnItemSaved事件用于您的目的。保存/保存事件由API引发,作为对项目执行的任何保存操作的一部分 - 无论是Sitecore还是Sitecore用户。因此,您可能会注意到,当您通常不希望它们出现时,会引发事件。例如,在发布过程中,执行保存操作,因此引发保存/保存事件。当发生意外的保存操作时,可能还有其他情况。

听起来你更愿意捕获用户保存事件?即当内容作者点击特定项目的“保存”按钮时?如果是这样,我建议您点按OnItemSaving管道。仅当发生Sitecore UI保存事件时才触发此管道(例如,单击保存按钮,按Ctrl + S保存热键等等)

要使用Sitecore.Pipelines.Save管道,您需要为管道创建处理器,然后将其添加到web.config文件中的Sitecore.Pipelines.Save处理器(理想情况下,通过配置包含文件) 。以下是可用于管道处理器的代码:


为了使此代码正常工作,在public class LogFieldChanges { public void Process(SaveArgs args) { foreach (var saveItem in args.Items) //loop through item(s) being saved { var item = Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(saveItem.ID, saveItem.Language, saveItem.Version); //get the actual item being saved if (item == null) continue; foreach (var saveField in saveItem.Fields) //loop through the fields being saved { var field = item.Fields[saveField.ID]; //retrieve the Field from the actual item var isModified = saveField.OriginalValue != saveField.Value; //determine if the field has been modified, we only want to log modified fields if (field == null || !isModified) continue; Log.Audit(string.Format("SaveUI - Item field {0} was modified at: {1}, by user: {2}", field.DisplayName, item.Statistics.Updated.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), item.Statistics.UpdatedBy), this); } } } } 处理器之后插入自定义处理器非常重要。通过将其放在该处理器之后,您可以使用Sitecore.Pipelines.Save.SaveSaveField.OriginalValue属性来确定该字段是否已被修改。此外,通过将处理器放在SaveField.Value处理器之后,您可以使用Sitecore.Pipelines.Save.Save属性来确定项目的保存时间和人员。


答案 1 :(得分:3)

当你保存一个项目时,我想保存至少4个字段:你修改的项目,_ 更新, _更新和修订字段解决方案是下一个

    public void OnItemSaved(object sender, EventArgs args)
        SitecoreEventArgs eventArgs = args as SitecoreEventArgs;
        Debug.Assert(eventArgs != null, "eventArgs != null");
        //get the item who was changed
        Item item = eventArgs.Parameters[0] as Item;
        //get the fields that was modified
        ItemChanges list = eventArgs.Parameters[1] as ItemChanges;

        //parse the list of items and check if current field was modified
        // I didn't find an solution without parsing list
        foreach (Field field in list.Item.Fields)
            if (list.IsFieldModified(field))
                //get the field Name
                string s = field.Name;
        //now your code