
时间:2013-07-16 09:55:09

标签: oracle split multiple-columns



Table name: Address 
Column name: Street_Address
Select Street_Address  * from Address

输出: 123 Main St North Pole Factory 44, near the rear entrance cross the street and turn left and keep walking straight.

我需要将此地址拆分为address_1 address_2address_3



152 Main st North Pole Factory 44, near 

the rear entrance cross the street and

turn left and keep walking straight.


我正在使用oracle 11i数据库。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


with s (street_address, line, part_address, remaining) as (
  select street_address, 0 as line,
    null as part_address, street_address as remaining
  from address
  union all
  select street_address, line + 1 as line,
    case when length(remaining) <= 40 then remaining else
      substr(remaining, 1, instr(substr(remaining, 1, 40), ' ', -1, 1)) end
        as part_address,
    case when length(remaining) <= 40 then null else
      substr(remaining, instr(substr(remaining, 1, 40), ' ', -1, 1) + 1) end
        as remaining
  from s
cycle remaining set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N'
select line, part_address
from s
where part_address is not null
order by street_address, line;


      LINE PART_ADDRESS                           
---------- ----------------------------------------
         1 152 Main st North Pole Factory 44, near  
         2 the rear entrance cross the street and   
         3 turn left and keep walking straight.     

SQL Fiddle demo有两个地址。


create or replace view v_address as
with cte (street_address, line, part_address, remaining) as (
  select street_address, 0 as line,
    null as part_address, street_address as remaining
  from address
  union all
  select street_address, line + 1 as line,
    case when length(remaining) <= 40 then remaining else
      substr(remaining, 1, instr(substr(remaining, 1, 40), ' ', -1, 1)) end
        as part_address,
    case when length(remaining) <= 40 then null else
      substr(remaining, instr(substr(remaining, 1, 40), ' ', -1, 1) + 1) end
        as remaining
  from cte
cycle remaining set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N'
select street_address,
  cast (max(case when line = 1 then part_address end) as varchar2(40))
    as address_1,
  cast (max(case when line = 2 then part_address end) as varchar2(40))
    as address_2,
  cast (max(case when line = 3 then part_address end) as varchar2(40))
    as address_3
from cte
where part_address is not null
group by street_address;

Another SQL Fiddle

值得注意的是,如果street_address长度接近120个字符,它可能不适合3个40个字符块 - 你会丢失一些字符,具体取决于包裹到下一个字的长度'线'。此方法将生成3行以上,但视图仅使用前三行,因此您可能会丢失地址的末尾。您可能希望将字段设置得更长,或者为这些情况设置address_4 ...

答案 1 :(得分:1)

这非常“快速和肮脏”,但我认为它给出了正确的结果 我使用了流水线表,但可能没有它就可以完成......

Here is a sqlfiddle demo

create table t1(id number, adr varchar2(120))
insert into t1 values(1, '152 Main st North Pole Factory 44, near the rear entrance cross the street and turn left and keep walking straight.')
insert into t1 values(2, '122 Main st Pole Factory 44, near the rear entrance cross the street and turn left and keep walking straight. asdsa')

create or replace type t is object(id number, phrase1 varchar2(40), phrase2 varchar2(40), phrase3 varchar2(40))
create or replace type t_tab as table of t

create or replace function split_string(id number, str in varchar2) return t_tab
  pipelined is

  v_token   varchar2(40);
  v_token_i number := 0;
  v_cur_len number := 0;
  v_res_str varchar2(121) := str || ' ';
  v_p1      varchar2(40);
  v_p2      varchar2(40);
  v_p3      varchar2(40);
  v_p_i     number := 1;


  v_token_i := instr(v_res_str, ' ');

  while v_token_i > 0 loop

    v_token := substr(v_res_str, 1, v_token_i - 1);

      if v_cur_len + length(v_token) < 40 then

        if v_p_i = 1 then 
          v_p1 := v_p1 || ' ' || v_token;
        elsif v_p_i = 2 then 
          v_p2 := v_p2 || ' ' || v_token;
        elsif v_p_i = 3 then 
          v_p3 := v_p3 || ' ' || v_token;
        end if;

        v_cur_len := v_cur_len + length(v_token) +1;
        v_p_i := v_p_i + 1;

        if v_p_i = 2 then 
          v_p2 := v_p2 || ' ' || v_token;
        elsif v_p_i = 3 then 
          v_p3 := v_p3 || ' ' || v_token;
        end if;

        v_cur_len := length(v_token);

     end if;

     v_res_str := substr(v_res_str, v_token_i + 1);
     v_token_i := instr(v_res_str, ' ');

   end loop;

   pipe row(t(id, v_p1, v_p2, v_p3));
end split_string;


select parts.*, length(PHRASE1), length(PHRASE2), length(PHRASE3)
from t1, table(split_string(t1.id, t1.adr)) parts